# Running farmOS with Docker This directory contains files necessary to build the farmOS Docker image, along with example `docker-compose.yml` files that can be used for running farmOS in Docker containers. ## Development environment To run a farmOS development environment, copy `docker-compose.development.yml` into a new directory on your server, rename it to `docker-compose.yml` and run `docker-compose up`. This example mounts a local `www` directory on the host as a volume in the container at `/opt/drupal`, which allows for local development with an IDE. ## Production environment To run a farmOS production environment, use `docker-compose.production.yml` as an example for building your own configuration. Note that this example does not include a database. It is assumed that in production environments the database will be managed outside of Docker. This example mounts a local `sites` directory on the host as a volume in the container at `/opt/drupal/web/sites`, which contains the site-specific settings and uploaded files. This allows a production farmOS instance to be updated by simply pulling a new image (and then manually running database updates via Drush or `/update.php`). Everything outside of the `sites` directory will not be preserved and will be replaced with the new official farmOS files. For more information, see farmOS.org/hosting/docker.