# Quick forms Quick forms provide a simplified user interface for common data entry tasks. ## Building quick forms To add a quick form to a module, create a quick form plugin class in `src/Plugin/QuickForm` that extends the `QuickFormBase` class, and add a dependency on `farm:farm_quick` to the module's `*.info.yml` file. Quick forms are essentially just specialized forms created using Drupal's [Form API](https://www.drupal.org/docs/drupal-apis/form-api/introduction-to-form-api), with some special wrappers and helper methods to simplify and standardize common requirements in the context of farmOS. They are defined as plugins via a single PHP class. farmOS handles all the rest, including adding them to the main navigation menu. For example, a simple "Harvest" quick form can be provided in a module comprised of two files (the `*.info.yml` file and the quick form plugin class), as follows: `/farm_quick_harvest.info.yml` ```yaml name: Harvest Quick Form description: Provides a quick form for recording a harvest. type: module package: farmOS Quick Forms core_version_requirement: ^9 dependencies: - farm:farm_harvest - farm:farm_quantity_standard - farm:farm_quick ``` This file defines the module itself, along with the dependencies required by this quick form. In this example, the "Harvest" (`farm:farm_harvest`) and "Standard quantity" (`farm:farm_quick_standard`) modules are dependencies, in addition to the "Quick form" module (`farm:farm_quick`). `/src/Plugin/QuickForm/Harvest.php`: ```php 'datetime', '#title' => $this->t('Date'), '#default_value' => new DrupalDateTime('now', \Drupal::currentUser()->getTimeZone()), '#required' => TRUE, ]; // Asset reference field (allow multiple). $form['asset'] = [ '#type' => 'entity_autocomplete', '#title' => $this->t('Assets'), '#target_type' => 'asset', '#tags' => TRUE, ]; // Harvest quantity field. $form['quantity'] = [ '#type' => 'number', '#title' => $this->t('Quantity'), '#required' => TRUE, ]; return $form; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // Draft a harvest log from the user-submitted data. $timestamp = $form_state->getValue('timestamp')->getTimestamp(); $asset = $form_state->getValue('asset'); $quantity = $form_state->getValue('quantity'); $log = [ 'type' => 'harvest', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'asset' => $asset, 'quantity' => [ [ 'type' => 'standard', 'value' => $quantity, ], ], 'status' => 'done', ]; // Create the log. $this->createLog($log); } } ``` This file declares a new `Harvest` class, that extends from the `QuickFormBase` class. The `buildForm()` method builds the quick form, by adding "Date", "Asset", and "Quantity" fields. A "Submit" button will be automatically added by the base class, but can be overridden if customization is required. The `submitForm()` is responsible for gathering the input and saving it to a harvest log. It uses the `createLog()` helper method that is provided by the `QuickLogTrait` trait, and the `entityLabelsSummary()` method provided by the `QuickStringTrait` trait to build a log name. See [Methods](#methods) and [Traits](#traits) below for more information about the available methods, or examine the `QuickFormBase` class to understand the internal workings. ### Annotation The `@QuickForm` annotation comment above the class declaration is required, and provides import metadata about the quick form. - `id` - The quick form's unique ID. - `label` - The translated label of the quick form displayed at the top of the quick form and in the quick form index page. - `description` - The translated description of the quick form displayed in the quick form index page. - `helpText` - The translated help text of the quick form displayed above the quick form when the Help module is enabled. - `permissions` - An array of permissions that are required to access the quick form. ### Methods The `QuickFormBase` class implements all the necessary methods defined in the `QuickFormInterface` interface, and child classes can choose to override only the ones they need to. At minimum, this will usually include the `buildForm()` and `submitForm()` methods. Available methods include: - `access()` - Checks to see if the current use has access to the quick form. If omitted, then the `QuickFormBase::access()` parent method will check to see if the user has all of the permissions specified in the list of `permissions` in the `@QuickForm` annotation. Overriding this method allows a quick form to implement more customized access control logic. - `buildForm()` - Build the quick form as an array using the [Drupal Form API](https://www.drupal.org/docs/drupal-apis/form-api/introduction-to-form-api). - `validateForm()` - Perform validation on the user input. - `submitForm()` - Perform logic when the form is submitted. This will not run if validation fails. ### Traits farmOS provides some helpers for common quick form operations. These are available in the form of traits that can be added to the quick form class. Available traits and the methods that they provide include: - `QuickAssetTrait` - `createAsset($values)` - Creates and returns a new asset entity from an array of values. This also creates a link in the database between the entity and the quick form that created it, and displays a message to the user upon submission with a link to the