getSourceProperty('id'); // Translate the 2.x entity type names to 1.x. $old_entity_types = [ 'asset' => 'farm_asset', 'log' => 'log', 'plan' => 'farm_plan', ]; if (array_key_exists($entity_type, $old_entity_types)) { $entity_type = $old_entity_types[$entity_type]; } // Check to see if the 1.x farm_quick module is enabled. $query = $this->select('system', 's'); $query->condition('', 'farm_quick'); $query->condition('s.status', 1); $enabled = $query->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField(); // If the farm_quick module is enabled, look up quick form(s) that are // linked to this entity. if (!empty($enabled)) { $query = $this->select('farm_quick_entity', 'fqe'); $query->condition('entity_type', $entity_type); $query->condition('entity_id', $id); $query->addField('fqe', 'quick_form_id'); $result = $query->execute()->fetchCol(); if (!empty($result)) { foreach ($result as $col) { if (!empty($col)) { $quick[] = $col; } } } } // Translate the 1.x quick form IDs to 2.x. if (!empty($quick)) { $new_quick_form_ids = []; foreach ($quick as $delta => $form_id) { if (array_key_exists($form_id, $new_quick_form_ids)) { $quick[$delta] = $new_quick_form_ids[$form_id]; } } } // Set the "quick" source property. $row->setSourceProperty('quick', $quick); } }