# Running farmOS with Docker This directory contains files necessary to build the farmOS Docker image, along with example `docker-compose.yml` files that can be used for running farmOS in Docker containers. ## Development environment To run a farmOS development environment, copy `docker-compose.development.yml` into a new directory on your server, rename it to `docker-compose.yml` and run `docker-compose up`. If you would like to experiment with installing farmOS on PostgreSQL with PostGIS, copy the `docker-compose.override.postgis.yml` file to the same directory and rename it to `docker-compose.override.yml`. This will override the `db` configuration from `docker-compose.development.yml`. ## Production environment To run a farmOS production environment, use `docker-compose.production.yml` as an example for building your own configuration. Note that this example does not include a database. It is assumed that in production environments the database will be managed outside of Docker. For more information, see farmOS.org/hosting/docker.