2012-09-27T06:56:34P0D1LibreOffice/$Linux_X86_64 LibreOffice_project/10$Build-2 0 0 18915 23491 view1 3 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 160 120 false false Informe 1609 0 160 120 false true true true 12632256 true true true true false false false 1000 1000 1 1 true false true true true false 1000 true 1 12632256 true true true 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 1000 0 false true false 1 true en US es CO false true false true true Generic Printer false 0 3 true false false false true false true Hoja1 $ ( $ ) - - - ( ) ( ) $ - $ $ - $ - / / $ ( $ ) / / ??? Página 1 ???(???) 00/00/0000, 00:00:00 Página 1/ 99 PLAN DE CUENTAS ANALÍTICAS company.rec_name NIT company.party.identifiers and company.party.identifiers[0].code FECHA INICIAL: format_date(start_date, company.party.lang) FECHA FINAL: format_date(end_date, company.party.lang) if test="account_move" COD. CUENTA/TERCERO DÉBITO CRÉDITO SALDO NÚMEROASIENTO FECHAASIENTO /if if test="account_move == False" COD. CUENTA DÉBITO CRÉDITO SALDO /if root[0].code root[0].name $0,00 total for each='analytic_account, accounts in record.items()' if test="accounts[analytic_account][3] > 0 or accounts[analytic_account][3] < 0 or without_balance" analytic_account accounts[analytic_account][0].name accounts[analytic_account][1] accounts[analytic_account][2] -accounts[analytic_account][3] /if for each='account in accounts.values()' if test="(account[3] > 0 or account[3] < 0 or without_balance) and account[0].parent.parent" account[0].code account[0].name account[1] account[2] -account[3] /if if test="account[0].type == 'normal' and len(account) == 5 and detailed" for each='key, line in account[4].items()' key line[0] line[1] -line[2] if test="len(line[3]) > 0 and account_move" for each='move in line[3]' if test="move.party" move.party.identifiers[0].code move.party.name move.debit -move.credit move.debit-move.credit move.move.number move.date /if if test="move.party == None" move.debit -move.credit move.debit-move.credit move.move.number move.date /if /for /if /for /if /for /for Impresión: format_date(datetime.date.today(), company.party.lang) REPRESENTANTE LEGAL CONTADOR