disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default ol_source disabled initially */ $ol_source->api_version = 1; $ol_source->machine_name = 'farm_map_source_google_hybrid'; $ol_source->name = 'Farm Map: Google Hybrid'; $ol_source->description = ''; $ol_source->factory_service = 'openlayers.Source:GoogleMaps'; $ol_source->options = array( 'key' => '', 'client' => '', 'channel' => '', 'mapTypeId' => 'HYBRID', 'sensor' => 0, ); $export['farm_map_source_google_hybrid'] = $ol_source; $ol_source = new stdClass(); $ol_source->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default ol_source disabled initially */ $ol_source->api_version = 1; $ol_source->machine_name = 'farm_map_source_google_satellite'; $ol_source->name = 'Farm Map: Google Satellite'; $ol_source->description = ''; $ol_source->factory_service = 'openlayers.Source:GoogleMaps'; $ol_source->options = array( 'key' => '', 'client' => '', 'channel' => '', 'mapTypeId' => 'SATELLITE', 'sensor' => 0, ); $export['farm_map_source_google_satellite'] = $ol_source; $ol_source = new stdClass(); $ol_source->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default ol_source disabled initially */ $ol_source->api_version = 1; $ol_source->machine_name = 'farm_map_source_google_terrain'; $ol_source->name = 'Farm Map: Google Terrain'; $ol_source->description = ''; $ol_source->factory_service = 'openlayers.Source:GoogleMaps'; $ol_source->options = array( 'key' => '', 'client' => '', 'channel' => '', 'mapTypeId' => 'TERRAIN', 'sensor' => 0, ); $export['farm_map_source_google_terrain'] = $ol_source; return $export; }