from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields from trytond.pyson import Eval class Role(ModelSQL, ModelView): 'Project Role' __name__ = 'project.role' name = fields.Char('name', required=True) class WorkConfiguration(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = 'work.configuration' default_allocation_employee = fields.Many2One('company.employee', 'Default Allocation Employee') class Allocation(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = 'project.allocation' role = fields.Many2One('project.role', "Role", required=True) class TaskPhase(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__= '' role = fields.Many2One('project.role', "Role") class Work(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = '' assignee = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('company.employee', 'Assignee'), 'get_assignee', searcher='search_assignee') role_employee = fields.Function(fields.Char('Role Employee'), 'get_role_employee', searcher='search_role_employee') @fields.depends('parent', 'allocations', '') def on_change_parent(self): pool = Pool() Allocation = pool.get('project.allocation') # try except needed cause super don't have on_change_parent # but it could have it in the future try: super(Work, self).on_change_parent() except: pass if not self.parent or not self.parent.allocations: return allocations =[] for allocation_parent in self.parent.allocations: for allocation in self.allocations: if allocation_parent.role == allocation.role: allocation.employee = allocation_parent.employee break else: new_allocation = Allocation() new_allocation.role = allocation_parent.role new_allocation.employee = allocation_parent.employee allocations.append(new_allocation) self.allocations += tuple(allocations) @fields.depends('tracker', 'allocations') def on_change_tracker(self): pool = Pool() Allocation = pool.get('project.allocation') Configuration = Pool().get('work.configuration') # try except needed cause super doesn't have on_change_tracker # but it could have it in the future try: super(Work, self).on_change_tracker() except: pass if not self.tracker or not self.tracker.workflow: return allocations = [] existing_roles = {x.role for x in self.allocations if x.role} for line in self.tracker.workflow.lines: role = line.phase.role if not role or role in existing_roles: continue existing_roles.add(role) allocation = Allocation() allocation.role = role allocation.employee = Configuration(1).default_allocation_employee allocations.append(allocation) self.allocations += tuple(allocations) @classmethod def _get_assignee_query(cls): pool = Pool() Allocation = pool.get('project.allocation') Phase = pool.get('') Employee = pool.get('company.employee') Party = pool.get('') Role = pool.get('project.role') work = cls.__table__() allocation = Allocation.__table__() phase = Phase.__table__() employee = Employee.__table__() party = Party.__table__() role = Role.__table__() join1 = work.join(allocation, condition = == join2 = join1.join(phase, condition = == work.task_phase) join3 = join2.join(employee, condition = allocation.employee == join4 = join3.join(party, condition = == join5 = join4.join(role, condition = allocation.role == query = query.where = (phase.role == allocation.role) return query, party, role def get_assignee(self, name): if not self.task_phase: return role_need = self.task_phase.role for allocation in self.allocations: if allocation.role == role_need: return @classmethod def search_assignee(cls, name, clause): query, party, _ = cls._get_assignee_query() Operator = fields.SQL_OPERATORS[clause[1]] query.where &= (Operator(, clause[2])) return [('id', 'in', query)] def get_role_employee(self, name): res = [] for allocation in self.allocations: res.append('%s/%s' % (allocation.employee.rec_name, allocation.role.rec_name if allocation.role else '')) return ' '.join(res) @classmethod def search_role_employee(cls, name, clause): Operator = fields.SQL_OPERATORS[clause[1]] value = clause[2] values = value.split('/') employee_value = values[0] if len(values) > 1: role_value = values[1] else: role_value = '' if 'like' in clause[1]: employee_value = employee_value + '%' if role_value: role_value = '%' + role_value query, party, role = cls._get_assignee_query() if role_value: query.where = (Operator(, role_value) & Operator(, employee_value)) else: query.where = Operator(, employee_value) return [('id', 'in', query)]