element = $element; $this->mapType = $map_type; $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager; } /** * Getter method to get the map target ID. * * @return string * The map target ID. */ public function getMapTargetId() { return $this->element['#attributes']['id']; } /** * Getter method to get the map type being rendered. * * @return \Drupal\farm_map\Entity\MapTypeInterface * The map type config entity. */ public function getMapType() { return $this->mapType; } /** * Getter method for map behaviors. * * This returns a merged list of map behaviors from both the map type * configuration and the map element's #behaviors property. * * @return string[] * An array of map behavior IDs. */ public function getMapBehaviors() { $behaviors = $this->getMapType()->getMapBehaviors(); if (!empty($this->element['#behaviors'])) { $behaviors = array_merge($behaviors, $this->element['#behaviors']); } return $behaviors; } /** * Add behavior to the map. * * @param string $behavior_name * The behavior name. * @param array $settings * Optional behavior settings that will be added to * drupalSettings.farm_map.behaviors.behavior_name. * * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException * * @see \Drupal\farm_map\Element\FarmMap */ public function addBehavior(string $behavior_name, array $settings = []) { // Load the behavior. /** @var \Drupal\farm_map\Entity\MapBehaviorInterface $behavior */ $behavior = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('map_behavior')->load($behavior_name); // If the behavior has a library, attach it. if (!empty($behavior->getLibrary())) { $this->element['#attached']['library'][] = $behavior->getLibrary(); } // Add behavior settings if supplied. if (!empty($settings)) { $behaviorSettings['behaviors'][$behavior_name] = $settings; $this->addSettings($behaviorSettings); } } /** * Add settings to the map. * * These settings will be added to drupalSettings.farm_map. * * @param array $settings * The settings to be added. */ public function addSettings(array $settings) { $existing = []; if (!empty($this->element['#attached']['drupalSettings']['farm_map'])) { $existing = $this->element['#attached']['drupalSettings']['farm_map']; } $this->element['#attached']['drupalSettings']['farm_map'] = array_replace_recursive($existing, $settings); } /** * Add cache tags to the render element. * * @param array $tags * An array of cache tags. */ public function addCacheTags(array $tags) { $existing = []; if (!empty($this->element['#cache']['tags'])) { $existing = $this->element['#cache']['tags']; } $this->element['#cache']['tags'] = array_unique(array_merge($tags, $existing)); } }