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* @file
* Farm inventory module.
include_once 'farm_inventory.features.inc';
* Implements hook_farm_ui_entity_views().
function farm_inventory_farm_ui_entity_views($entity_type, $bundle, $entity) {
$views = array();
// Add inventory adjustments View at the bottom of assets.
if ($entity_type == 'farm_asset') {
$views[] = array(
'name' => 'farm_inventory_log',
'group' => 'logs_special',
'weight' => 100,
return $views;
* Implements hook_entity_view_alter().
function farm_inventory_entity_view_alter(&$build, $type) {
// If it's not a farm_asset, or if the entity object is not available, bail.
if ($type != 'farm_asset' || empty($build['#entity'])) {
// Alias the asset variable.
$asset = $build['#entity'];
// If inventory management is not enabled for this asset, bail.
if (!farm_inventory_enabled($asset)) {
// Get the asset's inventory.
$inventory = farm_inventory($asset);
// If the inventory is an empty string, and the asset is treated as an
// individual, then set the inventory to 1.
if ($inventory == '' && farm_inventory_individual($asset)) {
$inventory = '1';
// Build the inventory display.
$output = '<strong>' . t('Inventory') . ':</strong> ' . $inventory;
// Add it to the build array.
$build['inventory'] = array(
'#markup' => $output,
'#prefix' => '<div class="inventory">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'#weight' => -120,
* Implements hook_entity_load().
function farm_inventory_entity_load($entities, $type) {
// Only act on farm_asset_type entities.
if ($type != 'farm_asset_type') {
// Load asset type inventory settings.
$settings = array();
$result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {farm_inventory_asset_type}');
foreach ($result as $row) {
if (!empty($row->type)) {
$settings[$row->type] = array(
'enabled' => $row->enabled,
'individual' => $row->individual,
// Iterate through the entities and add inventory settings.
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
// Get the asset type machine name.
$asset_type = $entity->type;
// If settings are available for the entity's bundle, add them.
if (!empty($settings[$asset_type])) {
$entity->inventory = $settings[$asset_type];
* Implements hook_entity_insert().
function farm_inventory_entity_insert($entity, $type) {
// Only act on farm_asset_type entities.
if ($type != 'farm_asset_type') {
// Save asset type inventory settings.
* Implements hook_entity_update().
function farm_inventory_entity_update($entity, $type) {
// Only act on farm_asset_type entities.
if ($type != 'farm_asset_type') {
// Save asset type inventory settings.
* Helper function for saving asset type inventory settings when an asset type
* is inserted or updated.
* @param FarmAssetType $asset_type
* A farm asset type entity.
function _farm_inventory_asset_type_settings_save($asset_type) {
// If the machine name is not set, bail.
if (empty($asset_type->type)) {
// If inventory settings are provided, save them.
if (!empty($asset_type->inventory)) {
// First, delete existing settings.
// Then, save new settings.
$record = array('type' => $asset_type->type);
$record = array_merge($record, $asset_type->inventory);
drupal_write_record('farm_inventory_asset_type', $record);
* Implements hook_entity_delete().
function farm_inventory_entity_delete($entity, $type) {
// Only act on farm_asset_type entities.
if ($type != 'farm_asset_type') {
// If the asset machine name is not set, bail.
if (empty($entity->type)) {
// Delete settings for this asset type.
* Helper function for deleting asset type inventory settings.
* @param string $type
* The asset type machine name.
function _farm_inventory_asset_type_settings_delete($type) {
db_query('DELETE FROM {farm_inventory_asset_type} WHERE type = :type', array(':type' => $type));
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function farm_inventory_form_farm_asset_type_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
// Get the asset type machine name, if available.
$type = '';
if (!empty($form['type']['#default_value'])) {
$type = $form['type']['#default_value'];
// Load existing settings for this asset type.
$settings = array();
if (!empty($type)) {
$settings = db_query('SELECT * FROM {farm_inventory_asset_type} WHERE type = :type', array(':type' => $type))->fetchAssoc();
// Add inventory configuration fieldset for the asset type.
$form['inventory'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Inventory'),
'#description' => t('Configure inventory management options for this asset type.'),
'#tree' => TRUE,
// Enable inventory.
$form['inventory']['enabled'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Enable inventory tracking'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings['enabled']) ? TRUE : FALSE,
// Define the default inventory value.
$form['inventory']['individual'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Assets are individuals'),
'#description' => t('If this is enabled, assets that have no inventory adjustments will be assumed to be individuals, and will have a default inventory of 1. If this is disabled, the default inventory for assets of this type will be zero.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings['individual']) ? TRUE : FALSE,
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function farm_inventory_form_farm_asset_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
// Get the farm asset entity from the form.
