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* @file
* Code for the Farm Log feature.
include_once 'farm_log.features.inc';
* Implements hook_permission().
function farm_log_permission() {
return array(
'view farm logs' => array(
'title' => t('View farm logs'),
'description' => t('View all farm-related log items.'),
* Implements hook_menu_local_tasks_alter().
function farm_log_menu_local_tasks_alter(&$data, $router_item, $root_path) {
// Define actions.
$actions = array(
2014-11-29 01:45:46 +01:00
'activity' => array(
'title' => t('Add an activity'),
2014-11-29 01:45:46 +01:00
'href' => 'log/add/farm_activity',
'movement' => array(
'title' => t('Add a movement'),
'href' => 'log/add/farm_movement',
'observation' => array(
'title' => t('Add an observation'),
'href' => 'log/add/farm_observation',
// Define actions for various paths.
$path_actions = array(
'farm/area/%/activities' => array('activity'),
'farm/asset/%' => array('movement', 'observation'),
'farm/asset/%/movements' => array('movement'),
'farm/asset/%/observations' => array('observation'),
'farm' => array('activity', 'observation'),
2015-01-06 02:33:38 +01:00
'farm/plan/activities' => array('activity'),
'farm/plan/movements' => array('movement'),
'farm/plan/observations' => array('observation'),
2014-12-01 03:49:56 +01:00
'taxonomy/term/%' => array('activity'),
// Add actions depending on the root path.
if (array_key_exists($root_path, $path_actions)) {
foreach ($path_actions[$root_path] as $action) {
$output = array(
'#theme' => 'menu_local_action',
'#link' => array(
'title' => $actions[$action]['title'],
'href' => $actions[$action]['href'],
'localized_options' => array(
'query' => array(
'destination' => $root_path,
// If this is a farm asset movements path...
if (in_array($root_path, array(
))) {
// Get the asset id from the path.
$asset_id = check_plain(arg(2));
// Set the destination to the farm asset page.
$output['#link']['localized_options']['query']['destination'] = 'farm/asset/' . $asset_id;
// Set the farm_asset query string to the asset id. This will be used to
2014-12-01 03:49:46 +01:00
// prepopulate asset reference fields in log entities.
// See hook_form_alter() below
$output['#link']['localized_options']['query']['farm_asset'] = $asset_id;
2014-12-01 03:49:46 +01:00
// Or, if this is an area path...
elseif ($root_path == 'taxonomy/term/%' || substr($root_path, 0, 11) == 'farm/area/%') {
// Get the asset id from the path.
$area_id = check_plain(arg(2));
// Load the area.
$farm_area = taxonomy_term_load($area_id);
// If the taxonomy term is not a farm_area, bail.
if (empty($farm_area->vocabulary_machine_name) || $farm_area->vocabulary_machine_name != 'farm_areas') {
// Set the destination to the farm area page.
$output['#link']['localized_options']['query']['destination'] = 'taxonomy/term/' . $area_id;
// Set the farm_area query string to the area id. This will be used to
// prepopulate area reference fields in log entities.
// See hook_form_alter() below
$output['#link']['localized_options']['query']['farm_area'] = $area_id;
// Add the action output.
if (!empty($output)) {
$data['actions']['output'][] = $output;
2014-11-27 15:08:42 +01:00
* Implements hook_farm_area_links().
function farm_log_farm_area_links($id) {
return array(
'title' => t('Activities'),
'href' => 'farm/area/' . $id . '/activities',
'weight' => -100,
* Implements hook_entity_view_alter()
function farm_log_entity_view_alter(&$build, $type) {
* Alter farm assets to display their current location.
// If it's not a farm_asset, bail.
if ($type != 'farm_asset') {
// If the entity information isn't available, bail.
if (empty($build['#entity'])) {
$asset = $build['#entity'];
// Start an output string.
$output = '<strong>Current location:</strong> ';
// Get the asset's location.
$area = farm_log_asset_location($asset);
// If a location was found, add a link to it.
if (!empty($area->tid)) {
$output .= l($area->name, 'taxonomy/term/' . $area->tid);
// Otherwise, none.
else {
$options = array(
'query' => array(
'destination' => 'farm/asset/' . $asset->id,
'farm_asset' => $asset->id,
$link = l('add a movement', 'log/add/farm_movement', $options);
$output .= 'N/A (' . $link .')';
// Add it to the build array.
$build['location'] = array(
'#markup' => $output,
'#weight' => -100,
* Implements hook_form_alter().
function farm_log_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
// If this is a log form with an asset(s) reference field.
if ($form_id == 'log_form' && (!empty($form['field_farm_asset']) || !empty($form['field_farm_assets']))) {
// First choice is farm_asset, second is farm_assets.
$field_name = (!empty($form['field_farm_asset'])) ? 'field_farm_asset' : 'field_farm_asset';
// Alter the form using our helper function.
// ($asset is used below to for movement logs.)
$asset = farm_log_form_prepopulate_asset($form, 'field_farm_asset');
// If this is a log form with an area(s) reference field...
if ($form_id == 'log_form' && (!empty($form['field_farm_area']) || !empty($form['field_farm_areas']))) {
// First choice is farm_area, second is farm_areas.
$field_name = (!empty($form['field_farm_area'])) ? 'field_farm_area' : 'field_farm_areas';
// Alter the form with the farm_log helper function.
farm_log_form_prepopulate_area($form, $field_name);
// If this is the farm_movement log form...
if ($form_id == 'log_form' && $form['#bundle'] == 'farm_movement') {
// If no asset was found above, don't continue.
if (empty($asset)) {
// If the "from" field is empty...
if (empty($form['field_farm_move_from'][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['#default_value'])) {
// Look up the asset's last location and prepopulate the "from" field.
