# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains the full # copyright notices and license terms. from datetime import datetime from decimal import Decimal from trytond.model import fields from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta from trytond.pyson import Bool, Eval, Id, Not, Or from trytond.transaction import Transaction from trytond.exceptions import UserError from trytond.i18n import gettext __all__ = ['MoveEvent', 'Sale', 'SaleLine'] class MoveEvent(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = 'farm.move.event' origin = fields.Reference('Origin', selection='get_origin', readonly=True, select=True) @classmethod def _get_origin(cls): 'Return list of Model names for origin Reference' return ['sale.line'] @classmethod def get_origin(cls): pool = Pool() Model = pool.get('ir.model') models = cls._get_origin() models = Model.search([ ('model', 'in', models), ]) return [('', '')] + [(m.model, m.name) for m in models] @classmethod def validate_event(cls, events): pool = Pool() Sale = pool.get('sale.sale') sales_to_process = set() for event in events: if event.origin and isinstance(event.origin, SaleLine): if not event.weight: raise UserError(gettext( 'sale_farm.msg_weight_required_in_sale_move_event', event=event.rec_name)) sales_to_process.add(event.origin.sale.id) user_farms = Transaction().context.get('farms') with Transaction().set_user(0, set_context=True), \ Transaction().set_context(farms=user_farms): super(MoveEvent, cls).validate_event(events) if sales_to_process: Sale.process(Sale.browse(list(sales_to_process))) class Sale(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = 'sale.sale' move_events = fields.Function(fields.Many2Many('farm.move.event', None, None, "Animal's Moves"), 'get_move_events') def get_move_events(self, name): return [m.id for l in self.lines for m in l.move_events] def get_shipment_state(self): state = super(Sale, self).get_shipment_state() if state in ('none', 'sent') and self.move_events: if all(l.move_event_done for l in self.lines): return 'sent' else: return 'waiting' return state @classmethod def process(cls, sales): super(Sale, cls).process(sales) for sale in sales: if sale.invoice_state != 'paid' or sale.shipment_state != 'sent': continue if not sale.move_events: continue for line in sale.lines: line.set_move_event_unit_price() def create_shipment(self, shipment_type): res = super(Sale, self).create_shipment(shipment_type) if self.shipment_method == 'manual': return res for line in self.lines: move_event = line.get_move_event(shipment_type) if move_event: move_event.save() return res class SaleLine(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = 'sale.line' animal = fields.Reference('Animal', selection='get_animal_models', states={ 'invisible': Or(Eval('type') != 'line', Not(Eval('context', {}).get('groups', []).contains( Id('farm', 'group_farm')))), 'readonly': ~Eval('_parent_sale', {}), }, depends=['type']) animal_type = fields.Function(fields.Selection([ (None, ''), ('male', 'Male'), ('female', 'Female'), ('individual', 'Individual'), ('group', 'Group'), ], 'Animal Type'), 'on_change_with_animal_type') animal_location = fields.Many2One('stock.location', 'Animal Location', domain=[ ('type', '=', 'storage'), ], states={ 'invisible': ~Bool(Eval('animal_type')), 'required': Bool(Eval('animal_type')), 'readonly': Eval('animal_type', '') != 'group', }, depends=['animal_type']) animal_quantity = fields.Integer('Animal Quantity', states={ 'invisible': Eval('animal_type', '') != 'group', 'required': Eval('animal_type', '') == 'group', }, depends=['animal_type']) move_events = fields.One2Many('farm.move.event', 'origin', "Animal's Moves", readonly=True) @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(SaleLine, cls).__setup__() if hasattr(cls, 'analytic_accounts'): cls.animal.on_change.add('analytic_accounts') cls.animal_location.on_change.add('analytic_accounts') @classmethod def get_animal_models(cls): IrModel = Pool().get('ir.model') models = IrModel.search([ ('model', 'in', [ 'farm.animal', 'farm.animal.group', ]), ]) return [('', '')] + [(m.model, m.name) for m in models] @fields.depends('type', 'animal', 'sale', '_parent_sale.sale_date') def on_change_animal(self): Animal = Pool().get('farm.animal') self.animal_location = None self.animal_quantity = None if (not self.type or self.type != 'line' or not self.animal or self.animal.id < 0): return analytic_accounts = None if isinstance(self.animal, Animal): self.animal_location = (self.animal.location if self.animal.location else None) self.animal_quantity = 1 if hasattr(self.animal.location, 'analytic_accounts'): analytic_accounts = self.animal.location.analytic_accounts elif len(self.animal.locations) == 1: group_location = self.animal.locations[0] with Transaction().set_context( locations=[group_location.id], stock_date_end=(self.sale.sale_date if self.sale and self.sale.sale_date else None)): self.animal_location = group_location self.animal_quantity = self.animal.quantity or None if hasattr(group_location, 'analytic_accounts'): analytic_accounts = group_location.analytic_accounts if (self.animal_location and hasattr(self, 'analytic_accounts') and analytic_accounts): for account in analytic_accounts.accounts: setattr(self, 'analytic_account_%s' % account.root.id, account.id) @fields.depends('type', 'animal') def on_change_with_animal_type(self, name=None): Animal = Pool().get('farm.animal') if not self.type or not self.animal or self.animal.id < 0: return None if isinstance(self.animal, Animal): return self.animal.type return 'group' @fields.depends('animal', 'animal_location', 'sale', '_parent_sale.sale_date') def on_change_animal_location(self): if not self.animal or not self.animal_location: self.animal_quantity = None return with Transaction().set_context( locations=[self.animal_location.id], stock_date_end=(self.sale.sale_date if self.sale and self.sale.sale_date else None)): self.animal_quantity = self.animal.lot.quantity or None if (hasattr(self, 'analytic_accounts') and self.animal_location.analytic_accounts): for account in self.animal_location.analytic_accounts.accounts: setattr(self, 'analytic_account_%s' % account.root.id, account.id) @property def move_event_done(self): if not self.animal_type: return True quantity = self.animal_quantity for event in self.move_events: if event.state == 'draft': return False if event.state == 'validated': quantity -= event.quantity if (self.animal_quantity > 0 and quantity > 0 or self.animal_quantity < 0 and quantity < 0): return False return True def get_move_event(self, shipment_type): ''' Return move event for the sale line according ot shipment_type ''' pool = Pool() MoveEvent = pool.get('farm.move.event') if self.type != 'line': return if not self.animal_type: return if (shipment_type == 'out') != (self.animal_quantity >= 0): return quantity = self.animal_quantity for event in self.move_events: if event.state != 'cancel': quantity -= event.quantity if (self.animal_quantity > 0 and quantity <= 0 or self.animal_quantity < 0 and quantity >= 0): return if not self.sale.party.customer_location: raise UserError(gettext('sale.msg_sale_customer_location_required', sale=self.sale.rec_name, line=self.rec_name, )) with Transaction().set_user(0, set_context=True): move_event = MoveEvent() move_event.animal_type = self.animal_type move_event.specie = self.animal.specie move_event.farm = self.animal_location.warehouse if self.animal_type == 'group': move_event.animal_group = self.animal else: move_event.animal = self.animal move_event.timestamp = datetime.combine(self.shipping_date, datetime.now().time()) if self.shipping_date else datetime.now() move_event.from_location = self.animal_location move_event.to_location = self.sale.party.customer_location move_event.quantity = self.animal_quantity move_event.unit_price = Decimal('0.0') move_event.origin = self return move_event def set_move_event_unit_price(self): pool = Pool() ModelData = pool.get('ir.model.data') LotCostLine = pool.get('stock.lot.cost_line') invoice_amount = sum(il.on_change_with_amount() for il in self.invoice_lines if il.invoice.paid) delivered_animals = sum(e.quantity for e in self.move_events if e.state == 'validated') unit_price = self.sale.currency.round(invoice_amount / delivered_animals) category_id = ModelData.get_id('sale_farm', 'cost_category_sale_price') lot = self.animal.lot for event in self.move_events: if event.state != 'validated': continue event.unit_price = unit_price event.save() if lot.cost_price != unit_price: cost_line = LotCostLine() cost_line.lot = lot cost_line.category = category_id cost_line.origin = str(event) cost_line.unit_price = self.sale.currency.round( unit_price - lot.cost_price if lot.cost_price else unit_price) cost_line.save() @classmethod def copy(cls, lines, default=None): if default is None: default = {} else: default = default.copy() default.setdefault('move_events', None) return super(SaleLine, cls).copy(lines, default=default)