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209 lines
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* @file
* Farm API module.
define('FARM_API_VERSION', '1.0');
* Implements hook_permission().
function farm_api_permission() {
$perms = array(
'access farm api info' => array(
'title' => t('Access the farmOS API info endpoint'),
return $perms;
* Implements hook_menu().
function farm_api_menu() {
// General farm information JSON endpoint.
$items['farm.json'] = array(
'page callback' => 'farm_api_info',
'access arguments' => array('access farm api info'),
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
* Farm info API callback.
function farm_api_info() {
global $base_url, $conf, $user;
$info = array(
'name' => $conf['site_name'],
'url' => $base_url,
'api_version' => FARM_API_VERSION,
if (!empty($user->uid)) {
$info['user'] = array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
'name' => $user->name,
'mail' => $user->mail,
* Implements hook_restws_request_alter().
function farm_api_restws_request_alter(array &$request) {
// If the format is not JSON, bail.
if ($request['format']->getName() != 'json') {
// Build a field alias map to remove the 'field_farm_' prefix.
$prefix = 'field_farm_';
$alias_map = farm_api_field_alias_map($prefix);
// In order to handle URL query string filters, we need to perform the alias
// translation on all GET parameters. The restws module filters based on the
// output of drupal_get_query_parameters(), which uses the $_GET global.
foreach ($_GET as $name => &$value) {
if (array_key_exists($name, $alias_map)) {
$_GET[$alias_map[$name]] = $_GET[$name];
// If the payload is empty, bail.
if (empty($request['payload'])) {
// Decode the payload JSON.
$payload = drupal_json_decode($request['payload']);
// If the payload could not be decoded, bail.
if (empty($payload)) {
// Iterate through the fields in the payload. If any match a mapped alias,
// translate it to use the real field name. Keep track of whether or not any
// changes were made.
$changed = FALSE;
foreach ($payload as $key => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $alias_map)) {
$payload[$alias_map[$key]] = $payload[$key];
$changed = TRUE;
// If we changed the payload, re-encode it as JSON.
if ($changed) {
$request['payload'] = drupal_json_encode($payload);
* Implements hook_restws_response_alter().
function farm_api_restws_response_alter(&$response, $function, $formatName, $resourceController) {
// If the format is not JSON, bail.
if ($formatName != 'json') {
// If the response contains a list of entities, iterate through them and
// pass each to farm_api_restws_response_alter_item().
if (!empty($response['list'])) {
foreach ($response['list'] as &$item) {
// Otherwise, process the response directly.
else {
* Helper function for altering a restws response item.
* @param $item
* The restws response item, passed by reference.
function farm_api_restws_response_alter_item(&$item) {
// Build a field alias map to remove the 'field_farm_' prefix.
$prefix = 'field_farm_';
$alias_map = farm_api_field_alias_map($prefix);
// Flip the alias map so that it is keyed by actual field name.
$field_aliases = array_flip($alias_map);
// Iterate through the item properties.
foreach (array_keys($item) as $key) {
// If the field name exists in the alias map, replace it with the alias.
if (array_key_exists($key, $field_aliases)) {
$item[$field_aliases[$key]] = $item[$key];
// Remove Feeds properties.
$feeds_prefixes = array(
foreach ($feeds_prefixes as $prefix) {
if (strpos($key, $prefix) === 0) {
* Build a field alias map for restws requests and responses.
* @param string $prefix
* The field name prefix to remove from fields.
* @return array
* Returns an array of field names with the alias as the key, and the actual
* field name as the value.
function farm_api_field_alias_map($prefix) {
// Start an empty map array.
$alias_map = array();
// Load a list of all fields.
$fields = field_info_field_map();
// Iterate through the fields to build an alias map.
foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_info) {
// If the field is a field_collection, skip it. Field collection alias are a
// special case that are currently handled by the restws_field_collection
// module in farmOS.
if ($field_info['type'] == 'field_collection') {
// If the field name starts with the prefix, add it to the map.
$alias = str_replace($prefix, '', $field_name);
$alias_map[$alias] = $field_name;
// Return the alias map.
return $alias_map;