
93 lines
5.0 KiB

"name": "farmos/farmos",
"description": "A web-based farm record keeping application.",
"type": "drupal-profile",
"license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
"homepage": "",
"support": {
"docs": "",
"forum": "",
"chat": ""
"authors": [
"name": "Michael Stenta",
"email": ""
"require": {
"cweagans/composer-patches": "^1.6",
"drupal/admin_toolbar": "^3.3",
"drupal/core": "10.2.2",
"drupal/config_update": "^2.0@alpha",
"drupal/consumers": "^1.15",
"drupal/csv_serialization": "^4.0",
"drupal/date_popup": "^1.3",
"drupal/entity": "1.4",
"drupal/entity_browser": "^2.10",
"drupal/entity_reference_integrity": "^1.1",
"drupal/entity_reference_revisions": "1.11",
"drupal/entity_reference_validators": "^1.0@beta",
"drupal/exif_orientation": "^1.2",
"drupal/fraction": "^2.3.1",
"drupal/geofield": "^1.40",
"drupal/gin": "3.0-rc8",
"drupal/inline_entity_form": "^1.0@RC",
"drupal/inspire_tree": "^1.0",
"drupal/jsonapi_extras": "^3.22",
"drupal/jsonapi_schema": "1.0-rc1",
"drupal/log": "^2.2",
"drupal/migrate_plus": "^6.0",
"drupal/migrate_source_csv": "^3.5",
"drupal/migrate_source_ui": "^1.0",
"drupal/migrate_tools": "^6.0.2",
"drupal/role_delegation": "^1.2",
"drupal/simple_oauth": "6.0.0-beta5",
"drupal/simple_oauth_password_grant": "^1.0@RC",
"drupal/state_machine": "^1.9",
"drupal/subrequests": "^3.0.6",
"drupal/token": "^1.11",
"drupal/views_geojson": "^1.2",
"drush/drush": "^12.4.3",
"ext-simplexml": "*",
"itamair/geophp": "1.3"
"extra": {
"patchLevel": {
"drupal/core": "-p2"
"patches": {
"drupal/core": {
"Issue #2429699: Add Views EntityReference filter to be available for all entity reference fields.": "",
"Issue #2339235: Remove taxonomy hard dependency on node module": "",
"Issue #1874838: Allow exposed blocks to use 'Link display' settings": "",
"Issue #2909128: Autocomplete not working on Chrome Android": "",
"Issue #3414883: Datetime_timestamp widget does not use default field value": ""
"drupal/entity": {
"Issue #3206703: Provide reverse relationships for bundle plugin entity_reference fields.": ""
"drupal/entity_reference_revisions": {
"Issue #3267304: Infer target_revision_id to be Latest Revision when Only a target_id is Provided": ""
"drupal/gin": {
"Issue #334216: Remove implicit dependency on node module for gin content form.": ""
"drupal/jsonapi_schema": {
"Issue #3256795: Float fields have a null schema": "",
"Issue #3246251: Change format utc-millisec to date-time": "",
"Issue #3189930: TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Drupal\\jsonapi_schema\\Controller\\JsonApiSchemaController::Drupal\\jsonapi_schema\\Controller\\{closure}() must be an instance of Drupal\\jsonapi\\ResourceType\\ResourceType": "",
"Issue #3322227: Document schema title wrong for multiple resource types": "",
"Issue #3397275: Use OptionsProviderInterface::getPossibleOptions() for allowed field values (anyOf / oneOf)": ""
"drupal/simple_oauth": {
"Issue #3322325: Cannot authorize clients with empty string set as secret": "",
"Issue #3397590: Add method to check if scope has permission": ""
"itamair/geophp": {
"Use BCMath (where available) for all float arithmetic #115": ""