array( 'display_name' => st('Configure farmOS'), 'type' => 'form', ), 'farm_install_optional_modules' => array( 'display_name' => st('Install optional modules'), 'type' => 'batch', ), ); return $tasks; } /** * Form callback for farmOS configuration install task. */ function farm_install_configure_form($form, &$form_state) { // Set the page title. drupal_set_title(st('Configure farmOS')); // Allow user to choose which high-level farm modules to install. // Default modules will be selected by default. $default_modules = array( 'farm_crop' => st('Crops'), 'farm_livestock' => st('Livestock'), 'farm_livestock_eggs' => st('Livestock: Egg logs'), 'farm_equipment' => st('Equipment'), 'farm_soil_nrcs' => st('NRCS Soil Survey'), 'farm_soil_test' => st('Soil test logs'), 'farm_area_generate' => st('Area generator (for generating parallel beds within an area)'), 'farm_tour' => st('farmOS Tours'), ); // Extra modules will not be selected by default. $extra_modules = array( 'farm_log_sale' => st('Sale logs'), 'farm_water_test' => st('Water test logs'), 'farm_soil_compost' => st('Compost'), 'farm_sensor' => st('Sensor'), 'farm_sensor_listener' => st('Sensor: Listener'), ); $form['farm_modules'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#title' => st('farmOS Modules'), '#description' => st('Select the farmOS modules that you would like installed by default.'), '#options' => array_merge($default_modules, $extra_modules), '#default_value' => array_keys($default_modules), ); // Allow the user to select their default system of measurement. $form['farm_quantity_unit_system'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('System of measurement'), '#description' => t('Select the system of measurement you would like to use in farmOS.'), '#options' => array( 'metric' => t('Metric'), 'us' => t('US/Imperial'), ), '#default_value' => variable_get('farm_quantity_unit_system', 'metric'), ); // Form actions. $form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions'); $form['actions']['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => st('Continue'), ); // Return the form. return $form; } /** * Submit function for farmOS configuration install task form. */ function farm_install_configure_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { // Save the list of selected modules to a variable. if (!empty($form_state['values']['farm_modules'])) { variable_set('farm_install_optional_modules', $form_state['values']['farm_modules']); } // Save the selected system of measure. if (!empty($form_state['values']['farm_quantity_unit_system'])) { variable_set('farm_quantity_unit_system', $form_state['values']['farm_quantity_unit_system']); } } /** * Callback function for installing optional farmOS modules via Batch API. */ function farm_install_optional_modules() { // Load the list of modules to install. $modules = variable_get('farm_install_optional_modules', array()); // Load list of module names. $files = system_rebuild_module_data(); // Start an array of batch operations. $operations = array(); // Add operation to enable selected modules. foreach ($modules as $module => $enable) { if (!empty($enable)) { $operations[] = array('_farm_install_enable_module', array($module, $files[$module]->info['name'])); } } // Assemble the Batch API. $batch = array( 'title' => t('Installing optional modules'), 'operations' => $operations, ); // Return the Batch API. return $batch; } /** * BatchAPI callback: enable a module. * * @see farm_install_optional_modules() */ function _farm_install_enable_module($module, $module_name, &$context) { module_enable(array($module)); $context['message'] = st('Installed %module module.', array('%module' => $module_name)); } /** * Implements hook_update_dependencies(). */ function farm_update_dependencies() { // farm_livestock_7000() and farm_equipment_update_7000 both depend on // farm_update_7000() because they use the new field_bases provided by // farm_fields. $farm_7000 = array( 'farm' => 7000, ); $dependencies['farm_equipment'][7000] = $farm_7000; $dependencies['farm_livestock'][7000] = $farm_7000; // farm_livestock_7001() depends on farm_update_7019() because it uses the new // field_farm_parent field from the farm_asset_children module. $dependencies['farm_livestock'][7001] = array('farm' => 7019); return $dependencies; } /** * Enable the Farm Fields module. */ function farm_update_7000(&$sandbox) { // Install the farm_fields module and revert the field_base component on it, // so that they are available to update hooks in other modules. // // Between farmOS 7.x-1.0-beta2 and 7.x-1.0-beta3, we upgraded from // Features 1.x to 2.x. This replaced the 'field' component with // 'field_base' and 'field_instance'. At the same time, a new module was // introduced, to serve as a place to put common field_bases: farm_fields. if (!module_exists('farm_fields')) { // Enable the farm_fields module. module_enable(array('farm_fields')); // Reset the "default_hook" static cache for field_base Features components. module_load_include('inc', 'features', 'features.export'); features_get_default_hooks('field_base', TRUE); // Load the farm_fields field_base Features include file, otherwise // feature_get_default() will not see it, and the revert will fail. module_load_include('inc', 'farm_fields', 'farm_fields.features.field_base'); // Revert the field_base component of farm_fields. features_revert(array('farm_fields' => array('field_base'))); } } /** * Update to Openlayers 3 */ function farm_update_7001(&$sandbox) { // Enable new module dependencies. $modules = array( 'openlayers_geofield', 'views_geojson', ); _farm_update_enable_modules($modules); } /** * Enable Entity Reference View Widget. */ function farm_update_7002(&$sandbox) { // Enable new module dependencies. $modules = array( 'entityreference_view_widget', ); _farm_update_enable_modules($modules); } /** * Use the farm menu for primary links. */ function farm_update_7003(&$sandbox) { variable_set('menu_main_links_source', 'farm'); } /** * Enable the RESTful Web Services module. */ function farm_update_7004(&$sandbox) { _farm_update_enable_modules(array('restws')); } /** * Load Openlayers via CDN. */ function farm_update_7005(&$sandbox) { // Enable the Libraries CDN module. _farm_update_enable_modules(array('libraries_cdn')); // Load Openlayers 3.8.2 from JSDelivr CDN. \Drupal\openlayers\Config::set('openlayers.variant', 'jsdelivr:ol3:3.8.2'); } /** * Autorotate images. */ function farm_update_7006(&$sandbox) { // Enable the EXIF Orientation module. _farm_update_enable_modules(array('exif_orientation')); } /** * Install Farm Access and Role Delegation, uninstall Farm Manager. */ function farm_update_7007(&$sandbox) { // Enable the Farm Access and Role Delegation modules. _farm_update_enable_modules(array('farm_access', 'role_delegation')); // Disable and uninstall the Farm Manager module. $module = 'farm_manager'; if (module_exists($module)) { module_disable(array($module)); drupal_uninstall_modules(array($module)); } } /** * Install Farm Tour. */ function farm_update_7008(&$sandbox) { // Enable the Farm Access and Role Delegation modules. _farm_update_enable_modules(array('farm_tour')); } /** * Enable "Request new password" link on 403 pages (via LoginToboggan). */ function farm_update_7009(&$sandbox) { variable_set('logintoboggan_site_403_user_login_block', TRUE); } /** * Recalculate all Geofield metadata, using BCMath (patched GeoPHP module), so * centroids are correct. */ function farm_update_7010(&$sandbox) { // Process this in passes of 50 at a time. $sandbox['#finished'] = 0; $limit = 50; // Keep track of progress. if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) { // Start out at zero. $sandbox['progress'] = 0; // Figure out which entity types/bundles have geofields. $sandbox['geofields'] = array(); $query = "SELECT fci.entity_type, fci.bundle, fc.field_name FROM {field_config_instance} fci LEFT JOIN {field_config} fc ON = fci.field_id WHERE fc.type = 'geofield'"; $result = db_query($query); foreach ($result as $row) { $sandbox['geofields'][$row->entity_type][$row->bundle] = $row->field_name; } // Build an array of all the entities that need to be processed, and take a // count of the total. $sandbox['entities'] = array(); $sandbox['total'] = 0; foreach ($sandbox['geofields'] as $entity_type => $bundles) { $sandbox['entities'][$entity_type] = array(); foreach ($bundles as $bundle => $field_name) { $query = new EntityFieldQuery; $query->entityCondition('entity_type', $entity_type) ->entityCondition('bundle', $bundle); $results = $query->execute(); if (isset($results[$entity_type])) { $sandbox['entities'][$entity_type] = array_merge($sandbox['entities'][$entity_type], $results[$entity_type]); $sandbox['total'] += count($results[$entity_type]); } } } } // Process the next set of entities. $i = 0; while ($i < $limit && $sandbox['progress'] < $sandbox['total']) { // Get the entity array keys, which correspond to the entity types. $keys = array_keys($sandbox['entities']); // If the first array in the list of entities is empty, remove it. if (empty($sandbox['entities'][$keys[0]])) { array_shift($sandbox['entities']); array_shift($keys); } // The first key is the entity type we're currently working with. $entity_type = $keys[0]; // Shift the next entity off the front of the list. $info = array_shift($sandbox['entities'][$entity_type]); // Load the entity. $id = reset($info); $entities = entity_load($entity_type, array($id)); $entity = reset($entities); // Look up which field this bundle is using. $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper($entity_type, $id); $bundle = $wrapper->getBundle(); $field_name = $sandbox['geofields'][$entity_type][$bundle]; // If the geofield 'geom' value is not empty... if (!empty($entity->{$field_name}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['geom'])) { // Save the entity, so that