array( 'label' => t('Birth'), 'permission' => 'create farm_birth log entities', 'form' => 'farm_livestock_birth_form', 'file' => '', ), 'milk' => array( 'label' => t('Milk'), 'permission' => 'create farm_harvest log entities', 'form' => 'farm_livestock_milk_form', 'file' => '', ), ); } /** * Birth quick form. */ function farm_livestock_birth_form($form, &$form_state) { // Wrapper fieldset. $form['birth'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Record an animal birth'), '#description' => t('Use this form to record the birth of one or more animals. A new birth log will be created, along with the new child animal records.'), '#tree' => TRUE, ); // Date select (default to now). $form['birth']['timestamp'] = array( '#type' => 'date_select', '#title' => t('Date'), '#date_format' => 'M j Y H:i', '#date_type' => DATE_FORMAT_UNIX, '#date_year_range' => '-10:+3', '#default_value' => REQUEST_TIME, '#required' => TRUE, ); // Mother animal reference. Required because we need to be able to get the // species/breed from at least on of the parents. $form['birth']['mother'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Mother'), '#description' => t('Select the mother animal.'), '#autocomplete_path' => 'farm_asset/autocomplete/animal', '#required' => TRUE, ); // Father animal reference. $form['birth']['father'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Father'), '#description' => t('Select the father animal (optional).'), '#autocomplete_path' => 'farm_asset/autocomplete/animal', ); // Number of children. $form['birth']['children'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('How many children were born?'), '#options' => drupal_map_assoc(range(1, 15)), '#default_value' => 1, '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'farm_livestock_birth_form_ajax', 'wrapper' => 'farm-livestock-birth-children', ), ); // Create a wrapper around all child fields, for AJAX replacement. $form['birth']['child'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); // Add fields for each child. $children = 1; if (!empty($form_state['values']['birth']['children'])) { $children = $form_state['values']['birth']['children']; } for ($i = 0; $i < $children; $i++) { // Fieldset for the child. $form['birth']['child'][$i] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Child @number', array('@number' => $i + 1)), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, ); // Animal name. $form['birth']['child'][$i]['name'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Name'), '#required' => TRUE, ); // Tag ID. $form['birth']['child'][$i]['tag_id'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Tag ID'), ); // Male or female. $form['birth']['child'][$i]['sex'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Sex'), '#options' => array( 'F' => t('Female'), 'M' => t('Male'), ), ); // Animal description. $form['birth']['child'][$i]['description'] = array( '#type' => 'text_format', '#title' => t('Description'), '#format' => 'farm_format', ); // Survived. $form['birth']['child'][$i]['survived'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Survived birth'), '#description' => t('Uncheck this if the child did not survive. The child animal record will still be created, but will be immediately archived.'), '#default_value' => TRUE, ); } // Birth notes. $form['birth']['notes'] = array( '#type' => 'text_format', '#title' => t('Birth notes'), '#format' => 'farm_format', ); // Submit button. $form['birth']['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save birth records'), '#format' => 'farm_format', ); // Return the form. return $form; } /** * Form ajax function for birth quick form. */ function farm_livestock_birth_form_ajax($form, &$form_state) { return $form['birth']['child']; } /** * Validate callback for birth quick form. */ function farm_livestock_birth_form_validate($form, &$form_state) { // Validate mother and father. $parents = array( 'mother', 'father', ); foreach ($parents as $parent) { if (!empty($form_state['values']['birth'][$parent])) { // Extract asset ID. $id = 0; $matches = array(); $result = preg_match('/\\[id: ([0-9]+)\\]$/', $form_state['values']['birth'][$parent], $matches); if (!empty($matches[$result])) { $id = $matches[$result]; } // If an ID couldn't be extracted, throw an error. if (empty($id)) { form_set_error('birth][' . $parent, t('Could not load the @parent animal record. Make sure the animal asset ID is included. For example: "My animal [id: 123]"', array('@parent' => $parent))); continue; } // Load the asset. $asset = farm_asset_load($id); // If the asset didn't load, throw an error. if (empty($asset)) { form_set_error('birth][' . $parent, t('Could not load the @parent animal record. Make sure the animal name and ID are correct.', array('@parent' => $parent))); continue; } // Save the asset to the form state. $form_state['storage'][$parent] = $asset; } } // If both a mother and a father are specified, make sure they're different. if (!empty($form_state['storage']['mother']) && !empty($form_state['storage']['father'])) { if ($form_state['storage']['mother']->id == $form_state['storage']['father']->id) { unset($form_state['storage']['father']); form_set_error('birth][father', t('The mother and father cannot be the same animal.')); } } } /** * Submit callback for birth quick form. */ function farm_livestock_birth_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { // Get the birth timestamp. $timestamp = strtotime($form_state['values']['birth']['timestamp']); // Get the mother and father animals, if they exists. $parents = array( 'mother' => FALSE, 'father' => FALSE, ); if (!empty($form_state['storage']['mother'])) { $parents['mother'] = $form_state['storage']['mother']; } if (!empty($form_state['storage']['father'])) { $parents['father'] = $form_state['storage']['father']; } // Iterate through the children, and build an array of their asset records. $children = array(); foreach ($form_state['values']['birth']['child'] as $child) { // Create a new animal asset. $values = array( 'type' => 'animal', 'name' => $child['name'], 'created' => $timestamp, ); $child_asset = entity_create('farm_asset', $values); $child_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('farm_asset', $child_asset); // Set the animal's birthdate to the date of the log. $child_wrapper->field_farm_date->set($timestamp); // Set the animal's tag ID, if available. Create a new ID tag // field_collection entity attached to the animal. if (!empty($child['tag_id'])) { $animal_tag = entity_create('field_collection_item', array('field_name' => 'field_farm_animal_tag')); $animal_tag->setHostEntity('farm_asset', $child_asset); $animal_tag_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('field_collection_item', $animal_tag); $animal_tag_wrapper->field_farm_animal_tag_id->set($child['tag_id']); $animal_tag_wrapper->save(); } // Set the animal's sex, if available. if (!empty($child['sex'])) { $child_wrapper->field_farm_animal_sex->set($child['sex']); } // Set the animal's description, if available. if (!empty($child['description']['value'])) { $child_wrapper->field_farm_description->set($child['description']); } // Iterate through the parents. foreach ($parents as $name => $parent) { // If an asset is not loaded, skip it. if (empty($parent)) { continue; } // Add them to the child's parents. $child_wrapper->field_farm_parent[] = $parent->id; // Load metadata wrapper. $parent_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('farm_asset', $parent); // If this is the mother... if ($name == 'mother') { // Copy the species/breed to the child. $animal_type = $parent_wrapper->field_farm_animal_type->value(); $child_wrapper->field_farm_animal_type->set($animal_type); } } // If the child did not survive, then archive them. if (empty($child['survived'])) { $child_wrapper->archived->set($timestamp); } // Save the animal asset. $child_wrapper->save(); // Add it to the array. $children[] = $child_asset; // Set a message. $label = entity_label('farm_asset', $child_asset); $uri = entity_uri('farm_asset', $child_asset); drupal_set_message('Child animal created: ' . l($label, $uri['path'])); } // Create a birth log. $values = array( 'type' => 'farm_birth', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, ); $log = entity_create('log', $values); $log_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('log', $log); // Set the birth mother. $log_wrapper->field_farm_mother->set($parents['mother']->id); // Add the children. foreach ($children as $child) { $log_wrapper->field_farm_asset[] = $child->id; } // Set the location (from the mother, if available). $movement_log = farm_movement_asset_latest_movement($parents['mother']); if (!empty($movement_log)) { $movement_log_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('log', $movement_log); $movement_field = entity_create('field_collection_item', array('field_name' => 'field_farm_movement')); $movement_field->setHostEntity('log', $log); $movement_field_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('field_collection_item', $movement_field); $movement_field_wrapper->field_farm_move_to->set($movement_log_wrapper->field_farm_movement->field_farm_move_to->value()); $movement_field_wrapper->field_farm_geofield->set($movement_log_wrapper->field_farm_movement->field_farm_geofield->value()); $movement_field_wrapper->save(); } // Set the group membership (from the mother, if available). $membership_log = farm_group_asset_latest_membership($parents['mother']); if (!empty($membership_log)) { $membership_log_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('log', $membership_log); $membership_field = entity_create('field_collection_item', array('field_name' => 'field_farm_membership')); $membership_field->setHostEntity('log', $log); $membership_field_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('field_collection_item', $membership_field); $membership_field_wrapper->field_farm_group->set($membership_log_wrapper->field_farm_membership->field_farm_group->value()); $membership_field_wrapper->save(); } // Set the birth log notes, if available. if (!empty($form_state['values']['birth']['notes']['value'])) { $log_wrapper->field_farm_notes->set($form_state['values']['birth']['notes']); } // Set the log's done status. $log_wrapper->done->set(TRUE); // Set the log owner. global $user; $log_wrapper->field_farm_log_owner[] = $user; // Save the log. $log_wrapper->save(); // Set a message that the log was created. $label = entity_label('log', $log); $uri = entity_uri('log', $log); drupal_set_message('Log created: ' . l($label, $uri['path'])); // Set a message linking to the mother animal. $label = entity_label('farm_asset', $parents['mother']); $uri = entity_uri('farm_asset', $parents['mother']); drupal_set_message("View the mother's animal record: " . l($label, $uri['path'])); } /** * Form for adding milk harvest logs. */ function farm_livestock_milk_form($form, &$form_state) { // Determine the default quantity measure and units based on the system of // measurement (Weight in Lbs for US/Imperial, Volume in Liters for Metric). $system = farm_quantity_system_of_measurement(); $default_measure = 'volume'; $default_units = 'liters'; if ($system == 'us') { $default_measure = 'weight'; $default_units = 'lbs'; } // We also remember what the measure and units were from the previous // submission. So if those are set, override the