
83 lines
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(function (Drupal) {
Drupal.behaviors.farm_map = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
context.querySelectorAll('[data-map-instantiator="farm_map"]').forEach(function (element) {
// Only create a map once per element.
if (element.getAttribute('processed')) return;
element.setAttribute('processed', true);
element.setAttribute('tabIndex', 0);
const drupalSettingsKey = element.getAttribute('id');
const mapInstanceOptions = {};
Drupal.behaviors.farm_map.createMapInstance(context, element, drupalSettingsKey, mapInstanceOptions);
createMapInstance: function(context, element, drupalSettingsKey, mapInstanceOptions) {
// Get the units.
let units = 'metric';
if (!!drupalSettings.farm_map.units) {
units = drupalSettings.farm_map.units;
// Build default options.
const defaultOptions = {
interactions: {
onFocusOnly: true
const mapOptions = {
const instance =, mapOptions);
// Expose settings on the instance so other behaviors don't need to know how to look them up in drupalSettings
instance.farmMapSettings = drupalSettings.farm_map[drupalSettingsKey] || {};
context.querySelectorAll('.ol-popup-closer').forEach(function (element) {
element.onClick = function (element) {
// If the map is rendered as part of a form field, update the map size
// when the field's visible state changes,
const formWrapper = element.closest('div.form-wrapper');
if (formWrapper != null) {
const formWrapperObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
// Only update the map size if the wrapper was previously hidden.
if (mutations.some((mutation) => { return mutation.oldValue.includes('display: none')})) {;
// Observe the style attribute.
formWrapperObserver.observe(formWrapper, {
attributeFilter: ["style"],
attributeOldValue: true
// If the map is inside a details element, update the map size when
// the details element is toggled.
const details = element.closest('details');
if (details != null) {
details.addEventListener('toggle', function() {;
return instance;