$info) { $source = 'farm_asset_full_source_' . $type; $sources[$source] = $source; } // Define a zoom-to-source component that applies to all asset sources. $ol_component = new stdClass(); $ol_component->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default ol_component disabled initially */ $ol_component->api_version = 1; $ol_component->machine_name = 'farm_asset_component_assets_zoom_to_source'; $ol_component->name = 'Farm Asset: Assets Zoom to Source'; $ol_component->description = 'Automatically zoom to the asset source when the map is first built.'; $ol_component->factory_service = 'openlayers.Component:ZoomToSource'; $ol_component->options = array( 'source' => $sources, 'duration' => 500, 'zoom' => 'auto', 'max_zoom' => 20, 'process_once' => 0, ); $export['farm_asset_component_assets_zoom_to_source'] = $ol_component; // Create an array of layers to enable popups on. $layers = array(); foreach ($asset_types as $type => $info) { $layer = 'farm_asset_cluster_layer_' . $type; $layers[$layer] = $layer; } // Create a popup component for cluster layers. $ol_component = new stdClass(); $ol_component->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default ol_component disabled initially */ $ol_component->api_version = 1; $ol_component->machine_name = 'farm_asset_component_assets_popup'; $ol_component->name = 'Farm Asset: Assets Popup'; $ol_component->description = ''; $ol_component->factory_service = 'openlayers.Component:Popup'; $ol_component->options = array( 'frontend_layers' => $layers, 'positioning' => 'top-right', 'autoPan' => TRUE, 'autoPanAnimation' => 0, 'autoPanMargin' => 20, 'closer' => 1, ); $export['farm_asset_component_assets_popup'] = $ol_component; return $export; }