prepareMovement($row); // Prepare group assignment information. $this->prepareGroup($row); // Prepare quantity information. $this->prepareQuantity($row); // Prepare soil test information (only applicable to soil test logs). $this->prepareSoilTest($row); // Prepare reference to the quick form that created this entity. $this->prepareQuickEntityRow($row, 'log'); // Return success. return TRUE; } /** * Prepare a log's movement information. * * @param \Drupal\migrate\Row $row * The row object. */ protected function prepareMovement(Row $row) { $id = $row->getSourceProperty('id'); // Determine if we will allow overwriting "Areas" and "Geometry" fields on // the log with "Move to" and "Movement geometry" fields. $allow_overwrite = Settings::get('farm_migrate_allow_movement_overwrite', FALSE); // By default, logs are not movements. $is_movement = FALSE; // Get movement field values. $movement_values = $this->getFieldValues('log', 'field_farm_movement', $id); // If the log has a movement, load the Field Collection. if (!empty($movement_values)) { // Iterate through movement field values to collect field collection item // IDs. $field_collection_item_ids = []; foreach ($movement_values as $movement_value) { if (!empty($movement_value['value'])) { $field_collection_item_ids[] = $movement_value['value']; } } // There should only be one movement field collection associated with a // log, so take the first. $fcid = reset($field_collection_item_ids); // Query the movement area references. $query = $this->select('field_collection_item', 'fci'); $query->leftJoin('field_data_field_farm_move_to', 'fdffmt', "fdffmt.entity_id = fci.item_id AND fdffmt.entity_type = 'field_collection_item' AND fdffmt.bundle = 'field_farm_movement' AND fdffmt.deleted = 0"); $query->addField('fdffmt', 'field_farm_move_to_tid', 'tid'); $query->condition('fci.item_id', $fcid); $result = $query->execute()->fetchCol(); $movement_areas = FALSE; if (!empty($result)) { foreach ($result as $col) { if (!empty($col)) { $movement_areas[] = ['tid' => $col]; } } } // Query the movement geometry. $query = $this->select('field_collection_item', 'fci'); $query->leftJoin('field_data_field_farm_geofield', 'fdffg', "fdffg.entity_id = fci.item_id AND fdffg.entity_type = 'field_collection_item' AND fdffg.bundle = 'field_farm_movement' AND fdffg.deleted = 0"); $query->addField('fdffg', 'field_farm_geofield_geom', 'geom'); $query->condition('fci.item_id', $fcid); $result = $query->execute()->fetchField(); $movement_geometry = FALSE; if (!empty($result)) { $movement_geometry = [['geom' => $result]]; } // Get any areas/geometry stored on the log itself. $log_areas = $this->getFieldValues('log', 'field_farm_area', $id); $log_geometry = $this->getFieldValues('log', 'field_farm_geofield', $id); // If the log has movement areas, then the log is a movement. if (!empty($movement_areas)) { $is_movement = TRUE; } // If the log has a movement geometry, but no movement areas, throw an // exception. if (empty($movement_areas) && !empty($movement_geometry)) { $message = 'Movement has a geometry but no areas (log ' . $id . ').'; $this->idMap->saveMessage(['id' => $id], $message, MigrationInterface::MESSAGE_WARNING); } // If the log has area references and movement areas, and they are // different, throw an exception or print a warning, depending on whether // or not we are allowing overwrites. if (!empty($log_areas) && !empty($movement_areas) && $log_areas != $movement_areas) { $message = 'Log ' . $id . ' has both area references and movement area references. See'; if (!$allow_overwrite) { throw new MigrateException($message); } else { $this->idMap->saveMessage(['id' => $id], $message, MigrationInterface::MESSAGE_WARNING); } } // If the log has a geometry and a movement geometry, and they are // different, throw an exception or print a warning, depending on whether // or not we are allowing overwrites. if (!empty($log_geometry[0]['geom']) && !empty($movement_geometry[0]['geom']) && $log_geometry[0]['geom'] != $movement_geometry[0]['geom']) { $message = 'Log ' . $id . ' has both a geometry and a movement geometry. See'; if (!