#The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains the full #copyright notices and license terms. from trytond.model import ModelView, fields from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta from trytond.pyson import Eval from trytond.transaction import Transaction from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateView, StateTransition, Button __all__ = ['Work', 'CreateFromTemplateStart', 'CreateFromTemplate'] __metaclass__ = PoolMeta class Work: 'Work Effort' __name__ = 'project.work' template = fields.Boolean('Template') percentage = fields.Float('Percentage', states={ 'invisible': Eval('type') != 'task', }, depends=['type']) @staticmethod def default_percentage(): return 0.0 @classmethod def create(cls, vlist): works = super(Work, cls).create(vlist) to_update = [] for work in works: if work.parent and work.parent.template and not work.template: to_update.append(work) if len(to_update) > 0: cls.write(to_update, {'template': True}) return works @classmethod def write(cls, works, values): transaction = Transaction() context = transaction.context if 'template' in values and not context.get('template', False): to_update = cls.search([ ('parent', 'child_of', [w.id for w in works]), ('active', '=', True), ]) + works with transaction.set_context(template=True): cls.write(to_update, {'template': values['template']}) del values['template'] return super(Work, cls).write(works, values) @classmethod def create_from_template(cls, works, name, effort): TimesheetWork = Pool().get('timesheet.work') transaction = Transaction() context = transaction.context new_works = [] for work in works: with Transaction().set_context(template=True): new_work, = cls.copy([work]) TimesheetWork.write([new_work.work], {'name': name}) new_work.work.name = name new_work.template = False if context.get('party'): new_work.party = context.get('party') if context.get('address'): new_work.party_address = context.get('address') if len(work.children) == 0: new_work.effort = effort new_work.save() new_works.append(new_work) for child in work.children: new_child, = cls.copy([child]) new_child.effort = (child.percentage * effort) / 100.0 new_child.template = False new_child.parent = new_work new_child.save() return new_works class CreateFromTemplateStart(ModelView): 'Create From Template Start' __name__ = 'project_template.create_from_template_start' name = fields.Char('Name', help='Name of the new project/task to create.', required=True) effort = fields.Float('Effort', help='Total effort of the project/task.', required=True) class CreateFromTemplate(Wizard): 'Create From Template' __name__ = 'project_template.create_from_template' start = StateView('project_template.create_from_template_start', 'project_template.create_from_template_start', [ Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'), Button('Create Project', 'creatework', 'tryton-ok', default=True), ]) creatework = StateTransition() def transition_creatework(self): Work = Pool().get('project.work') works = Work.browse(Transaction().context['active_ids']) Work.create_from_template(works, self.start.name, self.start.effort) return 'end'