# Automated updates ## Update hooks farmOS modules may change and evolve over time. If these changes require updates to a farmOS database or configuration, then update logic should be provided so that users of the module can perform the necessary changes automatically when they update to the new version. This logic can be supplied via implementations of `hook_update_N()`. For more information, see the documentation for Drupal's [Update API](https://www.drupal.org/docs/drupal-apis/update-api/). ## Configuration updates If the farmOS Update module is enabled, changes to configuration entities will be automatically reverted when caches are rebuilt. The purpose of this is to make it easier for farmOS module developers to make minor changes to the configuration included with their module without writing update hooks. Note that this only handles overridden configuration. It does not handle missing, inactive, or added configuration. It also does not touch "simple" configuration (eg: module settings) - only configuration entities (eg: Views). In most cases this is desirable, but if you are intentionally overriding configuration in your farmOS instance then you have a few options for disabling this behavior. ### Disable farmOS Update module The easiest way to disable automatic configuration updates is to turn off the `farm_update` module. This can be done via Drush: drush pm-uninstall farm_update This will completely disable automatic reverts of configuration. You can then manage all configuration changes and deployment manually. One way to do this is with the `config_update_ui` module, which provides a report of all missing, inactive, added, and changed configuration. This can be enabled via Drush: drush en config_update_ui Then go to `/admin/config/development/configuration/report/type/system.all` to see the full report. Individual configuration items can be reverted, imported, and deleted. ### Exclude specific configuration Alternatively, if you want to keep automatic updates enabled, but want control over certain items, the farmOS Update module provides two mechanisms for excluding specific configuration from automatic updates. #### `hook_farm_update_exclude_config()` If a module overrides certain configuration items, either in `hook_install()` or via something like the `config_rewrite` module, the module can list these configuration items in an array returned by an implementation of `hook_farm_update_exclude_config()`. For example, in `mymodule.module`: ```php /** * Implements hook_farm_update_exclude_config(). */ function mymodule_farm_update_exclude_config() { // Exclude mymodule.settings from automatic configuration updates. return [ 'mymodule.settings', ]; } ``` #### `farm_update.settings` The farmOS Update module will also check the `exclude_config` setting in its own `farm_update.settings` configuration for a list of configuration items to exclude from automatic updates. This can be provided by a custom module in `config/install/farm_update.settings.yml`, or synced/imported into active configuration by other means. For example, in `farm_update.settings.yml`: ```yaml exclude_config: # Exclude mymodule.settings from automatic configuration updates. - mymodule.settings ```