
133 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* @file
* Implements hook_openlayers_maps().
function farm_map_openlayers_maps() {
$export = array();
$openlayers_maps = new stdClass();
$openlayers_maps->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default openlayers_maps disabled initially */
$openlayers_maps->api_version = 1;
$openlayers_maps->name = 'farm_map_geofield';
$openlayers_maps->title = 'Farm Geofield Map';
$openlayers_maps->description = 'Farm map of Geofield data.';
$openlayers_maps->data = array(
'width' => 'auto',
'height' => '400px',
'image_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/img/',
'css_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/style.css',
'proxy_host' => '',
'hide_empty_map' => 0,
'center' => array(
'initial' => array(
'centerpoint' => '-95.99999999999764, 40.00000000000016',
'zoom' => '4',
'restrict' => array(
'restrictextent' => 0,
'restrictedExtent' => '',
'behaviors' => array(
'openlayers_behavior_fullscreen' => array(
'activated' => 0,
'openlayers_behavior_geofield' => array(),
'openlayers_behavior_layerswitcher' => array(
'ascending' => 1,
'sortBaseLayer' => '0',
'roundedCorner' => 1,
'roundedCornerColor' => '#222222',
'maximizeDefault' => 0,
'div' => '',
'openlayers_behavior_navigation' => array(
'zoomWheelEnabled' => 1,
'zoomBoxEnabled' => 1,
'documentDrag' => 0,
'openlayers_behavior_panzoombar' => array(
'zoomWorldIcon' => 0,
'panIcons' => 1,
'openlayers_behavior_popup' => array(
'layers' => array(
'geofield_formatter' => 'geofield_formatter',
'popupAtPosition' => 'mouse',
'panMapIfOutOfView' => 1,
'keepInMap' => 1,
'openlayers_behavior_scaleline' => array(),
'openlayers_behavior_zoomtolayer' => array(
'zoomtolayer' => array(
'geofield_formatter' => 'geofield_formatter',
'google_satellite' => 0,
'google_hybrid' => 0,
'google_normal' => 0,
'google_physical' => 0,
'point_zoom_level' => '16',
'zoomtolayer_scale' => '1',
'openlayers_behavior_geolocate_button' => array(
'bind' => '1',
'zoom_level' => '16',
'default_layer' => 'google_hybrid',
'layers' => array(
'google_satellite' => 'google_satellite',
'google_hybrid' => 'google_hybrid',
'google_normal' => 'google_normal',
'google_physical' => 'google_physical',
'geofield_formatter' => 'geofield_formatter',
'layer_weight' => array(
'geofield_formatter' => '0',
'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => '0',
'openlayers_kml_example' => '0',
'layer_styles' => array(
'openlayers_kml_example' => '0',
'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => '0',
'geofield_formatter' => '0',
'layer_styles_select' => array(
'openlayers_kml_example' => '0',
'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => '0',
'geofield_formatter' => '0',
'layer_styles_temporary' => array(
'openlayers_kml_example' => '0',
'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => '0',
'geofield_formatter' => '0',
'layer_activated' => array(
'geofield_formatter' => 'geofield_formatter',
'openlayers_kml_example' => 0,
'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => 0,
'layer_switcher' => array(
'geofield_formatter' => 0,
'openlayers_kml_example' => 0,
'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => 0,
'projection' => 'EPSG:3857',
'displayProjection' => 'EPSG:4326',
'styles' => array(
'default' => 'farm_blue',
'select' => 'farm_orange',
'temporary' => 'farm_green',
$export['farm_map_geofield'] = $openlayers_maps;
return $export;