disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default ol_control disabled initially */ $ol_control->api_version = 1; $ol_control->machine_name = 'farm_map_control_geofield'; $ol_control->name = 'Farm Map: Geofield toolbar'; $ol_control->description = ''; $ol_control->factory_service = 'openlayers.Control:Geofield'; $ol_control->options = array( 'draw' => array( 'Point' => 'Point', 'LineString' => 'LineString', 'Polygon' => 'Polygon', 'Circle' => 'Circle', 'MultiPoint' => 0, 'MultiLineString' => 0, 'MultiPolygon' => 0, 'Triangle' => 0, 'Square' => 0, 'Box' => 0, ), 'actions' => array( 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'Move' => 'Move', 'Clear' => 'Clear', ), 'options' => array( 'Snap' => 0, ), ); $export['farm_map_control_geofield'] = $ol_control; $ol_control = new stdClass(); $ol_control->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default ol_control disabled initially */ $ol_control->api_version = 1; $ol_control->machine_name = 'farm_map_control_geolocate'; $ol_control->name = 'Farm Map: Geolocate'; $ol_control->description = ''; $ol_control->factory_service = 'openlayers.Control:Geolocate'; $ol_control->options = array( 'zoom' => 18, ); $export['farm_map_control_geolocate'] = $ol_control; $ol_control = new stdClass(); $ol_control->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default ol_control disabled initially */ $ol_control->api_version = 1; $ol_control->machine_name = 'farm_map_control_layer_switcher'; $ol_control->name = 'Farm Map: Layer Switcher'; $ol_control->description = ''; $ol_control->factory_service = 'openlayers.Control:OL3LayerSwitcher'; $ol_control->options = array( 'collapsible' => 0, ); $export['farm_map_control_layer_switcher'] = $ol_control; return $export; }