2023-06-05 13:05:12 -05:00

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Diagram deploy


Docker tryton-non_official es un despliegue de módulos no oficales de Tryton, que permite de manera fácil la creación de las siguientes instancias:

Nombre Descripción
Trytond Servidor de Tryton
Trytond-Worker Ejecución de colas
Trytond-Cron Tareas programadas
Nginx uso con Uwsgi

Proveedores no oficiales

Nombre Módulos apróx Versiones Sitio Web Repositorios
Gnuhealth 5.0, 6.0 https://www.gnuhealth.org/
Kalenis 33 6.0 https://kalenislims.com/ https://gitea.onecluster.org/Kalenis
NaNtic 1150 6.0, 6.4, 6.8 https://www.nan-tic.com/es https://github.com/NaN-tic
Datalife 200 6.0 https://datalifeit.es/ https://gitlab.com/datalifeit/trytond-stock_unit_load
Presik 180 6.0 https://presik.com/ https://bitbucket.org/presik/
Trytonar 31 6.0 https://www.tryton.org.ar/ https://github.com/tryton-ar/
OneTeam 26 6.0, 6.2, 6.4, 6.6 https://git.disroot.org/OneTeam

Docker versiones de Tryton y Python

Tryton Python
5.0 3.7
6.0 3.7
6.2 3.7
6.4 3.7
6.6 3.9
6.8 3.9


Have docker-compose 20 or higher installed and git

Multi migrate to gitea will be called at the time of the creation of the docker


If you going to use tryton 6.2, must be use python3.9. This change was done by team tryton.

Clone repository:

git clone https://git.disroot.org/OneTeam/oc-docker-tryton-non-official.git
cd oc-docker-tryton-non-official

Edit Dockerfile and change lines commented example create Docker OneTeam:

#version Trytond server example 5.0
FROM tryton/tryton:6.0
#lebel custom
LABEL org.label-schema.version="6.0-my-one_team"
#version equal Tryond server version
#python version that will run the dockeri, e.g. python3.7
#version equal Tryond server version
#domain server gitea
ENV GITEA_DOMAIN="git.disroot.org"
#if the module repository is private
ENV GITEA_USER="my-user"
ENV GITEA_PASSWORD="my-password"
ENV GITEA_ACCESS_TOKEN="45454515415465456456"
#By default all organizations are set to false, activate only one as true. 
ENV GnuHealth="False"
ENV Etrivial="False"
ENV Trytonar="False"
ENV OneTeam="True"
ENV Presik="False"
ENV Datalife="False"
ENV NaNtic="False"
ENV Kalenis="False"


docker build -t tryton/label . 

Note: in case of than you need rebuild your docker image from the beginning, we will have add the option '--no-cache'

Create a network of work for docker:

docker network create name_network

Create a volumen of storage for docker:

docker volume create name_volume

Export of variable of environment with password for our postgres, it is with the purpose of don't have to write many time the password

export POSTGRES_PASSWORD="password"

Create a postgres docker image

docker run \
 --name name_docker_postgres \
 --env PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata\
 --env POSTGRES_DB=name_database\
 --mount source=name_volume,target=/var/lib/postgresql/data\
 --network name_network\

Create a database in our docker postgres image

docker exec --user postgres name_docker_postgres createdb name_database

fill the database with data

docker run \
 --env DB_HOSTNAME=name_docker_postgres\
 --network name_network\
 trytond-admin -d name_database -vv --all

Run docker image with our tryton

docker run\
 --name name_docker_tryton\
 --env DB_HOSTNAME=name_docker_postgres\
 --network name_network\

This guide refer to https://discuss.tryton.org/t/how-to-run-tryton-using-docker/3200, in case of any question it is recommended read https://docs.docker.com/get-started/