version: '3' services: db: image: postgres:12 volumes: - './db:/var/lib/postgresql/data' ports: - '5432:5432' environment: POSTGRES_USER: farm POSTGRES_PASSWORD: farm POSTGRES_DB: farm www: depends_on: - db image: farmos/farmos:2.x-dev volumes: - './www:/opt/drupal' environment: FARMOS_FS_READY_SENTINEL_FILENAME: /opt/drupal/www-container-fs-ready test-runner: depends_on: - www image: farmos/farmos:2.x entrypoint: /bin/bash command: - -c - | set -e # Wait until the dev farmOS container has finished copying its files until [ -f /opt/drupal/www-container-fs-ready ]; do sleep 0.1; done # Wait until Postgres is online listening to its socket while { ! exec 3<>/dev/tcp/db/5432; } > /dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 0.1; done # Run normal entrypoint and apache - only at this point is the test-runner-container-fs-ready # file created, allowing the Github action to also wait for the above conditions on the basis # of that file's creation. exec apache2-foreground volumes: - './www:/opt/drupal' environment: FARMOS_FS_READY_SENTINEL_FILENAME: /opt/drupal/test-runner-container-fs-ready SIMPLETEST_DB: $DB_URL