"""Mail operations for a given recipient. There are 3 operations available: - OpenPGPEncrypt: to deliver the message to a recipient with an OpenPGP public key available. - SMimeEncrypt: to deliver the message to a recipient with an S/MIME certificate. - KeepIntact: a no-operation (implementation of the Null Object pattern), used for messages already encrypted or those who haven't provided their keys or certificates. """ import logging import lacre.core as core from email.message import Message LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MailOperation: """Contract for an operation to be performed on a message.""" def __init__(self, recipients=[]): """Initialise the operation with a recipient.""" self._recipients = recipients def perform(self, message: Message): """Perform this operation on MESSAGE. Return target message. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__()) def recipients(self): """Return list of recipients of the message.""" return self._recipients def add_recipient(self, recipient): """Register another message recipient.""" self._recipients.append(recipient) class OpenPGPEncrypt(MailOperation): """OpenPGP-encrypt the message.""" def __init__(self, recipients, keys, keyhome): """Initialise encryption operation.""" super().__init__(recipients) self._keys = keys self._keyhome = keyhome def extend_keys(self, keys): """Register GPG keys to encrypt this message for.""" self._keys.extend(keys) def __repr__(self): """Generate a representation with just method and key.""" return f"<{type(self).__name__} {self._recipients} {self._keys}>" class InlineOpenPGPEncrypt(OpenPGPEncrypt): """Inline encryption strategy.""" def __init__(self, recipients, keys, keyhome): """Initialise strategy object.""" super().__init__(recipients, keys, keyhome) def perform(self, msg: Message): """Encrypt with PGP Inline.""" LOG.debug('Sending PGP/Inline...') return core._gpg_encrypt_and_return(msg, self._keys, self._recipients, core._encrypt_all_payloads_inline) class MimeOpenPGPEncrypt(OpenPGPEncrypt): """MIME encryption strategy.""" def __init__(self, recipients, keys, keyhome): """Initialise strategy object.""" super().__init__(recipients, keys, keyhome) def perform(self, msg: Message): """Encrypt with PGP MIME.""" LOG.debug('Sending PGP/MIME...') return core._gpg_encrypt_and_return(msg, self._keys, self._recipients, core._encrypt_all_payloads_mime) class SMimeEncrypt(MailOperation): """S/MIME encryption operation.""" def __init__(self, recipient, email, certificate): """Initialise S/MIME encryption for a given EMAIL and CERTIFICATE.""" super().__init__(recipient) self._email = email self._cert = certificate def perform(self, message: Message): """Encrypt with a certificate.""" LOG.warning(f"Delivering clear-text to {self._recipients}") return message def __repr__(self): """Generate a representation with just method and key.""" return f"" class KeepIntact(MailOperation): """A do-nothing operation (Null Object implementation). This operation should be used for mail that's already encrypted. """ def __init__(self, recipients): """Initialise pass-through operation for a given recipient.""" super().__init__(recipients) def perform(self, message: Message): """Return MESSAGE unmodified.""" return message.as_string() def __repr__(self): """Return representation with just method and email.""" return f""