array( 'title' => t('Add sensor'), 'href' => 'farm/asset/add/sensor', 'views' => array( 'farm_sensors', ), ), ); return $actions; } /** * Implements hook_farm_area_links(). */ function farm_sensor_farm_area_links($id) { $links = array(); // Add link to sensors. $view = views_get_view('farm_sensors'); $view->preview('default', array($id)); if ($view->total_rows > 0) { $links[] = array( 'title' => t('Sensors') . ': ' . $view->total_rows, 'href' => 'farm/assets/sensors/' . $id, ); } return $links; } /** * Implements hook_farm_asset_breadcrumb(). */ function farm_sensor_farm_asset_breadcrumb($farm_asset) { // If the asset is a sensor, add a link to the sensors list. $breadcrumb = array(); if ($farm_asset->type == 'sensor') { $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Assets'), 'farm/assets'); $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Sensors'), 'farm/assets/sensors'); } return $breadcrumb; } /** * Implements hook_farm_asset_view_views(). */ function farm_sensor_farm_asset_view_views($farm_asset) { // If the entity is not sensor, bail. if ($farm_asset->type != 'sensor') { return array(); } // Return a list of Views to include on Sensors. return array( array( 'name' => 'farm_log_activity', 'weight' => 0, ), array( 'name' => 'farm_log_observation', 'weight' => 10, ), array( 'name' => 'farm_log_movement', 'weight' => 100, ), ); } /** * Implements hook_farm_taxonomy_term_view_views(). */ function farm_sensor_farm_taxonomy_term_view_views($term) { // If the term is not an area, bail. if ($term->vocabulary_machine_name != 'farm_areas') { return array(); } // Return a list of Views to include on Areas. return array( array( 'name' => 'farm_sensors', 'always' => TRUE, ), ); } /** * Implements hook_farm_access_perms(). */ function farm_sensor_farm_access_perms($role) { // Assemble a list of entity types provided by this module. $types = array( 'farm_asset' => array( 'sensor', ), ); // Grant different CRUD permissions based on the role. $perms = array(); switch ($role) { // Farm Manager and Worker case 'Farm Manager': case 'Farm Worker': $perms = farm_access_entity_perms($types); break; // Farm Viewer case 'Farm Viewer': $perms = farm_access_entity_perms($types, array('view')); break; } return $perms; } /** * Implements hook_entity_load(). */ function farm_sensor_entity_load($entities, $type) { // Only act on farm_asset entities. if ($type != 'farm_asset') { return; } // Iterate through the loaded assets... foreach ($entities as $entity) { // Only act on sensors... if ($entity->type != 'sensor') { continue; } // Load the sensor information from the {farm_sensor} database. $query = db_select('farm_sensor', 's'); $query->fields('s'); $query->condition('id', $entity->id); $result = $query->execute(); $sensor_info = $result->fetchAssoc(); // Only continue if sensor info was returned. if (empty($sensor_info)) { continue; } // Assign the entity's sensor type. $entity->sensor_type = $sensor_info['type']; // Assign the entity's sensor settings. $entity->sensor_settings = unserialize($sensor_info['settings']); } } /** * Implements hook_entity_insert(). */ function farm_sensor_entity_insert($entity, $type) { _farm_sensor_entity_save($entity, $type); } /** * Implements hook_entity_update(). */ function farm_sensor_entity_update($entity, $type) { _farm_sensor_entity_save($entity, $type); } /** * Helper function for saving farm sensor information on entity insert and update. * * @param $entity * The entity being saved. * @param $type * The type of entity being saved. */ function _farm_sensor_entity_save($entity, $type) { // Only act on farm asset entities. if ($type != 'farm_asset') { return; } // Only act on sensor assets. if ($entity->type != 'sensor') { return; } // Only act if a sensor type is set. if (empty($entity->sensor_type)) { return; } // If sensor settings are not set, save an empty array. if (!isset($entity->sensor_settings)) { $entity->sensor_settings = array(); } // Save the sensor record. farm_sensor_save($entity->id, $entity->sensor_type, $entity->sensor_settings); } /** * Implements hook_entity_delete(). */ function farm_sensor_entity_delete($entity, $type) { // Only act on farm asset entities. if ($type != 'farm_asset') { return; } // Only act on sensor assets. if ($entity->type != 'sensor') { return; } // Delete sensor record. farm_sensor_delete($entity->id); } /** * Implements hook_entity_view_alter(). */ function farm_sensor_entity_view_alter(&$build, $type) { /* * Alter farm assets to display sensor information. */ // If it's not a farm_asset, bail. if ($type != 'farm_asset') { return; } // If the entity information isn't available, bail. if (empty($build['#entity'])) { return; } $asset = $build['#entity']; // If the asset does not have a sensor type, bail. if (empty($asset->sensor_type)) { return; } // Load the list of sensor types. $sensor_types = farm_sensor_types(); // Get the sensor type label if it exists. if (!empty($sensor_types[$asset->sensor_type])) { $sensor_type_label = $sensor_types[$asset->sensor_type]['label']; } // Otherwise, indicate that the sensor type definition is missing. else { $sensor_type_label = $asset->sensor_type . ' (undefined)'; } // Add the sensor type. $build['sensor_type'] = array( '#markup' => '

Sensor type: ' . $sensor_type_label . '