$asset = $form['farm_asset']['#value'];
// If inventory is not enabled for this asset, bail.
if (!farm_inventory_enabled($asset)) {
// Get the asset's current inventory.
$inventory = farm_inventory($asset);
// Add a field for setting the asset's current inventory.
$form['inventory'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Inventory'),
'#description' => t('Set the current inventory level for this asset. An observation log will be created automatically that adjusts the inventory level to match this value.'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
'#weight' => 100,
$form['inventory']['inventory'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Current inventory'),
'#default_value' => $inventory,
$form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'farm_inventory_asset_form_submit';
$form['#group_children']['inventory'] = 'group_farm_general';
* Submit handler for processing the asset inventory field.
* @param array $form
* The form array.
* @param array $form_state
* The form state array.
function farm_inventory_asset_form_submit(array $form, array &$form_state) {
// Only proceed if inventory has a value.
if (empty($form_state['values']['inventory'])) {
// Only proceed if the value is not the default value.
if ($form_state['values']['inventory'] == $form['inventory']['inventory']['#default_value']) {
// If an asset doesn't exist, bail.
if (empty($form_state['values']['farm_asset'])) {
// Grab the asset.
$asset = $form_state['values']['farm_asset'];
// Create an observation log to set the inventory.
farm_inventory_set($asset, $form_state['values']['inventory']);
* Returns a list of asset types that have inventory enabled.
* @return array
* Returns an array of asset type machine names.
function farm_inventory_asset_types() {
$asset_types = array();
$result = db_query('SELECT type FROM {farm_inventory_asset_type} WHERE enabled = 1');
foreach ($result as $row) {
if (!empty($row->type)) {
$asset_types[] = $row->type;
return $asset_types;
* Check whether or not inventory management is enabled on an asset.
* @param FarmAsset $asset
* The asset to check.
* @return bool
* Returns TRUE or FALSE.
function farm_inventory_enabled(FarmAsset $asset) {
// If the asset type is not set, bail.
if (empty($asset->type)) {
return FALSE;
// Check the database to see if inventory management is enabled.
$result = db_query('SELECT enabled FROM {farm_inventory_asset_type} WHERE type = :type', array(':type' => $asset->type))->fetchField();
// Return TRUE or FALSE.
if (!empty($result)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Check whether or not an asset is treated as an individual by default.
* @param FarmAsset $asset
* The asset to check.
* @return bool
* Returns TRUE or FALSE.
function farm_inventory_individual(FarmAsset $asset) {
// If the asset type is not set, bail.
if (empty($asset->type)) {
return FALSE;
// Check the database to see if the asset is treated as an individual.
$result = db_query('SELECT individual FROM {farm_inventory_asset_type} WHERE type = :type', array(':type' => $asset->type))->fetchField();
// Return TRUE or FALSE.
if (!empty($result)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Calculate an asset's inventory level.
* @param FarmAsset $asset
* The farm_asset object to calculate inventory for.
* @param int $time
* Unix timestamp limiter. Only logs before this time will be included.
* Defaults to the current time. Set to 0 to load the absolute last.
* @param bool $done
* Whether or not to only load inventory from logs that are marked as "done".
* Defaults to TRUE.
* @return string
* Returns the asset's inventory as a string. If no inventory adjustments
* exist for the asset, an empty string will be returned.
function farm_inventory(FarmAsset $asset, $time = REQUEST_TIME, $done = TRUE) {
// If the asset doesn't have an ID (for instance if it is new and hasn't been
// saved yet), bail.
if (empty($asset->id)) {
return FALSE;
// Make a query for calculating the inventory.
$query = farm_inventory_query($asset->id, $time, $done);
// Execute the query and gather the inventory result.
$result = $query->execute();
$inventory = $result->fetchField();
// If there are no inventory adjustments, return an empty string. Note that
// we use is_null($inventory) instead of empty($inventory), because empty()
// would be TRUE if the inventory is set to 0.
if (is_null($inventory)) {
return '';
// Return the formatted inventory.
return farm_inventory_format($inventory);
* Format an inventory value.
* @param string $inventory
* The inventory value to format.
* @return string
* The formatted inventory string.
function farm_inventory_format($inventory) {
// Add zero (to remove trailing zeroes).
// See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14531679/remove-useless-zero-digits-from-decimals-in-php
$inventory += 0;
// Convert to a string.
$inventory = (string) $inventory;
// Return the inventory.
return $inventory;
* Build a query to calculate an asset's inventory level.
* @param int|string $asset_id
* The asset id to search for. This can either be a specific id, or a field
* alias string from another query (ie: 'mytable.assetid'). For an example
* of field alias string usage, see the Views field handler code in
* farm_inventory_handler_field_asset_inventory_value::query().
* @param int $time
* Unix timestamp limiter. Only logs before this time will be included.
