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mirror of https://github.com/farmOS/farmOS.git synced 2024-02-23 11:37:38 +01:00

Provide a post-update hook for fixing previously migrated input logs quantity material terms.

This commit is contained in:
Michael Stenta 2022-11-18 15:03:44 -05:00
parent c7c94b84a4
commit 1e2c6de178

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@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
* @file
* Post update hooks for the farm_migrate module.
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;
use Drupal\Core\Utility\UpdateException;
* Fix migrated input log quantity materials.
function farm_migrate_post_update_fix_input_log_quantity_materials(&$sandbox) {
// For more information see https://github.com/farmOS/farmOS/issues/579.
// This update can be skipped by adding:
// $settings['farm_migrate_skip_input_log_migration_fix'] = TRUE;
// to settings.php.
if (Settings::get('farm_migrate_skip_input_log_migration_fix', FALSE) === TRUE) {
return t("Skipping automatic fix of input log material quantities because of this line in settings.php: \$settings['farm_migrate_skip_input_log_migration_fix'] = TRUE;");
// This function will run as a batch operation, so ensure that the initial
// setup only runs once.
if (!isset($sandbox['current_log'])) {
// If the material quantity module is not enabled, there is nothing to fix.
if (!\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('farm_quantity_material')) {
return NULL;
// Check to see if there are logs that suffer from the issue described in
// https://github.com/farmOS/farmOS/issues/579 (logs with multiple material
// quantities that all reference the same material term).
$database = \Drupal::database();
$query = $database->select('log', 'l');
$query->addField('l', 'id');
$query->join('log__quantity', 'lq', 'l.id = lq.entity_id AND l.revision_id = lq.revision_id');
$query->join('quantity', 'q', 'lq.quantity_target_id = q.id');
$query->join('quantity__material_type', 'mt', 'q.id = mt.entity_id AND q.revision_id = mt.revision_id AND mt.deleted = 0');
$query->condition('l.type', 'input');
$query->condition('lq.deleted', 0);
$query->condition('q.type', 'material');
$query->having('COUNT(lq.quantity_target_id) > 1');
$log_ids = $query->execute()->fetchCol();
// If there are no affected logs, bail.
if (empty($log_ids)) {
return NULL;
// Query the mapping of v1 to v2 input logs, filtering out logs that are
// not in the affected list. This serves to ensure that the only logs we
// act upon are those that a) are currently affected, and b) were migrated.
// We do not want to act upon logs that were not migrated. This also serves
// to throw an exception if the migrate mapping table is missing from the
// database.
$log_map = [];
$result = $database->query("SELECT sourceid1, destid1 FROM {migrate_map_farm_migrate_log_input} WHERE destid1 IN (:ids[])", [':ids[]' => $log_ids])->fetchAll();
foreach ($result as $row) {
if (!empty($row->sourceid1) && !empty($row->destid1)) {
$log_map[$row->sourceid1] = $row->destid1;
// If there are no logs in the mapping, bail.
if (empty($log_map)) {
return NULL;
// Take a moment to explain what is happening, and how to skip this update
// from running.
\Drupal::logger('farm_migrate')->notice(t("This update will attempt to fix an issue with the migration of input log material data from farmOS v1. To skip this update, add this line to settings.php: \$settings['farm_migrate_skip_input_log_migration_fix'] = TRUE;"));
\Drupal::logger('farm_migrate')->notice(t('There are @count logs affected by this issue.', ['@count' => count($log_map)]));
// Check to see if a 1.x database connection is available.
// This assumes that the site admin followed the recommended steps in the
// migration docs.
try {
$migrate_database = Database::getConnection('default', 'migrate');
$migrate_database->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {log} WHERE type = 'farm_input'")->fetchField();
catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new UpdateException('Could not connect to the farmOS v1 database. Add `migrate` database to settings.php and re-run this update to continue.');
// Build a map of v1 log IDs to their v1 material term IDs.
// Order by the original v1 deltas.
// Create an index of term IDs that were affected.
$material_tids = [];
$v1_log_materials = [];
$result = $migrate_database->query("SELECT entity_id as log_id, field_farm_material_tid as tid FROM {field_data_field_farm_material} WHERE entity_type = 'log' AND bundle = 'farm_input' AND entity_id IN (:ids[]) ORDER BY delta ASC", [':ids[]' => array_keys($log_map)])->fetchAll();
foreach ($result as $row) {
if (!empty($row->tid) && !empty($row->log_id)) {
$material_tids[] = $row->tid;
$v1_log_materials[$row->log_id][] = $row->tid;
// Build a map of migrated v1 to v2 term IDs.
$material_map = [];
$result = $database->query('SELECT sourceid1, destid1 FROM {migrate_map_farm_migrate_taxonomy_material_type} WHERE sourceid1 IN (:ids[])', [':ids[]' => $material_tids])->fetchAll();
foreach ($result as $row) {
if (!empty($row->sourceid1) && !empty($row->destid1)) {
$material_map[$row->sourceid1] = $row->destid1;
// Build a map of v2 log IDs to their expected v2 material term IDs.
$v2_log_materials = [];
foreach ($v1_log_materials as $v1_log_id => $v1_tids) {
foreach ($v1_tids as $v1_tid) {
