# This file is part of the sale_payment module for Tryton. # The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains the full # copyright notices and license terms. from decimal import Decimal from trytond.model import ModelView, fields from trytond.pool import PoolMeta, Pool from trytond.pyson import Bool, Eval, Not from trytond.transaction import Transaction from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateView, StateTransition, Button __all__ = ['Sale', 'SalePaymentForm', 'WizardSalePayment', 'WizardSaleReconcile'] __metaclass__ = PoolMeta class Sale: __name__ = 'sale.sale' payments = fields.One2Many('account.statement.line', 'sale', 'Payments') paid_amount = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Paid Amount', readonly=True), 'get_paid_amount') residual_amount = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Residual Amount', readonly=True), 'get_residual_amount') sale_device = fields.Many2One('sale.device', 'Sale Device', domain=[('shop', '=', Eval('shop'))], depends=['shop'], states={ 'readonly': Eval('state') != 'draft', } ) @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(Sale, cls).__setup__() cls._buttons.update({ 'wizard_sale_payment': { 'invisible': Eval('state') == 'done', 'readonly': Not(Bool(Eval('lines'))), }, }) cls._error_messages.update({ 'not_customer_invoice': ('A customer invoice/refund ' 'from sale device has not been created.'), }) @staticmethod def default_sale_device(): User = Pool().get('res.user') user = User(Transaction().user) return user.sale_device and user.sale_device.id or None @classmethod def workflow_to_end(cls, sales): pool = Pool() Invoice = pool.get('account.invoice') Date = pool.get('ir.date') for sale in sales: if sale.state == 'draft': cls.quote([sale]) if sale.state == 'quotation': cls.confirm([sale]) if sale.state == 'confirmed': cls.process([sale]) if not sale.invoices and sale.invoice_method == 'order': cls.raise_user_error('not_customer_invoice') grouping = getattr(sale.party, 'sale_invoice_grouping_method', False) if sale.invoices and not grouping: for invoice in sale.invoices: if invoice.state == 'draft': if not getattr(invoice, 'invoice_date', False): invoice.invoice_date = Date.today() if not getattr(invoice, 'accounting_date', False): invoice.accounting_date = Date.today() invoice.description = sale.reference invoice.save() Invoice.post(sale.invoices) for payment in sale.payments: invoice = sale.invoices[0] payment.invoice = invoice.id # Because of account_invoice_party_without_vat module # could be installed, invoice party may be different of # payment party if payment party has not any vat # and both parties must be the same if payment.party != invoice.party: payment.party = invoice.party payment.save() if sale.is_done(): cls.do([sale]) @classmethod def get_paid_amount(cls, sales, names): result = {n: {s.id: Decimal(0) for s in sales} for n in names} for name in names: for sale in sales: for payment in sale.payments: result[name][sale.id] += payment.amount return result @classmethod def get_residual_amount(cls, sales, names): return { n: {s.id: s.total_amount - s.paid_amount for s in sales} for n in names } @classmethod @ModelView.button_action('sale_payment.wizard_sale_payment') def wizard_sale_payment(cls, sales): pass @classmethod def copy(cls, sales, default=None): if default is None: default = {} default['payments'] = None return super(Sale, cls).copy(sales, default) class SalePaymentForm(ModelView): 'Sale Payment Form' __name__ = 'sale.payment.form' journal = fields.Many2One('account.statement.journal', 'Statement Journal', domain=[ ('id', 'in', Eval('journals', [])), ], depends=['journals'], required=True) journals = fields.One2Many('account.statement.journal', None, 'Allowed Statement Journals') payment_amount = fields.Numeric('Payment amount', required=True, digits=(16, Eval('currency_digits', 2)), depends=['currency_digits']) currency_digits = fields.Integer('Currency Digits') party = fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Party', readonly=True) class WizardSalePayment(Wizard): 'Wizard Sale Payment' __name__ = 'sale.payment' start = StateView('sale.payment.form', 'sale_payment.sale_payment_view_form', [ Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'), Button('Pay', 'pay_', 'tryton-ok', default=True), ]) pay_ = StateTransition() @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(WizardSalePayment, cls).__setup__() cls._error_messages.update({ 'not_sale_device': ('You have not defined a sale device for ' 'your user.'), 'not_draft_statement': ('A draft statement for "%s" payments ' 'has not been created.'), 'party_without_account_receivable': 'Party %s has no any ' 'account receivable defined. Please, assign one.', }) def default_start(self, fields): pool = Pool() Sale = pool.get('sale.sale') User = pool.get('res.user') sale = Sale(Transaction().context['active_id']) user = User(Transaction().user) sale_device = sale.sale_device or user.sale_device or False if user.id != 0 and not sale_device: self.raise_user_error('not_sale_device') return { 'journal': sale_device.journal.id if sale_device.journal else None, 'journals': [j.id for j in sale_device.journals], 'payment_amount': sale.total_amount - sale.paid_amount if sale.paid_amount else sale.total_amount, 'currency_digits': sale.currency_digits, 'party': sale.party.id, } def transition_pay_(self): pool = Pool() Date = pool.get('ir.date') Sale = pool.get('sale.sale') Statement = pool.get('account.statement') StatementLine = pool.get('account.statement.line') form = self.start statements = Statement.search([ ('journal', '=', form.journal), ('state', '=', 'draft'), ], order=[('date', 'DESC')]) if not statements: self.raise_user_error('not_draft_statement', (form.journal.name,)) active_id = Transaction().context.get('active_id', False) sale = Sale(active_id) if not sale.reference: Sale.set_reference([sale]) account = (sale.party.account_receivable and sale.party.account_receivable.id or self.raise_user_error('party_without_account_receivable', error_args=(sale.party.name,))) if form.payment_amount: payment = StatementLine( statement=statements[0].id, date=Date.today(), amount=form.payment_amount, party=sale.party.id, account=account, description=sale.reference, sale=active_id ) payment.save() if sale.total_amount != sale.paid_amount: return 'start' if sale.state != 'draft': return 'end' sale.description = sale.reference sale.save() Sale.workflow_to_end([sale]) return 'end' class WizardSaleReconcile(Wizard): 'Reconcile Sales' __name__ = 'sale.reconcile' start = StateTransition() reconcile = StateTransition() def transition_start(self): pool = Pool() Sale = pool.get('sale.sale') Line = pool.get('account.move.line') for sale in Sale.browse(Transaction().context['active_ids']): account = sale.party.account_receivable lines = [] amount = Decimal('0.0') for invoice in sale.invoices: for line in Line.browse(invoice.get_lines_to_pay(None)): if not line.reconciliation: lines.append(line) amount += line.debit - line.credit for payment in sale.payments: if not payment.move: continue for line in payment.move.lines: if (not line.reconciliation and line.account.id == account.id): lines.append(line) amount += line.debit - line.credit if lines and amount == Decimal('0.0'): Line.reconcile(lines) return 'end'