site_name: site_url: repo_url: edit_uri: edit/7.x-1.x/docs/ copyright:

Creative Commons License content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
farmOS is a registered trademark of Michael Stenta

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. google_analytics: ['UA-56974603-1', ''] nav: - User Guide: - Introduction: guide/ - Field Kit: guide/ - Mapping your farm: guide/ - Logging events: guide/ - Managing assets: - Introduction: guide/assets/ - Plantings: guide/assets/ - Animals: guide/assets/ - Equipment: guide/assets/ - Compost: guide/assets/ - Sensors: guide/assets/ - Groups: guide/assets/ - Movements and location: guide/ - Quantity measurements: guide/ - Inventory tracking: guide/ - People: guide/ - Import: guide/ - Export: guide/ - Quick forms: guide/ - Community modules: - Introduction: guide/contrib/ - Eggs: guide/contrib/ - Forest: guide/contrib/ - Grazing: guide/contrib/ - Nutrient: guide/contrib/ - Organic: guide/contrib/ - Produce Safety: guide/contrib/ - Quick Weight Form: guide/contrib/ - Hosting: - Getting started: hosting/ - Installing: hosting/ - Updating: hosting/ - API Keys: hosting/ - Docker: hosting/ - Localization: hosting/ - Development: - Drupal: development/ - Projects: development/ - Architecture: development/ - Update Safety: development/ - Docker: development/ - API: development/ - Client: development/ - Release procedure: development/ - Community: - Contribute: community/ - Monthly Call: community/ - Chat: - Forum: - Farms: community/ - Maintainers: community/ - Supporters: community/ - Press: community/ - Trademark: community/ - FAQ: - Donate: theme: sandstone extra_css: - extra.css markdown_extensions: - toc: permalink: true