geofield_field_presave() runs and regenerates // the other geometry metadata values. entity_save($entity_type, $entity); } // Increment $i and $sandbox['progress']. $i++; $sandbox['progress']++; } // Tell Drupal whether or not we're finished. if ($sandbox['total'] > 0) { $sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['total']; } else { $sandbox['#finished'] = 1; } } /** * Load Openlayers 3.10.1 from CDNJS. */ function farm_update_7011(&$sandbox) { \Drupal\openlayers\Config::set('openlayers.variant', 'cdnjs:ol3:3.10.1'); } /** * Load Openlayers 3.11.2 from CDNJS. */ function farm_update_7012(&$sandbox) { \Drupal\openlayers\Config::set('openlayers.variant', 'cdnjs:ol3:3.11.2'); } /** * Uninstall Views Data Export. */ function farm_update_7013(&$sandbox) { $module = 'views_data_export'; if (module_exists($module)) { module_disable(array($module)); drupal_uninstall_modules(array($module)); } } /** * Uninstall Filefield Paths. */ function farm_update_7014(&$sandbox) { $module = 'filefield_paths'; if (module_exists($module)) { module_disable(array($module)); drupal_uninstall_modules(array($module)); } } /** * Uninstall Panels and Page Manager. */ function farm_update_7015(&$sandbox) { $modules = array( 'page_manager', 'panels', ); module_disable($modules); drupal_uninstall_modules($modules); } /** * Uninstall Logintoboggan. */ function farm_update_7016(&$sandbox) { variable_del('site_403'); variable_del('logintoboggan_login_with_email'); variable_del('logintoboggan_site_403_user_login_block'); } /** * Install Farm Quantity and Farm Area Generator modules. */ function farm_update_7017(&$sandbox) { _farm_update_enable_modules(array('farm_area_generate', 'farm_quantity')); } /** * Uninstall Log Plan module. */ function farm_update_7018(&$sandbox) { $modules = array( 'log_plan', ); module_disable($modules); drupal_uninstall_modules($modules); } /** * Install Farm Asset Children module. */ function farm_update_7019(&$sandbox) { // Enable the Farm Asset Children module. _farm_update_enable_modules(array('farm_asset_children')); // Reset the "default_hook" static cache for field_base Features components. module_load_include('inc', 'features', 'features.export'); features_get_default_hooks('field_base', TRUE); // Load the farm_asset_children field_base Features include file, otherwise // feature_get_default() will not see it, and the revert will fail. module_load_include('inc', 'farm_asset_children', 'farm_asset_children.features.field_base'); // Revert the field_base component of farm_asset_children. features_revert(array('farm_asset_children' => array('field_base'))); } /** * Install Views Data Export. */ function farm_update_7020(&$sandbox) { _farm_update_enable_modules(array('views_data_export')); } /** * Install Multiupload Filefield and Imagefield Widget modules. */ function farm_update_7021(&$sandbox) { _farm_update_enable_modules(array('multiupload_filefield_widget', 'multiupload_imagefield_widget')); } /** * Install Field Group module. */ function farm_update_7022(&$sandbox) { _farm_update_enable_modules(array('field_group')); } /** * Change the Bootswatch theme to Simplex 3.3.7. */ function farm_update_7023(&$sandbox) { $theme_settings = variable_get('theme_farm_theme_settings', array()); $theme_settings['bootstrap_cdn_provider'] = 'custom'; $theme_settings['bootstrap_cdn_custom_css'] = '//'; $theme_settings['bootstrap_cdn_custom_css_min'] = '//'; $theme_settings['bootstrap_cdn_custom_js'] = '//'; $theme_settings['bootstrap_cdn_custom_js_min'] = '//'; variable_set('theme_farm_theme_settings', $theme_settings); } /** * Populate all log owner fields with the log's author. */ function farm_update_7024(&$sandbox) { // Revert the farm_fields feature to ensure that the new field is available. features_revert(array('farm_fields' => array('field_base'))); // Copy user id from {log} table. $select = "SELECT 'log' AS entity_type, type AS bundle, 0 AS deleted, id AS entity_id, id AS revision_id, 'und' AS language, 0 AS delta, uid AS field_farm_log_owner_target_id FROM {log}"; db_query('INSERT INTO {field_data_field_farm_log_owner} (' . $select . ')'); db_query('INSERT INTO {field_revision_field_farm_log_owner} (' . $select . ')'); } /** * Install the new Farm Dashboard, Help, Menu, People, and UI modules. */ function farm_update_7025(&$sandbox) { // Enable new modules. $modules = array( 'farm_dashboard', 'farm_help', 'farm_menu', 'farm_people', 'farm_ui' ); _farm_update_enable_modules($modules); // Delete the farm_admin module. db_delete('system') ->condition('name', 'farm_admin') ->condition('type', 'module') ->execute(); } /** * Install the new Farm Import module. */ function farm_update_7026(&$sandbox) { _farm_update_enable_modules(array('farm_import')); } /** * Update helper function: enable modules. */ function _farm_update_enable_modules($modules = array()) { foreach ($modules as $module) { if (!module_exists($module)) { module_enable(array($module)); } } }