Albert Cervera i Areny 9ee851cab3 Migrate to python 3
2018-10-28 00:22:30 +02:00

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# This file is part of stock_lot_jreport module for Tryton.
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains the full
# copyright notices and license terms.
from trytond.model import fields
from trytond.modules.jasper_reports.jasper import JasperReport
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
__all__ = ['Lot', 'LotReport']
class Lot(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'stock.lot'
lag_quantity = fields.Function(fields.Float('Lag Quantity'),
'get_lag_quantity', searcher='search_lag_quantity')
warehouse = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('stock.location',
'Warehouse'), 'get_warehouse')
def get_lag_quantity(cls, lots, name):
pool = Pool()
Date = pool.get('')
Location = pool.get('stock.location')
configuration = pool.get('stock.configuration')(1)
location_ids = (configuration.warehouse and
[] or [])
if not location_ids:
warehouses =[('type', '=', 'warehouse')])
location_ids = [ for w in warehouses]
lag_days = configuration.lag_days or 0
stock_date_end = + relativedelta(days=int(lag_days))
with Transaction().set_context({'stock_date_end': stock_date_end}):
quantities = cls._get_quantity(lots, name, location_ids,
grouping=('product', 'lot'))
return quantities
def search_lag_quantity(cls, name, domain=None):
pool = Pool()
Date = pool.get('')
configuration = pool.get('stock.configuration')(1)
Location = pool.get('stock.location')
location_ids = (configuration.warehouse and
[] or [])
if not location_ids:
warehouses =[('type', '=', 'warehouse')])
location_ids = [ for w in warehouses]
lag_days = configuration.lag_days or 0
stock_date_end = + relativedelta(days=int(lag_days))
with Transaction().set_context({'stock_date_end': stock_date_end}):
return cls._search_quantity(name, location_ids, domain,
grouping=('product', 'lot'))
def get_warehouse(cls, lots, name):
configuration = Pool().get('stock.configuration')(1)
warehouse_id = (configuration.warehouse and or None)
return { warehouse_id for l in lots}
class LotReport(JasperReport):
__name__ = 'stock.lot.jreport'