Plantings documentation.', array('@plantings_doc_url' => url(''))); } // View of Seedings. elseif ($path == 'farm/logs/seedings') { return t('Seeding logs represent when Planting assets are seeded directly into the ground (or into containers). For more information, see the Plantings documentation.', array('@plantings_url' => url('farm/assets/plantings'), '@plantings_doc_url' => url(''))); } // View of Transplantings. elseif ($path == 'farm/logs/transplantings') { return t('Transplanting logs represent when Planting assets are transplanted from one place to another. For more information, see the Plantings documentation.', array('@plantings_url' => url('farm/assets/plantings'), '@plantings_doc_url' => url(''))); } } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). */ function farm_crop_form_farm_asset_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { // Get the farm asset entity from the form. $asset = $form['farm_asset']['#value']; // If the asset is not a planting, bail. if (empty($asset->type) || $asset->type != 'planting') { return; } // If this is a new planting form, display a link to the planting quick form // for convenience. if (!empty($form['farm_asset']['#value']->is_new)) { drupal_set_message(t('Tip: Use the Planting Quick Form to quickly record a planting and create seedings and other logs associated with it in one step.', array('@path' => url('farm/quick/planting')))); } } /** * Implements hook_farm_ui_entities(). */ function farm_crop_farm_ui_entities() { return array( 'farm_asset' => array( 'planting' => array( 'label' => t('Planting'), 'label_plural' => t('Plantings'), 'view' => 'farm_plantings', ), ), 'log' => array( 'farm_seeding' => array( 'label' => t('Seeding'), 'label_plural' => t('Seedings'), 'view' => 'farm_log_seeding', 'farm_asset' => 'planting', 'areas' => TRUE, 'weight' => -90, ), 'farm_transplanting' => array( 'label' => t('Transplanting'), 'label_plural' => t('Transplantings'), 'view' => 'farm_log_transplanting', 'farm_asset' => 'planting', 'areas' => TRUE, 'weight' => -80, ), ), 'taxonomy_term' => array( 'farm_crops' => array( 'label' => t('Crop/variety'), 'label_plural' => t('Crops/varieties'), 'view' => 'farm_crops', 'farm_asset' => 'planting', 'asset_view_arg' => 2, ), 'farm_crop_families' => array( 'label' => t('Crop Family'), 'label_plural' => t('Crop Families'), ), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_farm_ui_entity_views(). */ function farm_crop_farm_ui_entity_views($entity_type, $bundle, $entity) { $views = array(); // If the entity is a taxonomy_term... if ($entity_type == 'taxonomy_term') { switch ($entity->vocabulary_machine_name) { // Farm crop family. case 'farm_crop_families': $views[] = 'farm_crops'; break; } } return $views; } /** * Implements hook_farm_log_categories(). */ function farm_crop_farm_log_categories() { // Provide an "Plantings" log category. return array('Plantings'); } /** * Implements hook_farm_log_categories_populate(). */ function farm_crop_farm_log_categories_populate($log) { $categories = array(); if (in_array($log->type, array('farm_seeding', 'farm_transplanting'))) { $categories[] = 'Plantings'; } return $categories; } /** * Implements hook_feeds_importer_default_alter(). */ function farm_crop_feeds_importer_default_alter(&$importers) { // Add extra field mappings to plantings. $name = 'farm_asset_planting'; if (!empty($importers[$name])) { $mappings = array( array( 'source' => 'Crop/variety', 'target' => 'field_farm_crop', 'term_search' => '0', 'autocreate' => 1, 'language' => 'und', ), array( 'source' => 'Season', 'target' => 'field_farm_season', 'term_search' => '0', 'autocreate' => 1, 'language' => 'und', ), ); $importer_mappings =& $importers[$name]->config['processor']['config']['mappings']; $importer_mappings = array_merge($importer_mappings, $mappings); } // Add extra field mappings to seedings. $name = 'log_farm_seeding'; if (!empty($importers[$name])) { $mappings = array( array( 'source' => 'Source/supplier', 'target' => 'field_farm_seed_source', 'unique' => FALSE, 'language' => 'und', ), ); $importer_mappings =& $importers[$name]->config['processor']['config']['mappings']; $importer_mappings = array_merge($importer_mappings, $mappings); } } /** * Implements hook_feeds_tamper_default_alter(). */ function farm_crop_feeds_tamper_default_alter(&$feeds_tampers) { // If farm_import is not installed, bail. if (!module_exists('farm_import')) { return; } // Make crop/variety required. $feeds_tamper = farm_import_feeds_tamper_plugin('farm_asset', 'animal', 'Crop/variety', 'required'); $feeds_tampers[$feeds_tamper->id] = $feeds_tamper; // Explode crop/variety so it supports multiple values, and trim whitespace. $feeds_tamper = farm_import_feeds_tamper_plugin('farm_asset', 'planting', 'Crop/variety', 'explode'); $feeds_tampers[$feeds_tamper->id] = $feeds_tamper; $feeds_tamper = farm_import_feeds_tamper_plugin('farm_asset', 'planting', 'Crop/variety', 'trim'); $feeds_tampers[$feeds_tamper->id] = $feeds_tamper; } /** * Load Crop Family terms. */ function farm_crop_families() { // Start empty array. $families = array(); // Load the vocabulary. $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('farm_crop_families'); // Return empty array if vocabulary is not found. if (empty($vocabulary) || !isset($vocabulary->vid)) { return $families; } // Load all terms in the farm_crop_families vocabulary. return taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid); } /** * Load Farm Crop terms. Can optionally limit crops by Crop Family. * * @param array|int|bool $crop_family_tids * The Crop Family term ID(s) to include in the query or FALSE to load all * crop terms. Can be an array of terms, a single term, or FALSE. Defaults to * FALSE to load all crops. * * @return array * Array of Crop/Variety terms that are in the specified Crop Families. */ function farm_crop_family_crops($crop_family_tids = FALSE) { // Start empty array. $crops = array(); // Check if crop_family_tids are provided. if ($crop_family_tids != FALSE) { // If crop_family_tids is not an array, wrap it. if (!is_array($crop_family_tids)) { $crop_family_tids = array($crop_family_tids); } } // Load the farm_crops vocabulary. $farm_crops = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('farm_crops'); // Return empty array if vocabulary is not found. if (empty($farm_crops) || !isset($farm_crops->vid)) { return $crops; } // Build an EntityFieldQuery to load terms referencing the crop family term. // Order terms by the crop_family tid to improve display. $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'taxonomy_term') ->propertyCondition('vid', $farm_crops->vid) ->fieldOrderBy('field_farm_crop_family', 'tid'); // Limit crops by crop_family_tids if provided. if (is_array($crop_family_tids)) { $query->fieldCondition('field_farm_crop_family', 'tid', $crop_family_tids, 'IN'); } // Execute query. $results = $query->execute(); // Load taxonomy terms from returned tids. if (!empty($results['taxonomy_term'])) { $term_ids = array_keys($results['taxonomy_term']); $crops = taxonomy_term_load_multiple($term_ids); } return $crops; }