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farmOS allows a farm to have multiple "users" accessing it, and each of those users is assigned one or more "roles" to grant them different levels of permission.


Three roles are provided with farmOS:

Farm Manager

Farm Managers have access to everything in farmOS. They can create areas, add assets, record logs, and change configuration.

Farm Worker

Farm Workers have most of the same permissions as Managers, but they cannot change configuration.

Farm Viewer

Farm Viewers are limited to viewing farmOS areas, assets, and logs - but they cannot edit anything.

The Farm Viewer role is useful if you want to share your farm's activities with someone, but you don't want to give them the ability to make changes.

For example, if you are applying for Organic certification in the United States, you can create a user with the Farm Viewer role for your certifying agent, so they can log into your farmOS and see your records.

Advanced Role Customization

Permissions for the provided roles cannot be modified through the admin UI since they are controlled by the Farm Access Roles module. This is not generally an issue since the provided roles have been carefully tailored to work for most applications. However if required, there are three options for customizing user permissions:

Additional Roles

The simplest way to create custom user permissions is to use a few additional roles along with the provided ones. With this strategy, users are given the minimum required permissions using the provided roles then granted any further permissions via custom additional roles that are manually configured.

For example, suppose some users who have the Farm Worker role but not the Farm Manager role need to be able to Configure farm reports - which they cannot do with their current Farm Worker role. One option would be to make them all Farm Managers. However, this could be confusing or risky if it doesn't match their real-world role or trust level. Instead a new role called "Farm Report Manager" (the name is arbitrary) can be created and given permission to Configure farm reports. This new role can then be selectively given to just those users who need the additional set of permissions.

Alternate Roles

In some cases where significantly different permissions are required than default provided roles, it may be preferable to disable the Farm Access Roles module and create alternate roles manually - or through a custom module.

For example, suppose some users are responsible only for animals and other users are responsible only for plantings. One option would be to make them all Farm Workers or use the above strategy of additional roles to give those users only the required permissions on top of the Farm Viewer role. However, in some scenarios it may be desirable to make alternate roles which completely supercede the provided ones.

This carries some advantages;

  • Allows role naming and structure to more directly match an organizations'
  • May allow closer adherance to the Principle of Least Privilege where the existing roles are overly permissive for most users

But also some disadvantages;

  • The alternate roles have to be manually maintained over time - including across farmOS version upgrades which may imply permission changes for all features to work or continue working
  • All the permissions for the alternate roles have to be manually configured which increases the likelihood of human error in that configuration granting potentially dangerous permissions to some users

Farm Access Permission Hook

Another strategy involves using the provided roles, but leveraging the hook_farm_access_perms hook from another module to modify the permissions of those roles. The documentation for that is included in the farm_access module - see farm_access/farm_access.api.php.