* Defaults to the current time. Set to 0 to load the absolute last.
* @param bool $done
* Whether or not to only show logs that are marked as "done". Defaults to
* @return \SelectQuery
* Returns a SelectQuery object.
function farm_inventory_query($asset_id, $time = REQUEST_TIME, $done = TRUE) {
* Please read the comments in farm_log_query() to understand how this works,
* and to be aware of the limitations and responsibilities we have in this
* function with regard to sanitizing query inputs.
// Ensure $asset_id is valid, because it will be used directly in the query
// string. This is defensive code. See note about farm_log_query() above.
if (!is_numeric($asset_id) || $asset_id < 0) {
$asset_id = db_escape_field($asset_id);
// Use the farm_log_asset_query() helper function to start a query object.
$query = farm_log_query($time, $done);
// Join in the Inventory field collection. Use an inner join to exclude logs
// that do not have an inventory field collection attached.
$query->innerJoin('field_data_field_farm_inventory', 'ss_fdffi', "ss_fdffi.entity_type = 'log' AND ss_fdffi.entity_id = ss_log.id AND ss_fdffi.deleted = 0");
// Join in the inventory adjustment asset and filter to only include
// inventory adjustments that reference the specified asset. Use an inner
// join to exclude logs that do not have an inventory asset reference.
$query->innerJoin('field_data_field_farm_inventory_asset', 'ss_fdffia', "ss_fdffia.entity_id = ss_fdffi.field_farm_inventory_value AND ss_fdffia.deleted = 0");
$query->where('ss_fdffia.field_farm_inventory_asset_target_id = ' . $asset_id);
// Join in the inventory adjustment value. Use an inner join to exclude logs
// that do not have an inventory adjustment value.
$query->innerJoin('field_data_field_farm_inventory_value', 'ss_fdffiv', "ss_fdffiv.entity_id = ss_fdffi.field_farm_inventory_value AND ss_fdffiv.deleted = 0");
// Add an expression that calculates the SUM of all values.
$query->addExpression('SUM(ss_fdffiv.field_farm_inventory_value_numerator / ss_fdffiv.field_farm_inventory_value_denominator)', 'inventory');
// Return the query object.
return $query;
* Create a log for adjusting asset inventory.
* @param FarmAsset $asset
* The asset to adjust.
* @param string $inventory
* The new asset inventory value.
* @param int $timestamp
* The timestamp of the inventory adjustment. Defaults to the current time.
* @param string $log_type
* The type of log to create. Defaults to "farm_observation".
* @param bool $done
* Boolean indicating whether or not the log should be marked "done".
* Defaults to TRUE.
* @return \Log
* Returns the log that was created.
function farm_inventory_set($asset, $inventory, $timestamp = REQUEST_TIME, $log_type = 'farm_observation', $done = TRUE) {
// If the asset type does not have inventory enabled, bail with an error.
if (!farm_inventory_enabled($asset)) {
drupal_set_message(t('An inventory log was not created for @asset because inventory is not enabled for that asset type.', array('@asset' => entity_label('farm_asset', $asset))), 'error');
// Load the asset's current inventory level (as a fraction).
$current_inventory = farm_inventory($asset);
// Convert the current inventory to a fraction.
$current_inventory_fraction = fraction_from_decimal($current_inventory);
// Convert the new inventory to a fraction.
$inventory_fraction = fraction_from_decimal($inventory);
// Subtract the current inventory from the new inventory to figure out the
// necessary adjustment value.
$value_fraction = $inventory_fraction->subtract($current_inventory_fraction);
// Get the numerator and denominator.
$numerator = $value_fraction->getNumerator();
$denominator = $value_fraction->getDenominator();
// If there is no value difference, bail.
if (empty($numerator) || empty($denominator)) {
// If the log is an observation, set the name to:
// "Inventory of [assets] is [inventory]".
$log_name = '';
if ($log_type == 'farm_observation') {
$assets_summary = farm_log_entity_label_summary('farm_asset', $asset);
$log_name = t('Inventory of !assets is @inventory', array('!assets' => $assets_summary, '@inventory' => $inventory));
// Create a new farm log entity.
$log = farm_log_create($log_type, $log_name, $timestamp, $done);
// Create a new inventory field_collection entity attached to the log.
$adjustment = entity_create('field_collection_item', array('field_name' => 'field_farm_inventory'));
$adjustment->setHostEntity('log', $log);
// Create an entity wrapper for the adjustment.
$adjustment_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('field_collection_item', $adjustment);
// Set the adjustment asset.
$adjustment_wrapper->field_farm_inventory_asset = $asset;
// Set the adjustment value (fraction numerator and denominator).
// Save the adjustment.
// Return the log.
return $log;