defaults. $default_measure = variable_get('farm_livestock_milk_measure', $default_measure); $default_units = variable_get('farm_livestock_milk_units', $default_units); // Wrapper fieldset. $form['milk'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Record a milk harvest'), '#description' => t('Use this form to record a milk harvest. A harvest log will be created with standard details filled in.'), ); // Animal/group select. $form['milk']['asset'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Group/animal'), '#description' => t('Select the group/animal that this milk came from.'), '#autocomplete_path' => 'farm_asset/autocomplete/animal+group', '#required' => TRUE, ); // Quantity measure. $form['milk']['measure'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Measure'), '#description' => t('Is this harvest measured in weight or in volume?'), '#options' => array( 'weight' => t('Weight'), 'volume' => t('Volume'), ), '#default_value' => $default_measure, '#required' => TRUE, ); // Quantity value. $form['milk']['quantity'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Quantity'), '#required' => TRUE, '#element_validate' => array('element_validate_integer_positive'), ); // Quantity units. $form['milk']['units'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Unit of measure'), '#description' => t('Specify what units this harvest is measured in. This will remember what you entered previously, so if you use standard units you only need to enter them the first time you use this form.'), '#autocomplete_path' => 'taxonomy/autocomplete/field_farm_quantity_units', '#default_value' => $default_units, '#required' => TRUE, ); // Submit button. $form['milk']['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save log'), ); // Return the form. return $form; } /** * Validate callback for milk quick form. */ function farm_livestock_milk_form_validate($form, &$form_state) { // Validate the animal/group asset. if (!empty($form_state['values']['asset'])) { // Extract asset ID. $id = 0; $matches = array(); $result = preg_match('/\\[id: ([0-9]+)\\]$/', $form_state['values']['asset'], $matches); if (!empty($matches[$result])) { $id = $matches[$result]; } // If an ID couldn't be extracted, throw an error. if (empty($id)) { form_set_error('asset', t('Could not load the animal/group record. Make sure the asset ID is included. For example: "My animal [id: 123]"')); } // Load the asset. $asset = farm_asset_load($id); // If the asset didn't load, throw an error. if (empty($asset)) { form_set_error('asset', t('Could not load the animal/group record. Make sure the asset name and ID are correct.')); } // Save the asset to the form state. $form_state['storage']['asset'] = $asset; } } /** * Submit function for milk quick form. */ function farm_livestock_milk_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { // Remember what was entered for measure and units. This will be used as the // default the next time the form is loaded. $measure = check_plain($form_state['values']['measure']); $units = check_plain($form_state['values']['units']); variable_set('farm_livestock_milk_measure', $measure); variable_set('farm_livestock_milk_units', $units); // Get the asset. $asset = $form_state['storage']['asset']; // Create a new log entity. $log = entity_create('log', array('type' => 'farm_harvest')); // Create an entity wrapper for the log. $log_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('log', $log); // Set log name. $log_name = t('Milk @asset: @qty @units', array('@asset' => entity_label('farm_asset', $asset), '@qty' => $form_state['values']['quantity'], '@units' => $form_state['values']['units'])); $log_wrapper->name->set($log_name); // Set the date. $log_wrapper->timestamp->set(REQUEST_TIME); // Add the asset to the log. $log_wrapper->field_farm_asset[] = $asset; // Create a new quantity field_collection entity attached to the log. $quantity = entity_create('field_collection_item', array('field_name' => 'field_farm_quantity')); $quantity->setHostEntity('log', $log); // Create an entity wrapper for the quantity. $quantity_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('field_collection_item', $quantity); // Set the quantity measure. $quantity_wrapper->field_farm_quantity_measure->set($measure); // Set the quantity value. $value_fraction = fraction_from_decimal($form_state['values']['quantity']); $quantity_wrapper->field_farm_quantity_value->numerator->set($value_fraction->getNumerator()); $quantity_wrapper->field_farm_quantity_value->denominator->set($value_fraction->getDenominator()); // Look up the units taxonomy term. $units_terms = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($form_state['values']['units'], 'farm_quantity_units'); // If terms were found, use the first one. if (!empty($units_terms)) { $units_term = reset($units_terms); } // If a term wasn't found, create it. else { $farm_units = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('farm_quantity_units'); $units_term = new stdClass(); $units_term->name = check_plain($units); $units_term->vid = $farm_units->vid; taxonomy_term_save($units_term); } // Set the quantity units. $quantity_wrapper->field_farm_quantity_units = $units_term; // Set the quantity label to "milk". $label = t('milk'); $quantity_wrapper->field_farm_quantity_label->set($label); // Mark the log as done. $log_wrapper->done->set(TRUE); // Set the log owner. global $user; $log_wrapper->field_farm_log_owner[] = $user; // Save the quantity. $quantity_wrapper->save(); // Save the log. $log_wrapper->save(); // Set a message. $label = entity_label('log', $log); $uri = entity_uri('log', $log); drupal_set_message(t('Log created') . ': ' . l($label, $uri['path'])); }