![Diagram deploy](diagram.png "Deploy") # Description Docker tryton-non_official It is a tool for deploying unofficial Tryton modules in Docker, including: 1. Gnuhealth 2. Kalenis 3. NaNtic 4. Datalife 5. Presik 6. Trytonar 7. OneTeam 8. Etrivial > Gnuhealth and Etrivial most be work whit tryton5.0 | Nombre | DescripciĆ³n | | -------------- | ------------------ | | Trytond | Servidor de Tryton | | Trytond-Worker | EjecuciĆ³n de colas | | Trytond-Cron | Tareas programadas | | Nginx | uso con Uwsgi | # Unofficial Providers | Name | Estiamted Modules | Versions | Web Site | Repositories | --------- | -------------- | ------------------ | -------------------------- | --------------- | Gnuhealth | | 5.0, 6.0 | https://www.gnuhealth.org/ | | Kalenis | 33 | 6.0 | https://kalenislims.com/ | https://gitea.onecluster.org/Kalenis | NaNtic | 1150 | 6.0, 6.4, 6.8 | https://www.nan-tic.com/es | https://github.com/NaN-tic | Datalife | 200 | 6.0 | https://datalifeit.es/ | https://gitlab.com/datalifeit/trytond-stock_unit_load | Presik | 180 | 6.0 | https://presik.com/ | https://bitbucket.org/presik/ | Trytonar | 31 | 6.0 | https://www.tryton.org.ar/ | https://github.com/tryton-ar/ | OneTeam | 26 | 6.0, 6.2, 6.4, 6.6 | | https://git.disroot.org/OneTeam # Docker versions of Tryton and Python | Tryton | Python | | ------ | ------ | | 5.0 | 3.7 | | 6.0 | 3.7 | | 6.2 | 3.7 | | 6.4 | 3.7 | | 6.6 | 3.9 | | 6.8 | 3.9 | # Dependencies: Have **docker** 20 or higher installed and **git** [Multi migrate to gitea](https://git.disroot.org/OneTeam/oc-multi_migrate_to_gitea) will be called at the time of the creation of the docker # Prerequisites > If you going to use tryton 6.2, must be use python3.9. > This change was done by team tryton. Clone repository: ``` git clone https://git.disroot.org/OneTeam/oc-docker-tryton-non-official.git cd oc-docker-tryton-non-official ``` Edit Dockerfile and change lines commented example create Docker OneTeam: ``` #version Trytond server example 6.0 TRYTOND_VERSION=6.6 #python version that will run the docker example 3.7 or 3.9 is mandatory in case you use tryton6.2 PYTHON_VERSION=3.9 #if the module repository is private GITEA_USER=gitea_user GITEA_PASSWORD=gitea_password GITEA_ACCESS_TOKEN=gitea_user_token #Repository Multi Migrate REPO_MULTI_MIGRATE=OneTeam/oc-multi_migrate_to_gitea.git #domain server gitea GITEA_DOMAIN=git.disroot.org URL_MULTI_MIGRATE=https://${GITEA_USER}:${GITEA_PASSWORD}@${GITEA_DOMAIN}/OneTeam/oc-multi_migrate_to_gitea.git #By default all organizations are set to false, activate only one. #GnuHealth, Etrivial, tryton-ar, OneTeam, OneTeam_Pos, Presik, Datalife, NaNtic, Kalenis Provider=OneTeam DIR_MODULES=/usr/local/lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/dist-packages/trytond/modules DB_PASSWORD=SUp3r-pass*DB POSTGRES_DB=tryton DB_HOSTNAME=db POSTGRES_PASSWORD=SUp3r-pass*DB TRYTON_PORT=8000 DEVELOP=True WORKER=True TRYTONPASSFILE=/etc/trytond_admin_pass.conf #Password user admin TRYTONADMINPASS=admin #Email user admin EMAIL=admin@admin.com SLEEP_TRYTOND_ADMIN=15 #SMTP #This value is True or False SMTP=False SMTP_TYPE=smtps+ssl SMTP_USER= SMTP_PASSWORD= SMTP_DOMAIN= SMTP_PORT=465 SMTP_FROM=NAME_FROM SMTP_EMAIL= ``` # Usage Building a profil. **Note: in case of than you need rebuild your docker image from the beginning, we will have add the option '--no-cache'** ``` docker-compose -p build --no-cache --progress plain ``` Create a project with the previous profile built ``` docker-compose -p up -d ``` # Bassic Commands. Enter tryton docker service bash. **Note: 'tryton' is the name assigned into docker-compose.yml for th docker service of tryton, '/entrypoint.sh' it is import for load environment variables, '--user' specifies the user.** ``` docker-compose -p exec --user root tryton /entrypoint.sh bash ``` Update list of modules ``` docker-compose -p exec --user root tryton /entrypoint.sh trytond-admin -c /etc/trytond.conf -d -vv -m --all ``` Enter postgres docker service psql. ``` docker-compose -p exec --user postgres db psql ```