', ); // Ask other modules for sensor asset view content. $module_content = module_invoke_all('farm_sensor_view', $asset); // Merge the asset view content into the build array. if (!empty($module_content)) { $build = array_merge($build, $module_content); } } /** * Implements hook_form_alter(). */ function farm_sensor_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { // Only alter the farm asset form. if ($form_id != 'farm_asset_form') { return; } // Only alter if the asset is of type 'sensor'. if ($form['#entity_type'] != 'farm_asset' || $form['#bundle'] != 'sensor') { return; } // Pull the farm asset object out of the form. $farm_asset = $form['farm_asset']['#value']; // Load the available sensor types. $sensor_types = farm_sensor_types(); // Generate a list of sensor type options. $options = array(); foreach ($sensor_types as $name => $type) { $options[$name] = $type['label']; } // Determine the type. $sensor_type = !empty($farm_asset->sensor_type) ? $farm_asset->sensor_type : NULL; // Override sensor type with $form_state value, so AJAX works. if (!empty($form_state['values']['sensor_type'])) { $sensor_type = $form_state['values']['sensor_type']; } // Add a sensor fieldset. $form['sensor'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Sensor configuration'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, '#weight' => 99, ); // Add a sensor type selection field to the form. $form['sensor']['sensor_type'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Sensor type'), '#description' => t('What type of sensor is this?'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $sensor_type, '#required' => TRUE, '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'farm_sensor_settings_form_ajax', 'wrapper' => 'farm_sensor_settings' ), ); // Load the sensor settings. $sensor_settings = !empty($farm_asset->sensor_settings) ? $farm_asset->sensor_settings : array(); // Sensor settings fieldset. $form['sensor']['sensor_settings'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Sensor settings'), '#description' => t('Configure settings for the sensor type selected above.'), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#tree' => TRUE, ); // If a sensor type is selected, and the type has a settings form... if (!empty($sensor_type) && !empty($sensor_types[$sensor_type]['form']) && function_exists($sensor_types[$sensor_type]['form'])) { // Load the sensor type settings form. $settings_form = call_user_func_array($sensor_types[$sensor_type]['form'], array($farm_asset, $sensor_settings)); // Add it to the fieldset. $form['sensor']['sensor_settings'] = array_merge($form['sensor_settings'], $settings_form); } } /** * Farm sensor settings form ajax. */ function farm_sensor_settings_form_ajax($form, $form_state) { return $form['sensor_settings']; } /** * Get farm sensor types. * * @return array * Returns an array of sensors type information provided by other modules. */ function farm_sensor_types() { // Gather type information from other modules. $sensor_types = module_invoke_all('farm_sensor_type_info'); // Return it. return $sensor_types; } /** * Helper function for saving farm sensor information. * * @param int $id * The farm sensor asset id. * @param string $type * The sensor type. * @param array $settings * An array of sensor settings. */ function farm_sensor_save($id, $type, $settings = array()) { // Delete any existing farm_sensor_delete($id); // Insert a new record. $record = array( 'id' => $id, 'type' => $type, 'settings' => $settings, ); drupal_write_record('farm_sensor', $record); } /** * Helper function for deleting farm sensor information. * * @param int $id * The farm sensor asset id. */ function farm_sensor_delete($id) { db_delete('farm_sensor')->condition('id', $id)->execute(); } /** * Load an array of sensors in an area. * * @param int $area_id * The area id. * @param string $type * The sensor type (optional). * * @return array * Returns an array of sensors in the area. */ function farm_sensor_area_sensors($area_id, $type = '') { // Start with a blank array. $sensors = array(); // Build a query for sensor assets in the area. $query = db_select('farm_asset', 'fa'); $query->addField('fa', 'id'); $query->condition('fa.type', 'sensor'); // Build a sub-select query for determining the latest movement log of assets. $subquery = farm_log_movement_asset_movement_query(''); // Join the latest movement log for each asset. $query->join('log', 'l', ' = (' . $subquery . ')'); // Only show assets with a movement to this area. $query->join('field_data_field_farm_move_to', 'fdffmt', ' = fdffmt.entity_id'); $query->condition('fdffmt.field_farm_move_to_tid', $area_id); // If a sensor type is specified in the arguments, only show that type. if (!empty($type)) { $query->join('farm_sensor', 'fs', ' ='); $query->condition('fs.type', $type); } // Execute the query. $result = $query->execute(); // Load the sensors. while ($asset_id = $result->fetchField()) { $sensors[] = farm_asset_load($asset_id); } // Return the sensors. return $sensors; } /** * Implements hook_farm_sensor_type_info(). */ function farm_sensor_farm_sensor_type_info() { return array( 'none' => array( 'label' => t('None'), 'description' => t('No sensor type.'), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_views_post_render(). */ function farm_sensor_views_post_render(&$view, &$output, &$cache) { // If this is the Farm Sensors page... if ($view->name == 'farm_sensors' && $view->current_display == 'page') { // If dashboard maps are disabled in the farm_map module settings, bail. if (!variable_get('farm_map_show', TRUE)) { return; } // If there are any arguments, bail. /** * @todo * Display a map that is filtered by the same arguments. */ if (!empty($view->args)) { return; } // If the View result is not empty... if (!empty($view->result)) { // Add the Sensors asset map to the top of the View. $map = \Drupal\openlayers\Openlayers::load('Map', 'farm_assets_sensor'); if (!empty($map)) { $map_build = $map->build(); $output = drupal_render($map_build) . $output; } } } }