logLocation = $log_location; $this->logQueryFactory = $log_query_factory; $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager; $this->time = $time; $this->database = $database; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) { return new static( $container->get('log.location'), $container->get('farm.log_query'), $container->get('entity_type.manager'), $container->get('datetime.time'), $container->get('database') ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isLocation(AssetInterface $asset): bool { return !empty($asset->{static::ASSET_FIELD_LOCATION}->value); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isFixed(AssetInterface $asset): bool { return !empty($asset->{static::ASSET_FIELD_FIXED}->value); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasLocation(AssetInterface $asset): bool { if ($this->isFixed($asset)) { return FALSE; } $log = $this->getMovementLog($asset); if (empty($log)) { return FALSE; } return $this->logLocation->hasLocation($log); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasGeometry(AssetInterface $asset): bool { if ($this->isFixed($asset)) { return !$asset->get(static::ASSET_FIELD_GEOMETRY)->isEmpty(); } $log = $this->getMovementLog($asset); if (empty($log)) { return FALSE; } return $this->logLocation->hasGeometry($log); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getLocation(AssetInterface $asset): array { if ($this->isFixed($asset)) { return []; } $log = $this->getMovementLog($asset); if (empty($log)) { return []; } return $this->logLocation->getLocation($log); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getGeometry(AssetInterface $asset): string { if ($this->isFixed($asset)) { return $asset->get(static::ASSET_FIELD_GEOMETRY)->value ?? ''; } $log = $this->getMovementLog($asset); if (empty($log)) { return ''; } return $this->logLocation->getGeometry($log); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getMovementLog(AssetInterface $asset): ?LogInterface { // If the asset is new, no movement logs will reference it. if ($asset->isNew()) { return NULL; } // Query for movement logs that reference the asset. $options = [ 'asset' => $asset, 'timestamp' => $this->time->getRequestTime(), 'status' => 'done', 'limit' => 1, ]; $query = $this->logQueryFactory->getQuery($options); $query->condition('is_movement', TRUE); $log_ids = $query->execute(); // Bail if no logs are found. if (empty($log_ids)) { return NULL; } // Load the first log. /** @var \Drupal\log\Entity\LogInterface $log */ $log = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('log')->load(reset($log_ids)); // Return the log, if available. if (!empty($log)) { return $log; } // Otherwise, return NULL. return NULL; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setIntrinsicGeometry(AssetInterface $asset, string $wkt): void { $asset->{static::ASSET_FIELD_GEOMETRY} = $wkt; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getAssetsByLocation(AssetInterface $location): array { if (empty($location->id())) { return []; } $query = " -- Select asset IDs from the asset base table. SELECT a.id FROM {asset} a -- Inner join logs that reference the assets. INNER JOIN {asset_field_data} afd ON afd.id = a.id INNER JOIN {log__asset} la ON a.id = la.asset_target_id AND la.deleted = 0 INNER JOIN {log_field_data} lfd ON lfd.id = la.entity_id -- Inner join location assets referenced by the logs. INNER JOIN {log__location} ll ON ll.entity_id = lfd.id AND ll.deleted = 0 -- Left join ANY future movement logs for the same asset. -- In the WHERE clause we'll exclude all records that have future logs, -- leaving only the 'current' log entry. LEFT JOIN ( {log_field_data} lfd2 INNER JOIN {log__asset} la2 ON la2.entity_id = lfd2.id AND la2.deleted = 0 ) ON lfd2.is_movement = 1 AND la2.asset_target_id = a.id -- Future log entries have either a higher timestamp, or an equal timestamp and higher log ID. AND (lfd2.timestamp > lfd.timestamp OR (lfd2.timestamp = lfd.timestamp AND lfd2.id > lfd.id)) -- Don't include future logs beyond the given timestamp. -- These conditions should match the values in the WHERE clause. AND (lfd2.status = 'done') AND (lfd2.timestamp <= :timestamp) -- Limit results to completed movement logs to the desired location that -- took place before the given timestamp. WHERE (lfd.is_movement = 1) AND (lfd.status = 'done') AND (lfd.timestamp <= :timestamp) AND (ll.location_target_id = :location_id) -- Exclude records with future log entries. AND lfd2.id IS NULL"; $args = [ ':timestamp' => $this->time->getRequestTime(), ':location_id' => $location->id(), ]; $result = $this->database->query($query, $args)->fetchAll(); $asset_ids = []; foreach ($result as $row) { if (!empty($row->id)) { $asset_ids[] = $row->id; } } $asset_ids = array_unique($asset_ids); return $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('asset')->loadMultiple($asset_ids); } }