entity. - `QuickLogTrait` - `createLog($values)` - Creates and returns a new log entity from an array of values. This also creates a link in the database between the entity and the quick form that created it, and displays a message to the user upon submission with a link to the entity. - `QuickPrepopulateTrait` - `getPrepopulatedEntities($entity_type)` - Returns entities of the specified entity type that have been prepopulated for the quick form. Entities may be prepopulated by either a query param or a user specific tempstore that is populated by the quick form action. - `QuickQuantityTrait` - `createQuantity($values)` - Creates and returns a new quantity entity from an array of values. - `QuickStringTrait` - `trimString($value, $max_length, $suffix)` - Trims a string down to the specified length, respecting word boundaries. - `prioritizedString($strings, $priority_keys, $max_length, $suffix)` - Concatenates strings together with some intelligence for prioritizing certain parts when the full string will not fit within a maximum length. Expects a keyed array of strings to concatenate together, along with an optional array of keys that should be prioritized in case the full string won't fit. - `entityLabelsSummary($entities, $cutoff)` - Generate a summary of entity labels. Example: "Asset 1, Asset 2, Asset 3 (+ 15 more)". Note that this does NOT sanitize the entity labels. It is the responsibility of downstream code to do so, if it is printing text to the page. - `QuickTermTrait` - `createTerm($values)` - Creates and returns a new term entity from an array of values. - `createOrLoadTerm($name, $vocabulary)` - Attempts to load an existing term, given a name and vocabulary. If the term does not exist, a new term will be created. ## Configurable quick forms A "configurable" quick form is one that allows users to change how the quick form behaves, by providing settings and a configuration form for customizing them. To make an existing quick form configurable: 1. Add `implements ConfigurableQuickFormInterface` to the quick form's class definition. This indicates to farmOS that the quick form is configurable, builds a router item for the configuration form, adds it to the UI, etc. 2. Add `use ConfigurableQuickFormTrait` to the quick form's class definition. This adds default methods required by the `ConfigurableQuickFormInterface`. 3. Add a `defaultConfiguration()` method that returns an array of default configuration values. 4. Add a `buildConfigurationForm()` method that builds a configuration form with form items for each of the properties defined in `defaultConfiguration()`. 5. Add a `submitConfigurationForm()` method that processes submitted values and assigns configuration to `$this->configuration`. 6. Add a `config/schema/[mymodule].schema.yml` file that describes the [configuration schema/metatdata](https://www.drupal.org/docs/drupal-apis/configuration-api/configuration-schemametadata). The following is the same "Harvest" example as above, with the new interface and methods, followed by the schema file that describes the settings. ```php 100, ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state, string $id = NULL) { // Date+time selection field (defaults to now). $form['timestamp'] = [ '#type' => 'datetime', '#title' => $this->t('Date'), '#default_value' => new DrupalDateTime('now', \Drupal::currentUser()->getTimeZone()), '#required' => TRUE, ]; // Asset reference field (allow multiple). $form['asset'] = [ '#type' => 'entity_autocomplete', '#title' => $this->t('Assets'), '#target_type' => 'asset', '#tags' => TRUE, ]; // Harvest quantity field. $form['quantity'] = [ '#type' => 'number', '#title' => $this->t('Quantity'), '#required' => TRUE, '#default_value' => $this->configuration['default_quantity'], ]; return $form; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // Draft a harvest log from the user-submitted data. $timestamp = $form_state->getValue('timestamp')->getTimestamp(); $asset = $form_state->getValue('asset'); $quantity = $form_state->getValue('quantity'); $log = [ 'type' => 'harvest', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'asset' => $asset, 'quantity' => [ [ 'type' => 'standard', 'value' => $quantity, ], ], 'status' => 'done', ]; // Create the log. $this->createLog($log); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildConfigurationForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // Default quantity configuration. $form['default_quantity'] = [ '#type' => 'number', '#title' => $this->t('Default quantity'), '#default_value' => $this->configuration['default_quantity'], ]; return $form; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function submitConfigurationForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $this->configuration['default_quantity'] = $form_state->getValue('default_quantity'); } } ``` `config/schema/farm_quick_harvest.schema.yml`: ```yaml farm_quick.settings.harvest: type: quick_form_settings label: 'Harvest quick form settings' mapping: default_quantity: type: integer label: 'Default quantity' ``` ### Methods The `ConfigurableQuickFormTrait` class add all the necessary methods required by `ConfigurableQuickFormInterface` (which is used to designate a quick form as "configurable"). Child classes can override these methods to customize their behavior. At a minimum, most configurable