# This file is part sale_margin module for Tryton. # The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains # the full copyright notices and license terms. from decimal import Decimal from math import fabs from trytond.model import fields from trytond.pyson import Eval from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta from trytond.modules.product import price_digits from trytond.modules.currency.fields import Monetary __all__ = ['Sale', 'SaleLine'] _ZERO = Decimal(0) class Sale(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = 'sale.sale' margin = fields.Function(Monetary('Margin', currency='currency', digits='currency', help=('It gives profitability by calculating the difference ' 'between the Unit Price and Cost Price.')), 'get_margin') margin_cache = Monetary('Margin Cache', currency='currency', digits='currency', readonly=True) margin_percent = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Margin (%)', digits=(16, 4)), 'get_margin_percent') margin_percent_cache = fields.Numeric('Margin (%) Cache', digits=(16, 4), readonly=True) @classmethod def copy(cls, sales, default=None): if default is None: default = {} default = default.copy() default['margin_cache'] = None default['margin_percent_cache'] = None return super(Sale, cls).copy(sales, default=default) def get_margin(self, name): ''' Return the margin of each sales ''' Currency = Pool().get('currency.currency') if (self.state in self._states_cached and self.margin_cache is not None): return self.margin_cache margin = sum((l.margin for l in self.lines if l.type == 'line'), _ZERO) return Currency.round(self.currency, margin) def get_margin_percent(self, name): Configuration = Pool().get('sale.configuration') config = Configuration(1) sale_margin_method = config.sale_margin_method or 'cost_price' if (self.state in self._states_cached and self.margin_percent_cache is not None): return self.margin_percent_cache price = sum( Decimal(str(fabs(l.quantity))) * ( getattr(l, sale_margin_method) or _ZERO) for l in self.lines if l.type == 'line') if price: return (self.margin / price).quantize(Decimal('0.0001')) else: return Decimal('1.0') @classmethod def store_cache(cls, sales): super(Sale, cls).store_cache(sales) for sale in sales: cls.write([sale], { 'margin_cache': sale.margin, 'margin_percent_cache': sale.margin_percent, }) class SaleLine(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = 'sale.line' cost_price = fields.Numeric('Cost Price', digits=price_digits, states={ 'invisible': Eval('type') != 'line', 'readonly': ~Eval('sale_state').in_(['draft', 'quotation']), }, depends=['type', 'sale_state']) margin = fields.Function(Monetary('Margin', currency='currency', digits='currency', states={ 'invisible': ~Eval('type').in_(['line', 'subtotal']), 'readonly': ~Eval('_parent_sale'), }, depends=['type', 'amount']), 'on_change_with_margin') margin_percent = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Margin (%)', digits=(16, 4), states={ 'invisible': ~Eval('type').in_(['line', 'subtotal']), }, depends=['type']), 'on_change_with_margin_percent') @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(SaleLine, cls).__setup__() if hasattr(cls, 'gross_unit_price'): cls.margin.on_change_with.add('gross_unit_price') cls.margin_percent.on_change_with.add('gross_unit_price') @staticmethod def default_cost_price(): return _ZERO @fields.depends('product') def on_change_product(self): super(SaleLine, self).on_change_product() if self.product: cost_price = self.product.cost_price self.cost_price = cost_price.quantize( Decimal(1) / 10 ** self.__class__.cost_price.digits[1]) @fields.depends('type', 'quantity', 'cost_price', '_parent_sale.currency', '_parent_sale.lines', methods=['on_change_with_amount']) def on_change_with_margin(self, name=None): ''' Return the margin of each sale lines ''' Currency = Pool().get('currency.currency') cost = _ZERO if self.sale and self.sale.currency: currency = self.sale.currency if self.type == 'line': if self.quantity and self.cost_price: cost = Decimal(str(self.quantity)) * (self.cost_price) self.amount = self.on_change_with_amount() return Currency.round(currency, self.amount - cost) elif self.type == 'subtotal': for line2 in self.sale.lines: if self == line2: return cost if line2.type == 'line': cost_price = line2.cost_price or _ZERO cost2 = Decimal(str(line2.quantity)) * cost_price cost += Currency.round(currency, line2.amount - cost2) elif line2.type == 'subtotal': cost = _ZERO return cost @fields.depends('type', 'quantity', 'cost_price', 'unit_price', '_parent_sale.currency', '_parent_sale.lines', methods=['on_change_with_margin']) def on_change_with_margin_percent(self, name=None): Configuration = Pool().get('sale.configuration') config = Configuration(1) sale_margin_method = config.sale_margin_method or 'cost_price' if self.type not in ('line', 'subtotal'): return self.margin = self.on_change_with_margin() if not self.margin: return price = _ZERO if self.type == 'line': if not self.quantity: return if sale_margin_method == 'cost_price' and not self.cost_price: return Decimal('1.0') if sale_margin_method == 'unit_price' and not self.unit_price: return Decimal('1.0') if sale_margin_method == 'unit_price': price = self.get_margin_unit_price() else: price = self.get_margin_cost_price() return (self.margin / price).quantize(Decimal('0.0001')) else: for line2 in self.sale.lines: if self == line2: if not price: return Decimal('1.0') else: return ( self.margin / price).quantize(Decimal('0.0001')) if line2.type == 'line': if sale_margin_method == 'unit_price': price += line2.get_margin_unit_price() else: price += line2.get_margin_cost_price() elif line2.type == 'subtotal': price = _ZERO return price def get_margin_cost_price(self): return Decimal(str(fabs(self.quantity))) * (self.cost_price or _ZERO) def get_margin_unit_price(self): return Decimal(str(fabs(self.quantity))) * (self.unit_price or _ZERO)