economic activity, taxpayer, tax regime and type person

This commit is contained in:
Alnus Tmp 2020-11-16 17:41:36 -05:00
parent 83144c3749
commit 0c38c5dbfe
3 changed files with 64 additions and 19 deletions

View file

@ -17,3 +17,40 @@ msgstr "Nombre"
msgctxt ",tax_level_code:"
msgid "TaxLevelCode"
msgstr "Responsabilidades"
msgctxt ",tax_regime:"
msgid "Tax Regime"
msgstr "Régimen Fiscal"
msgctxt ",type_taxpayer:"
msgid "Type Taxpayer"
msgstr "Tipo de Contribuyente"
msgctxt ",self_withholding:"
msgid "Self Withholding"
msgstr "Autoretenedor"
msgctxt ",declarant:"
msgid "Declarant"
msgstr "Declarante"
msgctxt ",main_ciiu:"
msgid "Main Activity"
msgstr "Actividad Principal"
msgctxt ",secondary_ciiu:"
msgid "Secondary Activity"
msgstr "Actividad Secundaria"
msgctxt ",other_ciiu:"
msgid "Other Activity"
msgstr "Otra Actividad"
msgctxt ",type_person:"
msgid "Type Person"
msgstr "Tipo de Persona"
msgctxt ""
msgid "Economic Activity"
msgstr "Actividad Económica"

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ['PartyIdentifier','Party','ContactMechanism','Address','PartyTaxLevelCode']
(None, ''),
('11', 'Registro Civil'),
('12', 'Tarjeta de Identidad'),
@ -46,24 +46,29 @@ class Party(ModelSQL,ModelView):
'invisible': Not(Eval('type_person') == 'persona_natural'),},
birth_date = fields.Date('Fecha de nacimiento')
regime_tax = fields.Selection([
tax_regime = fields.Selection([
(None, ''),
('48', 'Responsable del impuesto sobre las ventas IVA'),
('49', 'No responsable de IVA')
], 'Tax Regime')
type_taxpayer = fields.Selection([
(None, ''),
('regimen_simplificado', 'Regimen Simplificado'),
('regimen_comun', 'Regimen Comun'),
('gran_contribuyente', 'Gran Contribuyente'),
('entidad_estatal', 'Entidad Estatal'),
('domiciliado_extranjero', 'Domiciliado en Extranjero'),
], 'Regimen de Impuestos')
], 'Type Taxpayer')
type_person = fields.Selection([
(None, ''),
('persona_natural', 'Persona Natural'),
('persona_juridica', 'Persona Juridica'),
], 'Tipo de Persona')
('1', 'Persona Juridica'),
('2', 'Persona Natural'),
], 'Type Person')
self_withholding = fields.Boolean('Self Withholding')
declarant = fields.Boolean('Declarant')
main_ciiu_code = fields.Char('Main CIIU Code', size=4)
secondary_ciiu_code = fields.Char('Secondary CIIU Code', size=4)
other_ciiu_code = fields.Char('Other CIIU Code', size=4)
main_ciiu = fields.Char('Main Activity', size=4)
secondary_ciiu = fields.Char('Secondary Activity', size=4)
other_ciiu = fields.Char('Other Activity', size=4)
age = fields.Function(fields.Integer('Edad'),'on_change_with_age')
type_tax_identifier = fields.Function(fields.Selection('get_types_identifier',
'Tipo de Identidad'),
@ -232,7 +237,7 @@ class PartyIdentifier(ModelSQL, ModelView):
def __setup__(cls):
super(PartyIdentifier, cls).__setup__()
cls.type.selection = CO_IDENTIFIERS
cls.type.selection = TAX_CO_IDENTIFIERS
table = cls.__table__()
cls._sql_constraints += [
('UniqueIdentifier', Unique(table, table.code,table.type),

View file

@ -32,21 +32,24 @@
<page string="Colombia" id="party_co">
<label name="regime_tax"/>
<field name="regime_tax"/>
<label name="tax_regime"/>
<field name="tax_regime"/>
<label name="type_taxpayer"/>
<field name="type_taxpayer"/>
<label name="self_withholding"/>
<field name="self_withholding"/>
<label name="declarant"/>
<field name="declarant"/>
<label name="main_ciiu_code"/>
<field name="main_ciiu_code"/>
<label name="secondary_ciiu_code"/>
<field name="secondary_ciiu_code"/>
<label name="other_ciiu_code"/>
<field name="other_ciiu_code"/>
<label name="tax_level_code"/>
<field name="tax_level_code"/>
<separator string="Economic Activity" id="economic_activity" colspan="4"/>
<label name="main_ciiu"/>
<field name="main_ciiu"/>
<label name="secondary_ciiu"/>
<field name="secondary_ciiu"/>
<label name="other_ciiu"/>
<field name="other_ciiu"/>