
82 lines
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2020-04-18 23:01:55 +02:00
"name": "farmos/farmos",
"description": "A web-based farm record keeping application.",
"type": "drupal-profile",
"license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
"homepage": "",
"support": {
"docs": "",
"forum": "",
"chat": ""
2020-04-18 23:01:55 +02:00
"authors": [
"name": "Michael Stenta",
"email": ""
"require": {
2020-06-05 18:04:54 +02:00
"cweagans/composer-patches": "^1.6",
"drupal/admin_toolbar": "^2.4",
"drupal/core": "9.3.16",
"drupal/config_update": "^1.7",
"drupal/csv_serialization": "^2.0",
"drupal/date_popup": "^1.1",
2022-03-03 17:49:31 +01:00
"drupal/entity": "1.3",
2021-06-23 02:11:00 +02:00
"drupal/entity_browser": "^2.6",
"drupal/entity_reference_integrity": "^1.1",
"drupal/entity_reference_revisions": "1.9",
"drupal/entity_reference_validators": "^1.0@beta",
2021-05-26 18:33:26 +02:00
"drupal/exif_orientation": "^1.1",
"drupal/fraction": "^2.0",
"drupal/geofield": "^1.33",
2022-03-20 06:14:54 +01:00
"drupal/gin": "^3.0@beta",
"drupal/inline_entity_form": "^1.0@RC",
"drupal/inspire_tree": "^1.0",
"drupal/jsonapi_extras": "^3.15",
"drupal/jsonapi_schema": "1.0-beta1",
2021-12-08 16:54:10 +01:00
"drupal/log": "^2.0.2",
"drupal/migrate_plus": "^5.1",
"drupal/migrate_tools": "^5.0",
"drupal/simple_oauth": "5.0.6",
"drupal/state_machine": "^1.0",
"drupal/subrequests": "^3.0.3",
"drupal/token": "^1.7",
2021-04-08 01:50:24 +02:00
"drupal/views_geojson": "^1.1",
"drush/drush": "^10.3",
Don't lock ext-simplexml to PHP 7 #546 When installing from scratch, I am getting a PHP7 requirement: ``` ddev composer create farmos/project --stability dev --no-interaction Warning: MOST EXISTING CONTENT in the composer root (/Users/pcambra/webs/ecotrust/vanilla-farmos) will be deleted by the composer create-project operation. Only .ddev, .git and .tarballs will be preserved. Would you like to continue? [Y/n] (yes): Removing any existing files in composer root Executing composer command: [composer create-project farmos/project --stability dev --no-interaction /tmp/GtolPx] Creating a "farmos/project" project at "/tmp/GtolPx" Installing farmos/project (2.x-dev 5214879c44c421e5160a0091412279ea6790f979) - Downloading farmos/project (2.x-dev 5214879) - Installing farmos/project (2.x-dev 5214879): Extracting archive Created project in /tmp/GtolPx Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1 - farmos/farmos[2.0.0-beta1, ..., 2.0.0-beta5] require ext-simplexml ^7.4 -> it has the wrong version installed (8.0.16). - Root composer.json requires farmos/farmos ^2@beta -> satisfiable by farmos/farmos[2.0.0-beta1, ..., 2.0.0-beta5]. To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files: - /etc/php/8.0/cli/php.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/10-mysqlnd.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/10-opcache.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/10-pdo.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/15-xml.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-apcu.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-assert.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-bcmath.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-bz2.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-calendar.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-ctype.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-curl.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-dom.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-exif.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-ffi.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-fileinfo.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-ftp.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-gd.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-gettext.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-iconv.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-igbinary.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-imagick.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-intl.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-ldap.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-mbstring.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-msgpack.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-mysqli.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-pdo_mysql.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-pdo_pgsql.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-pdo_sqlite.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-pgsql.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-phar.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-posix.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-readline.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-redis.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-shmop.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-simplexml.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-soap.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-sockets.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-sqlite3.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-sysvmsg.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-sysvsem.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-sysvshm.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-tokenizer.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-uploadprogress.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-xmlreader.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-xmlrpc.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-xmlwriter.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-xsl.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/20-zip.ini - /etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d/25-memcached.ini You can also run `php --ini` in a terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode. Alternatively, you can run Composer with `--ignore-platform-req=ext-simplexml` to temporarily ignore these required extensions. Failed to create project:exit status 2, stderr= ``` I think leaving the dependency as "*" would fix this.
2022-06-23 10:30:08 +02:00
"ext-simplexml": "*",
"phayes/geophp": "1.2"
"extra": {
"patchLevel": {
"drupal/core": "-p2"
"patches": {
"drupal/core": {
"Issue #2429699: Add Views EntityReference filter to be available for all entity reference fields.": "",
"Issue #2339235: Remove taxonomy hard dependency on node module": "",
"Issue #1874838: Allow exposed blocks to use 'Link display' settings": ""
"drupal/entity": {
"Issue #3206703: Provide reverse relationships for bundle plugin entity_reference fields.": ""
"drupal/entity_reference_revisions": {
"Issue #3267304: Infer target_revision_id to be Latest Revision when Only a target_id is Provided": ""
"drupal/jsonapi_schema": {
"Issue #3256795: Float fields have a null schema": "",
"Issue #3246251: Change format utc-millisec to date-time": ""
"drupal/simple_oauth": {
"Issue #3173947: Cannot authorize non-confidential clients": "",
"Issue #3167287: Always load clients through the Client Repository service": "",
"Issue #3186301: Make $modules variable protected in tests": "",
"Issue #3193609: invalid_credentials error does not conform to OAuth2 spec": ""
"phayes/geophp": {
"Use BCMath (where available) for all float arithmetic #115": ""
2020-04-18 23:01:55 +02:00