id(), ['farm_asset', 'farm_log', 'farm_plan', 'farm_quantity'])) { return; } // If this is a "By type" display, alter the fields and filters. $bundle = farm_ui_views_get_bundle_argument($view, $display_id, $args); if (!empty($bundle)) { // Remove the type field and filter handlers. $view->removeHandler($display_id, 'field', 'type'); $view->removeHandler($display_id, 'filter', 'type'); // Add the type to exposed filters. // This ensures the "Export CSV" link includes a type filter. $exposed_input = $view->getExposedInput(); $exposed_input['type'] = [$bundle]; $view->setExposedInput($exposed_input); // If the entity type has a bundle_plugin manager, add all of its // bundle fields and filters to the page_type view. if (\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->hasHandler($view->getBaseEntityType()->id(), 'bundle_plugin')) { farm_ui_views_add_bundle_handlers($view, $display_id, $bundle, 'field'); farm_ui_views_add_bundle_handlers($view, $display_id, $bundle, 'filter'); } } // If this is an asset/log/quantity "CSV export" display with a single type // filter applied, alter fields and filters to match the "By type" display. if (in_array($view->id(), ['farm_asset', 'farm_log', 'farm_quantity']) && $display_id == 'csv') { // Determine the bundle from the "type" exposed input filter. // The input may be a string or an array depending on if the exposed filter // allows multiple selections. $bundle = NULL; $exposed_input = $view->getExposedInput(); if (isset($exposed_input['type'])) { if (is_string($exposed_input['type']) && $exposed_input['type'] != 'All') { $bundle = $exposed_input['type']; } elseif (is_array($exposed_input['type']) && count($exposed_input['type']) == 1) { $bundle = $exposed_input['type'][0]; } } // If the entity type has a bundle_plugin manager, add all of its // bundle fields and filters to the page_type view. if ($bundle && \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->hasHandler($view->getBaseEntityType()->id(), 'bundle_plugin')) { farm_ui_views_add_bundle_handlers($view, $display_id, $bundle, 'field'); farm_ui_views_add_bundle_handlers($view, $display_id, $bundle, 'filter'); } } // If this is a log "CSV export" display, set the Quantity view mode to // "Plain text" to strip out tags and whitespace. if ($view->id() == 'farm_log' && $display_id == 'csv') { $view->setHandlerOption('csv', 'field', 'quantity_target_id', 'settings', ['view_mode' => 'plain_text']); } // Remove the asset and location filters from the log page_asset display. // @todo Make the AssetOrLocationArgument compatible with these filters. if ($view->id() == 'farm_log' && $display_id == 'page_asset') { $view->removeHandler($display_id, 'filter', 'asset_target_id'); $view->removeHandler($display_id, 'filter', 'location_target_id'); } // If this is the "Upcoming" or "Late" Logs block display, add a "more" link // that points to the default page display with appropriate filters. if ($view->id() == 'farm_log' && in_array($display_id, ['block_upcoming', 'block_late'])) { $view->display_handler->setOption('use_more', TRUE); $view->display_handler->setOption('use_more_always', TRUE); $view->display_handler->setOption('link_display', 'custom_url'); $today = date('Y-m-d', \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime()); if ($display_id == 'block_upcoming') { $view->display_handler->setOption('use_more_text', t('View all upcoming logs')); $view->display_handler->setOption('link_url', 'logs?status[]=pending&start=' . $today); } elseif ($display_id == 'block_late') { $view->display_handler->setOption('use_more_text', t('View all late logs')); $view->display_handler->setOption('link_url', 'logs?status[]=pending&end=' . $today); } } } /** * Implements hook_views_pre_render(). */ function farm_ui_views_views_pre_render(ViewExecutable $view) { // We only want to alter the Views we provide. if (!in_array($view->id(), ['farm_asset', 'farm_log', 'farm_plan', 'farm_quantity'])) { return; } // We may set the View page title, but assume not. $title = ''; // If this is the farm_asset View and page_children display, include the // asset's name. if ($view->id() == 'farm_asset' && $view->current_display == 'page_children') { $asset_id = $view->args[0]; $asset = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('asset')->load($asset_id); $title = t('Children of %asset', ['%asset' => $asset->label()]); } // If this is the farm_asset View and page_location display, include the // asset's name. if ($view->id() == 'farm_asset' && $view->current_display == 'page_location') { $asset_id = $view->args[0]; $asset = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('asset')->load($asset_id); $title = t('Assets in %location', ['%location' => $asset->label()]); } // If this is the farm_log View and page_asset display, include the asset's // name. if ($view->id() == 'farm_log' && $view->current_display == 'page_asset') { $asset_id = $view->args[0]; $asset = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('asset')->load($asset_id); $title = $asset->label() . ' ' . $view->getBaseEntityType()->getPluralLabel(); } // If this is a "By type" display and a bundle argument is specified, load // the bundle label and set the title. $bundle = farm_ui_views_get_bundle_argument($view, $view->current_display, $view->args); if (!empty($bundle)) { $bundles = \Drupal::service('')->getBundleInfo($view->getBaseEntityType()->id()); if (!empty($bundles[$bundle])) { $title = $bundles[$bundle]['label'] . ' ' . $view->getBaseEntityType()->getPluralLabel(); } } // If this is the farm_asset/farm_log View and page_term display, include // the term's name. if (in_array($view->id(), ['farm_asset', 'farm_log']) && $view->current_display == 'page_term') { $term_id = $view->args[0]; $entity_bundle = $view->args[1]; $term = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->load($term_id); if (!empty($term)) { $vocabulary = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_vocabulary')->load($term->bundle()); $entity_bundle_label = ''; if ($entity_bundle != 'all') { $bundles = \Drupal::service('')->getBundleInfo($view->getBaseEntityType()->id()); if (!empty($bundles[$entity_bundle])) { $entity_bundle_label = $bundles[$entity_bundle]['label'] . ' ' . $view->getBaseEntityType()->getPluralLabel(); } } if (!empty($entity_bundle_label)) { $title = t('%bundle with %vocab term %term', [ '%bundle' => $entity_bundle_label, '%vocab' => $vocabulary->label(), '%term' => $term->label(), ]); } else { $title = t('%base_type with %vocab term %term', [ '%base_type' => $view->getBaseEntityType()->getCollectionLabel(), '%vocab' => $vocabulary->label(), '%term' => $term->label(), ]); } } } // Set the title, if so desired. if (!empty($title)) { $view->setTitle($title); } } /** * Helper function for adding bundle-specific field and filter handlers. * * @param \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view * The View to add handlers to. * @param string $display_id * The ID of the View display to add handlers to. * @param string $bundle * The bundle name. * @param string $type * The handler type ('field' or 'filter'). */ function farm_ui_views_add_bundle_handlers(ViewExecutable $view, string $display_id, string $bundle, string $type) { // Get the entity and bundle. $base_entity = $view->getBaseEntityType(); // Get the entity storage and table mapping. /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage $entity_storage */ $entity_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($base_entity->id()); $table_mapping = $entity_storage->getTableMapping(); // Load bundle fields. /** @var \Drupal\entity\BundleFieldDefinition[] $bundle_fields */ $bundle_fields = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getHandler($base_entity->id(), 'bundle_plugin')->getFieldDefinitions($bundle); foreach (array_reverse($bundle_fields) as $field_name => $field_definition) { // Skip the bundle field if the view display was set as "hidden". $view_options = $field_definition->getDisplayOptions('view'); if (empty($view_options) || (!empty($view_options['region']) && $view_options['region'] == 'hidden')) { continue; } // Save the field type. $field_type = $field_definition->getType(); // Build a views option name so we can load its views data definition. // First try to get the table from the field's table mapping. try { $table = $table_mapping->getFieldTableName($field_name); } // Else default to the entity types's base table. // This is the convention that computed fields should follow when defining // views data since they do not have a table created in the database. catch (SqlContentEntityStorageException $e) { $table = $entity_storage->getBaseTable(); } // Build the column name from the field name + main property. $property_name = $field_definition->getFieldStorageDefinition()->getMainPropertyName(); $column_name = $field_name . '_' . $property_name; // Fraction fields do not have a main property name, so build it manually. if ($field_type == 'fraction') { $column_name = $field_name . '_value'; } // Combine the table and column names. $views_option_name = $table . '.' . $column_name; // Add a field handler if a views data field definition exists. if ($type == 'field') { $field_options = Views::viewsDataHelper()->fetchFields($table, 'field'); if (isset($field_options[$views_option_name])) { // Build field options for the field type. $field_options = []; $sort_order = 'asc'; // Get the field label. $field_options['label'] = $field_definition->getLabel(); // Add settings that are specific to field types. switch ($field_type) { case 'timestamp': // Render timestamp fields in the html_date format. $field_options['type'] = 'timestamp'; $field_options['settings']['date_format'] = 'html_date'; // Sort timestamps descending so new dates are on top by default. $sort_order = 'desc'; break; case 'boolean': case 'entity_reference': case 'fraction': case 'list_string': case 'string': // Field types that do not need any modifications. break; default: // Do not add field handlers for unsupported field types. continue 2; } // Add the field handler. $new_field_id = $view->addHandler($display_id, 'field', $table, $column_name, $field_options); // Determine what position to insert the field handler. switch ($base_entity->id()) { case 'asset': case 'plan': $sort_field = 'name'; break; case 'log': $sort_field = 'quantity_target_id'; break; case 'quantity': default: $sort_field = FALSE; break; } // Sort the field handlers if necessary. if (!empty($sort_field)) { farm_ui_views_sort_field($view, $display_id, $new_field_id, $sort_field); } // Add the field to the table style options. $view->getStyle()->options['columns'][$new_field_id] = $new_field_id; $view->getStyle()->options['info'][$new_field_id] = [ 'sortable' => TRUE, 'default_sort_order' => $sort_order, 'align' => '', 'separator' => '', 'empty_column' => TRUE, 'responsive' => '', ]; } } // Add a filter handler if a views data filter definition exists. elseif ($type == 'filter') { $filter_options = Views::viewsDataHelper()->fetchFields($table, 'filter'); if (isset($filter_options[$views_option_name])) { $filter_options = [ 'id' => $field_name, 'table' => $table, 'field' => $column_name, 'exposed' => TRUE, 'expose' => [ 'operator_id' => $column_name . '_op', 'label' => $filter_options[$views_option_name]['title'], 'identifier' => $column_name, 'multiple' => TRUE, ], 'entity_type' => $base_entity->id(), 'entity_field' => $field_name, ]; // Build filter options for the field type. switch ($field_type) { case 'boolean': $filter_options['value'] = 'All'; break; case 'entity_reference': $target_type = $field_definition->getSetting('target_type'); // Use a select widget for taxonomy term references. if ($target_type === 'taxonomy_term') { $filter_options['type'] = 'select'; // Limit to specific vocabularies if configured. $handler_settings = $field_definition->getSetting('handler_settings'); $filter_options['limit'] = FALSE; if (!empty($handler_settings['target_bundles'])) { $filter_options['limit'] = TRUE; $filter_options['vid'] = reset($handler_settings['target_bundles']); } } // We use autocomplete for other entity types. else { $filter_options['type'] = 'autocomplete'; // If Views is used for the handler, or if target bundles are // specified, then pass the handler and handler settings through // to the filter so they can be used to limit options. $handler = $field_definition->getSetting('handler'); $handler_settings = $field_definition->getSetting('handler_settings'); if ($handler === 'views' || !empty($handler_settings['target_bundles'])) { $filter_options['handler'] = $handler; $filter_options['handler_settings'] = $handler_settings; } } break; case 'string': // String fields use the contains operator. $filter_options['operator'] = 'contains'; break; case 'list_string': case 'timestamp': // Field types that do not need any modifications. break; default: // Do not add filter handlers for unsupported field types. continue 2; } // Add the filter handler. $view->addHandler($display_id, 'filter', $table, $column_name, $filter_options); } } } }