$allow_overwrite) { throw new MigrateException($message); } else { $this->idMap->saveMessage(['id' => $id], $message, MigrationInterface::MESSAGE_WARNING); } } // If the log has movement areas, copy them to the log itself. // This will overwrite existing area references, but an exception should // be thrown above unless overwriting is explicitly allowed. if (!empty($movement_areas)) { $row->setSourceProperty('field_farm_area', $movement_areas); } // If the log has a movement geometry, copy it to the log itself. // This will overwrite an existing geometry, but an exception should // be thrown above unless overwriting is explicitly allowed. if (!empty($movement_geometry)) { $row->setSourceProperty('field_farm_geofield', $movement_geometry); } } // Set the "is_movement" property for use in migrations. $row->setSourceProperty('is_movement', $is_movement); } /** * Prepare a log's group assignment information. * * @param \Drupal\migrate\Row $row * The row object. */ protected function prepareGroup(Row $row) { $id = $row->getSourceProperty('id'); // By default, logs are not group assignments. $is_group_assignment = FALSE; // Get membership field values. $membership_values = $this->getFieldValues('log', 'field_farm_membership', $id); // If the log has a membership assignment, load the Field Collection. if (!empty($membership_values)) { // Iterate through membership field values to collect field collection // item IDs. $field_collection_item_ids = []; foreach ($membership_values as $membership_value) { if (!empty($membership_value['value'])) { $field_collection_item_ids[] = $membership_value['value']; } } // There should only be one membership field collection associated with a // log, so take the first. $fcid = reset($field_collection_item_ids); // Query the membership group references. $query = $this->select('field_collection_item', 'fci'); $query->leftJoin('field_data_field_farm_group', 'fdffg', "fdffg.entity_id = fci.item_id AND fdffg.entity_type = 'field_collection_item' AND fdffg.bundle = 'field_farm_membership' AND fdffg.deleted = 0"); $query->addField('fdffg', 'field_farm_group_target_id', 'target_id'); $query->condition('fci.item_id', $fcid); $result = $query->execute()->fetchCol(); $membership_groups = FALSE; if (!empty($result)) { foreach ($result as $col) { if (!empty($col)) { $membership_groups[] = ['target_id' => $col]; } } } // If the log has membership groups, then the log is a group assignment. if (!empty($membership_groups)) { $is_group_assignment = TRUE; } // If the log has membership groups, store them in property on the log so // they can be processed during migration. if (!empty($membership_groups)) { $row->setSourceProperty('log_groups', $membership_groups); } } // Set the "is_group_assignment" property for use in migrations. $row->setSourceProperty('is_group_assignment', $is_group_assignment); } /** * Prepare a log's quantity information. * * @param \Drupal\migrate\Row $row * The row object. */ protected function prepareQuantity(Row $row) { $id = $row->getSourceProperty('id'); // Get field collections to migrate to log quantities. $log_quantities = $this->getFieldvalues('log', 'field_farm_quantity', $id); $log_inventories = $this->getFieldvalues('log', 'field_farm_inventory', $id); // Iterate through field collection values to collect field collection IDs. $quantity_ids = []; foreach (array_merge($log_quantities, $log_inventories) as $field_collection) { if (!empty($field_collection['value'])) { $quantity_ids[] = $field_collection['value']; } } // Add the quantity IDs to the row for future processing. $row->setSourceProperty('log_quantities', $quantity_ids); } /** * Prepare a log's soil test information. * * @param \Drupal\migrate\Row $row * The row object. */ protected function prepareSoilTest(Row $row) { $id = $row->getSourceProperty('id'); // Get referenced soil name term IDs. $soil_name_tids = []; foreach ($this->getFieldvalues('log', 'field_farm_soil_names', $id) as $value) { if (!empty($value['tid'])) { $soil_name_tids[] = $value['tid']; } } // If no soil names are referenced, bail. if (empty($soil_name_tids)) { return; } // Look up the term names. $query = $this->select('taxonomy_term_data', 't'); $query->addField('t', 'name'); $query->condition('t.tid', $soil_name_tids, 'IN'); $result = $query->execute()->fetchCol(); $soil_names = []; if (!empty($result)) { foreach ($result as $col) { if (!empty($col)) { $soil_names[] = $col; } } } // If there are no names, bail. if (empty($soil_names)) { return; } // Create a string that summarizes the soil names. If there are multiple, // separate with newlines. if (count($soil_names) == 1) { $summary = $this->t('Soil name: @name', ['@name' => $soil_names[0]]); } else { $summary = $this->t("Soil names:\n@names", ['@names' => implode("\n", $soil_names)]); } // The names are going to be appended to the log's Notes field, but we want // to make sure that whitespace is added if there is already data in the // Notes field. $notes = $this->getFieldvalues('log', 'field_farm_notes', $id); if (!empty($notes)) { $summary = "\n\n" . $summary; } // Add the soil name summary to the row for future processing. $row->setSourceProperty('soil_name_summary', $summary); } }