
240 lines
6.4 KiB

* @file
* Code for the Farm Log: Movement feature.
// Include Features code.
include_once '';
// Include Asset Location code.
include_once '';
* Implements hook_farm_ui_entity_views().
function farm_log_movement_farm_ui_entity_views($entity_type, $bundle, $entity) {
$views = array();
// Return a list of Views to include on Areas.
if ($entity_type == 'taxonomy_term' && $entity->vocabulary_machine_name == 'farm_areas') {
// Area asset history (at the bottom).
$views[] = array(
'name' => 'farm_area_assets',
'weight' => 100,
'always' => TRUE,
return $views;
* Implements hook_entity_presave().
function farm_log_movement_entity_presave($entity, $type) {
// When a movement field collection entity is being saved, populate the
// geometry field from the "move to" area reference field.
if ($type == 'field_collection_item' && $entity->field_name == 'field_farm_movement') {
// When a log is being saved, populate the "move from" field with current
// asset location(s).
if ($type == 'log') {
// If an activity log is being saved with movement information, auto-fill the
// log title.
if ($type == 'log' && $entity->type == 'farm_activity') {
* Helper function for populating a movement field collection geometry from the
* "move to" area reference field.
* @param Entity $entity
* The entity to act upon.
* @see farm_log_entity_presave().
function farm_log_movement_populate_geometry($entity) {
// Define the area field name.
$area_field = 'field_farm_move_to';
// If the log doesn't have an area reference field, bail.
if (!isset($entity->{$area_field})) {
// If a geometry is already defined, bail.
if (!empty($entity->field_farm_geofield[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['geom'])) {
// Load the area(s) referenced by the area reference field.
$area_ids = array();
if (!empty($entity->{$area_field}[LANGUAGE_NONE])) {
foreach ($entity->{$area_field}[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $area_reference) {
if (!empty($area_reference['tid'])) {
$area_ids[] = $area_reference['tid'];
// Extract geometries from the areas.
$geoms = farm_area_extract_geoms($area_ids);
// Populate the geofield.
farm_map_geofield_populate($entity, $geoms);
* Helper function for populating a movement field collection's "from" field
* based on current asset location(s).
* @param Entity $log
* The log entity.
function farm_log_movement_populate_move_from($log) {
// Create an entity wrapper for the log.
$log_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('log', $log);
// If the movement field collection doesn't exist, bail.
if (!isset($log_wrapper->field_farm_movement) || empty($log_wrapper->field_farm_movement->value())) {
// If the "move to" field is empty, then this isn't a movement, so bail.
if (empty($log_wrapper->field_farm_movement->field_farm_move_to->value())) {
// If the "move from" field is already populated, bail.
if (!empty($log_wrapper->field_farm_movement->field_farm_move_from->value())) {
// If there are no assets referenced, bail.
if (empty($log_wrapper->field_farm_asset->value())) {
// Load assets.
$assets = array();
foreach ($log_wrapper->field_farm_asset->value() as $asset) {
if (!empty($asset)) {
$assets[] = $asset;
// Keep track of what areas these assets are coming from.
$from_areas = array();
// Iterate through the assets.
foreach ($assets as $asset) {
// Load the asset's current location.
$areas = farm_log_movement_asset_location($asset);
// Build a list of areas.
if (!empty($areas)) {
foreach ($areas as $area) {
// Avoid adding the same area more than once.
if (in_array($area->tid, $from_areas)) {
// Remember the areas that have already been added.
$from_areas[] = $area->tid;
// Add the areas to the "move from" field.
* Helper function for populating a log's name when it contains movement info.
* @param Entity $log
* The log entity.
function farm_log_movement_populate_name($log) {
// If the log already has a name, bail.
if (!empty($log->name)) {
// Create an entity wrapper for the log.
$log_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('log', $log);
// If there are no assets, bail.
if (empty($log_wrapper->field_farm_asset)) {
// If the movement field collection doesn't exist, bail.
if (!isset($log_wrapper->field_farm_movement) || empty($log_wrapper->field_farm_movement->value())) {
// If there are no "movement to" areas, bail.
if (empty($log_wrapper->field_farm_movement->field_farm_move_to)) {
// If there are more than one assets, summarize.
$asset_names = '';
$count_assets = count($log_wrapper->field_farm_asset);
if ($count_assets > 1) {
$asset_names .= $log_wrapper->field_farm_asset[0]->name->value() . ' (+ ' . ($count_assets - 1) . ' ' . t('more') . ')';
else {
$asset_names .= $log_wrapper->field_farm_asset[0]->name->value();
// If there are more than one areas, summarize.
$area_names = '';
$count_areas = count($log_wrapper->field_farm_movement->field_farm_move_to);
if ($count_areas > 1) {
$area_names .= $log_wrapper->field_farm_movement->field_farm_move_to[0]->name->value() . ' (+ ' . ($count_areas - 1) . ' ' . t('more') . ')';
else {
$area_names .= $log_wrapper->field_farm_movement->field_farm_move_to[0]->name->value();
// Build the log name.
$log->name = t('Move') . ' ' . $asset_names . ' to ' . $area_names;
* Implements hook_entity_view_alter().
function farm_log_movement_entity_view_alter(&$build, $type) {
// If it's not a farm_asset, or if the entity object is not available, bail.
if ($type != 'farm_asset' || empty($build['#entity'])) {
// Generate markup to describe the location.
$output = farm_log_movement_asset_location_markup($build['#entity']);
// Add it to the build array.
$build['location'] = array(
'#markup' => $output,
'#weight' => -100,