$v2_log_materials[$log_map[$v1_log_id]][] = $material_map[$v1_tid];
// Save maps to the sandbox for future iterations.
$sandbox['log_map'] = $log_map;
$sandbox['material_map'] = $material_map;
$sandbox['v1_log_materials'] = $v1_log_materials;
$sandbox['v2_log_materials'] = $v2_log_materials;
// Keep track of which logs are skipped.
// In some situations, we need to be careful about our assumptions, and
// err on the side of caution. Things may have changed since the migration,
// so we'll look for a few hints and skip the log if there is any doubt.
$sandbox['skipped_logs'] = [];
// Track progress.
$sandbox['current_log'] = 0;
$sandbox['#finished'] = 0;
// Iterate over logs, 10 at a time.
$log_ids = array_values($sandbox['log_map']);
$log_count = count($log_ids);
$end_log = $sandbox['current_log'] + 10;
$end_log = $end_log > $log_count ? $log_count : $end_log;
for ($i = $sandbox['current_log']; $i < $end_log; $i++) {
// Iterate the global counter.
// Load the log.
$id = $log_ids[$i];
$log = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getStorage('log')->load($id);
// If the log didn't load, throw an update exception.
if (empty($log)) {
throw new UpdateException('Could not load log. ID: @id', ['@id' => $id]);
// Load log quantities and filter out all but material quantities.
/** @var \Drupal\quantity\Entity\QuantityInterface[] $quantities */
$quantities = $log->get('quantity')->referencedEntities();
/** @var \Drupal\quantity\Entity\QuantityInterface[] $material_quantities */
$material_quantities = array_filter($quantities, function ($quantity) {
return $quantity->bundle() == 'material';
// If the number of material quantities does not match the number of
// material terms that were referenced on the v1 log, skip the log.
if (count($material_quantities) != count($sandbox['v1_log_materials'][$id])) {
$sandbox['skipped_logs'][] = $id;
// Iterate over the material quantities and perform some rough checks to be
// confident that this log has not been touched since migration. If there is
// any doubt, we skip it.
foreach ($material_quantities as $quantity) {
// If the quantity label, value, or units are not empty, skip the log.
// Material quantities created by the migration ONLY fill in the material
// term reference. If any other quantity fields are filled it, it would
// indicate that this quantity has been edited by the user afterwards.
// If this is the case we can't be sure we know what the term should be.
if (!($quantity->get('label')->isEmpty() && $quantity->get('value')->isEmpty() && $quantity->get('units')->isEmpty())) {
$sandbox['skipped_logs'][] = $id;
continue 2;
// Load the referenced material term. If empty, skip the log.
$material_term = $quantity->get('material_type')->referencedEntities()[0];
if (empty($material_term)) {
$sandbox['skipped_logs'][] = $id;
continue 2;
// If the term is not in the list of expected terms, skip the log.
if (!in_array($material_term->id(), $sandbox['v2_log_materials'][$id])) {
$sandbox['skipped_logs'][] = $id;
continue 2;
// Now that we are confident that we can proceed, iterate over the material
// quantities again. This time we will update them. We do this in a
// separate loop to ensure that we only start updating quantities when we
// are sure all of them passed the tests above.
// Keep track of which quantities get updated, and the delta order.
$quantities_updated = [];
$delta = 0;
foreach ($material_quantities as $quantity) {
// Load the currently referenced material term.
/** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $current_term */
$current_term = $quantity->get('material_type')->referencedEntities()[0];
// Load the expected material term.
$expected_tid = $sandbox['v2_log_materials'][$id][$delta];
/** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $expected_term */
$expected_term = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->load($expected_tid);
// If the quantity's material term ID does not match the expected value,
// update it and save a new revision.
if ($current_term->id() != $expected_term->id()) {
$quantity->set('material_type', $expected_term);
$quantity->setRevisionLogMessage(t('Changed @old_term to @new_term. See: https://github.com/farmOS/farmOS/issues/579', ['@old_term' => $current_term->label(), '@new_term' => $expected_term->label()]));
$quantities_updated[$quantity->id()] = $quantity;
// Increment the delta.
// If none of the quantities were updated, mark the log as skipped.
if (empty($quantities_updated)) {
$sandbox['skipped_logs'][] = $id;
// Update the log's entity reference revision IDs for updated quantities.
foreach ($log->get('quantity') as $qty_ref) {
if (array_key_exists($qty_ref->target_id, $quantities_updated)) {
// Save a new revision of the log.
$log->setRevisionLogMessage(t('Automatically fixed quantity material term references. See: https://github.com/farmOS/farmOS/issues/579'));
// Declare that the log has been fixed.
\Drupal::logger('farm_migrate')->notice(t('Log @id has been fixed.', ['@id' => $id]));
// Update progress.
$sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['current_log'] / count($sandbox['log_map']);
// Log the list of IDs that were skipped at the end.
if ($sandbox['#finished'] == 1 && !empty($sandbox['skipped_logs'])) {
\Drupal::logger('farm_migrate')->warning(t('The following logs were skipped: @log_ids', ['@log_ids' => implode(', ', $sandbox['skipped_logs'])]));
return NULL;