Dynamically set example value names based on reference data stream names.

This commit is contained in:
Michael Stenta 2022-01-17 07:38:59 -05:00
parent ff5055c532
commit 1e218c2baa
1 changed files with 22 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
use Drupal\asset\Entity\AssetInterface;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface;
use Drupal\data_stream\Entity\DataStreamInterface;
@ -54,14 +55,33 @@ function farm_sensor_asset_view_alter(array &$build, AssetInterface $asset, Enti
'#weight' => -10,
// Load referenced basic data streams.
$basic_data_streams = array_filter($asset->get('data_stream')->referencedEntities(), function (DataStreamInterface $data_stream) {
return $data_stream->bundle() === 'basic';
// Generate example stream names. If there are basic data streams already
// referenced then replace them with actual names.
$example_stream_names = [
if (!empty($basic_data_streams)) {
foreach ($basic_data_streams as $key => $data_stream) {
if (!empty($data_stream->label())) {
$example_stream_names[$key] = Html::escape($data_stream->label());
// Render JSON examples.
$request_time = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime();
$json_example = '{ "timestamp": ' . $request_time . ', "value": 76.5 }';
$json_example = '{ "timestamp": ' . $request_time . ', "' . $example_stream_names[0] . '": 76.5 }';
$json_example_label = t('JSON example');
$build['api']['json_example'] = [
'#markup' => '<p><strong>' . $json_example_label . ':</strong> ' . $json_example . '</p>',
$json_example_multiple = '{ "timestamp": ' . $request_time . ', "sensor1": 76.5, "sensor2": 60 }';
$json_example_multiple = '{ "timestamp": ' . $request_time . ', "' . $example_stream_names[0] . '": 76.5, "' . $example_stream_names[1] . '": 60 }';
$json_example_multiple_label = t('JSON example (multiple values)');
$build['api']['json_example_multiple'] = [
'#markup' => '<p><strong>' . $json_example_multiple_label . ':</strong> ' . $json_example_multiple . '</p>',