
223 lines
7.4 KiB

# This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
# this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
from decimal import Decimal
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
from trytond.model import UnionMixin
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateView, StateAction, Button
from sql import Column
from trytond.pyson import PYSONEncoder
__all__ = ['Work', 'ProjectSummary', 'ProjectSummaryStart',
class ProjectSummaryStart(ModelView):
'Project Summary Start'
__name__ = ''
limit_date = fields.Date('At Date')
def default_limit_date():
Date_ = Pool().get('')
class ProjectSummaryWizard(Wizard):
'Project Summary Wizard'
__name__ = 'project.open_summary'
start = StateView('',
'project_management.open_project_summary_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Open', 'open_summary', 'tryton-ok', True),
open_summary = StateAction('project_management.act_project_summary_id')
def do_open_summary(self, action):
pool = Pool()
ProjectSummary = pool.get('')
ProjectWork = pool.get('')
active_ids = Transaction().context.get('active_ids')
projects = ProjectWork.browse(active_ids)
res_ids = [ProjectSummary.union_shard(, '') for
w in projects]
context = {}
context['limit_date'] = self.start.limit_date
data = {'res_ids': res_ids}
action['pyson_domain'] = PYSONEncoder().encode([('id', 'in', res_ids)])
action['pyson_context'] = PYSONEncoder().encode(context)
return action, data
class Work:
__metaclass__ = PoolMeta
__name__ = ''
progress_cost = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Cost(P)',
digits=(16, 4)), 'get_total')
progress_revenue = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Revenue(P)',
digits=(16, 4)), 'get_total')
invoiced_cost = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Cost (F)',
digits=(16, 4)), 'get_total')
def _get_summary_models():
# [(model, related_field, function), ]
return []
def _get_summary_fields():
return ['cost', 'revenue', 'progress_cost', 'progress_revenue',
def get_total(cls, works, names):
names = list(set(names + cls._get_summary_fields()))
res = super(Work, cls).get_total(works, names)
return res
def get_amounts(cls, works, names):
pool = Pool()
res = {}
for name in names:
res[name] = {}
for work in works:
res[name][] = Decimal(0)
Company = pool.get('')
company = Transaction().context.get('company')
company = Company(company)
digits = company.currency.digits
for model, related_field, calc_func in cls._get_summary_models():
Model = pool.get(model)
objects =[(related_field, 'in',
[ for x in works])])
if not objects:
func = getattr(Model, calc_func)
values = func(objects, names)
for name in names:
if name not in values:
for k, val in values[name].iteritems():
obj = Model(k)
key = getattr(obj, related_field)
res[name][] = (res[name].get(, Decimal(0)) +
Decimal(str(10.0 ** -digits)))
return res
def _get_invoiced_cost(cls, works):
return cls.get_amounts(works, ['invoiced_cost'])['invoiced_cost']
def _get_progress_cost(cls, works):
return cls.get_amounts(works, ['progress_cost'])['progress_cost']
def _get_cost(cls, works):
return cls.get_amounts(works, ['cost'])['cost']
def _get_revenue(cls, works):
return cls.get_amounts(works, ['revenue'])['revenue']
def _get_progress_revenue(cls, works):
return cls.get_amounts(works, ['progress_revenue'])['progress_revenue']
class ProjectSummary(UnionMixin, ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Project Summary'
__name__ = ''
cost = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Cost(T)', digits=(16, 4)),
revenue = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Revenue(T)', digits=(16, 4)),
progress_cost = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Cost(P)',
digits=(16, 4)), 'get_total')
progress_revenue = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Revenue(P)',
digits=(16, 4)), 'get_total')
invoiced_cost = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Cost(F)',
digits=(16, 4)), 'get_total')
invoiced_amount = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Revenue(F)',
digits=(16, 4)), 'get_total')
type = fields.Selection('get_types', 'Type', required=True, readonly=True)
parent = fields.Many2One('', 'Parent')
children = fields.One2Many('', 'parent', 'Children')
company = fields.Many2One('', 'Company')
name = fields.Char('Name')
origin = fields.Function(fields.Reference('Origin', selection='get_types'),
def _get_origin(cls, lines, name):
m = {}
for line in lines:
obj = cls.union_unshard(
m[] = "%s,%s" % (obj.__name__,
return m
def get_types(cls):
Model = Pool().get('ir.model')
models = cls.union_models()
models =[
('model', 'in', models),
return [(m.model, for m in models]
def union_column(cls, name, field, table, Model):
if name == 'type':
return Model.__name__
if name == 'parent':
if Model.__name__ != '':
field_name = Model._get_summary_related_field()
union_field = Model._fields.get(field_name)
if union_field:
column = Column(table,
target_model = union_field.model_name
column = cls.union_shard(column, target_model)
return column
res = super(ProjectSummary, cls).union_column(name, field,
table, Model)
return res
def union_models():
return ['']
def get_total(cls, lines, names):
pool = Pool()
res = {}
for name in names:
res[name] = {}
for line in lines:
Model = pool.get(line.type)
func = getattr(Model, 'get_total')
obj = cls.union_unshard(
val = func([obj], names)
for name in names:
res[name][] = val.get(name) and \
val[name].get(, Decimal(0)) or Decimal(0)
return res