quick form classes should override `defaultConfiguration()`, `buildConfigurationForm()`, and `submitConfigurationForm()`. Available methods include: - `defaultConfiguration()` - Provide an array of default configuration values. - `buildConfigurationForm()` - Build the configuration form as an array using [Drupal Form API](https://www.drupal.org/docs/drupal-apis/form-api/introduction-to-form-api). - `validateConfigurationForm()` - Perform validation on the user input. - `submitConfigurationForm()` - Perform logic when the form is submitted to prepare the quick form configuration entity. This will not run if validation fails. ## Quick form configuration entities Each quick form that is displayed to the user in farmOS is represented as a [configuration entity](https://www.drupal.org/docs/drupal-apis/entity-api/configuration-entity). Each configuration entity specifies which quick form plugin it uses (aka which PHP class that extends from `QuickFormBase`), along with other information like label, description, help text, and configuration settings (used by configurable quick forms). However, if a configuration entity is not saved, farmOS will try to provide a "default instance" of the quick form plugin. From a module developer's perspective, this means that the module does not need to provide any config entity YML files in `config/install`. It can rely on farmOS's default quick form instance logic to show the quick form. In the case of configurable quick forms, a config entity will be automatically created when the user modifies the quick form's configuration and submits the configuration form. Quick form configuration entities can also be used to override defaults, including the label, description, and help text. They can also be used to disable a quick form entirely by setting the config entity's `status` to false. If multiple configuration entities are provided for the same plugin, multiple quick forms will be displayed in the UI. This is useful if you want to create a set of similar quick forms with pre-set configuration options. ### Disable default instance In some cases, a plugin may not want a "default instance" to be created. Instead, they may want to require that a quick form configuration entity be explicitly created. For example, if a plugin requires configuration settings, but there isn't a sensible default for that configuration and user input is required, a "default instance" may not be possible. In that case, the plugin can add `requiresEntity = True` to its annotation, which will tell farmOS not to create a default instance of the quick form. The quick form will only be made available if a configuration entity is saved. ## Quick form actions farmOS provides lists of logs and assets throughout its interface. Many of these lists allow the user to select one or more entities and perform a "bulk action" (eg: "Archive asset", "Assign owners", etc). Quick form actions provide a shortcut to completing a quick form that performs actions on or references existing entities. This allows a user to select one or more entities from a list in farmOS, and be redirected to the quick form with the selected entities passed in. These selected entities can then be used in the quick form code in various ways. ### Providing a quick form action To add a quick form action, three additional files are added to the module: 1. a PHP class in `src/Plugin/Action` that extends from `QuickFormActionBase` 2. an action config entity in `config/install/system.action.*.yml` 3. a `config/schema/[mymodule].schema.yml` file that describes action schema (see example below). For example, an action that redirects to the "Harvest" quick form defined above for prepopulating the "Asset" field would be provided as follows: `/src/Plugin/Action/Harvest.php`: ```php getPrepopulatedEntities('asset', $form_state);` This will return a list of fully-loaded entity objects that can be used in the quick form code. The following is the same "Harvest" example as above, with two additions: 1. The `use QuickPrepopulateTrait;` line is added at the top of the class (as well as a corresponding `use` statement at the top of the file defining the full trait namespace). 2. The `getPrepopulatedEntities()` method is used to populate the `asset` field's default value. ```php 'datetime', '#title' => $this->t('Date'), '#default_value' => new DrupalDateTime('now', \Drupal::currentUser()->getTimeZone()), '#required' => TRUE, ]; // Asset reference field (allow multiple). $form['asset'] = [ '#type' => 'entity_autocomplete', '#title' => $this->t('Assets'), '#target_type' => 'asset', '#tags' => TRUE, '#default_value' => $this->getPrepopulatedEntities('asset', $form_state), ]; // Harvest quantity field. $form['quantity'] = [ '#type' => 'number', '#title' => $this->t('Quantity'), '#required' => TRUE, ]; return $form; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // Draft a harvest log from the user-submitted data. $timestamp = $form_state->getValue('timestamp')->getTimestamp(); $asset = $form_state->getValue('asset'); $quantity = $form_state->getValue('quantity'); $log = [ 'type' => 'harvest', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'asset' => $asset, 'quantity' => [ [ 'type' => 'standard', 'value' => $quantity, ], ], 'status' => 'done', ]; // Create the log. $this->createLog($log); } } ```