$area = farm_log_asset_location($asset);
if (!empty($area->name)) {
$form['field_farm_move_from'][LANGUAGE_NONE]['#default_value'] = $area->name;
* Find the location of an asset.
* @param FarmAsset $asset
* The farm_asset object to look for.
* @param int $time
* Unix timestamp limiter. Only movement logs before this time will be
* included. Defaults to the current time. Set to 0 to load the absolute last.
* @param boolean $done
* Whether or not to only show movement logs that are marked as "done".
* Defaults to TRUE.
* @return area
* Returns the area that the asset is in.
function farm_log_asset_location(FarmAsset $asset, $time = REQUEST_TIME, $done = TRUE) {
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'log')
->entityCondition('bundle', 'farm_movement')
->fieldCondition('field_farm_asset', 'target_id', $asset->id)
->propertyOrderBy('timestamp', 'DESC')
->propertyOrderBy('id', 'DESC')
->range(0, 1);
if (!empty($time)) {
$query->propertyCondition('timestamp', $time, '<=');
if (!empty($done)) {
$query->propertyCondition('done', TRUE);
$result = $query->execute();
if (!empty($result['log'])) {
foreach ($result['log'] as $id => $entity) {
$log = log_load($id);
if (!empty($log->field_farm_move_to[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['tid'])) {
$term = taxonomy_term_load($log->field_farm_move_to[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['tid']);
if (!empty($term)) {
return $term;
* Helper function for enabling asset prepopulation in log forms.
* @param $form
* The form array to modify, passed by reference.
* @param $field_name
* The machine name of the entity reference field that should be populated.
2014-11-26 22:57:29 +01:00
* @return FarmAsset farm_asset
* Returns the asset object, if found.
function farm_log_form_prepopulate_asset(&$form, $field_name = 'field_farm_asset') {
$asset = NULL;
// If the "farm_asset" query parameter is set...
$params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
if (!empty($params['farm_asset'])) {
// Verify that the farm_asset is valid.
$asset = farm_asset_load($params['farm_asset']);
if ($asset) {
// Add the asset to the form.
$form['farm_asset'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $asset,
2014-12-01 03:49:46 +01:00
// Prepopulate the asset reference field.
if (empty($form[$field_name][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id']['#default_value'])) {
$form[$field_name][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id']['#default_value'] = entity_label('farm_asset', $asset) . ' (' . $asset->id . ')';
// If the asset field is not empty, hide it so that it can't be changed.
if (!empty($form[$field_name][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id']['#default_value'])) {
$form[$field_name]['#access'] = FALSE;
return $asset;
2014-12-01 03:49:46 +01:00
* Helper function for enabling area prepopulation in log forms.
* @param $form
* The form array to modify, passed by reference.
* @param $field_name
* The machine name of the term reference field that should be populated.
* @return TaxonomyTerm term
* Returns the taxonomy term object, if found.
function farm_log_form_prepopulate_area(&$form, $field_name = 'field_farm_area') {
$area = NULL;
// If the "farm_area" query parameter is set...
$params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
if (!empty($params['farm_area'])) {
// Verify that the farm_area is valid.
$area = taxonomy_term_load($params['farm_area']);
if ($area) {
// Add the area to the form.
$form['farm_area'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $area,
// Prepopulate the area reference field.
if (empty($form[$field_name][LANGUAGE_NONE]['#default_value'])) {
$form[$field_name][LANGUAGE_NONE]['#default_value'] = entity_label('taxonomy_term', $area);
return $area;
* Implements hook_action_info().
function farm_log_action_info() {
return array(
'farm_log_asset_move_action' => array(
'type' => 'farm_asset',
'label' => t('Move'),
'configurable' => TRUE,
'triggers' => array('any'),
* Asset move action configuration form.
function farm_log_asset_move_action_form($context, $form_state) {
// "To" field: select list of areas.
$form['to'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('To'),
'#options' => taxonomy_allowed_values(field_info_field('field_farm_move_to')),
'#required' => TRUE,
// "Done" field: mark movements as done.
$form['done'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Movement is done'),
'#description' => t('Check this if the movement has already been done. Otherwise, you will need to mark the movement log item as done later.'),
return $form;
* Asset move action configuration form submit.
function farm_log_asset_move_action_submit($form, $form_state) {
return array(
'to' => $form_state['values']['to'],
'done' => $form_state['values']['done'],
* Action function for farm_log_asset_move_action.
* Creates a new movement record for the specified asset.
* @param object $entity
* An optional entity object.
* @param array $context
* Array with parameters for this action.
function farm_log_asset_move_action($entity, $context = array()) {
// Pull the asset out of the context.
$asset = $context['farm_asset'];
// Create a new movement log entity.
$log = entity_create('log', array('type' => 'farm_movement'));
// Set the asset.
$log->field_farm_asset[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array(
'target_id' => $asset->id,
// Set the date.
$log->timestamp = REQUEST_TIME;
// Load the asset's current location.
$area = farm_log_asset_location($asset);
// If the asset has a current location, set the "from" area.
if (!empty($area->name) && !empty($area->tid)) {
$log->field_farm_move_from[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array(
'tid' => $area->tid,
// Set the "to" area.
$log->field_farm_move_to[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array(
'tid' => $context['to'],
// Set the log's done status.
$log->done = (!empty($context['done'])) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Save the movement.