#version Trytond server example 5.0 FROM tryton/tryton: #lebel custom LABEL org.label-schema.version="" #version equal Tryond server version ENV TRYTOND_VERSION="" #python version that will run the docker example python3.7 ENV PYTHON_VERSION="" #version equal Tryond server version ENV GITEA_ORG="" #domain server gitea ENV GITEA_DOMAIN="" #if the module repository is private ENV GITEA_USER="" ENV GITEA_PASSWORD="" ENV GITEA_ACCESS_TOKEN="" #By default all organizations are set to false, activate only one as true. ENV GnuHealth="False" ENV Etrivial="False" ENV Trytonar="False" ENV OneCluster="False" ENV Presik="False" ENV Datalife="False" ENV NaNtic="False" ENV Kalenis="False" ENV DIR_MODULES=/usr/local/lib/$PYTHON_VERSION/dist-packages/trytond/modules USER root RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ git \ python3-click RUN echo "Install modules non official" COPY trytond-modules_non_official.sh /tmp/trytond-modules_non_official.sh RUN cd /tmp/ \ && bash trytond-modules_non_official.sh USER trytond