
52 lines
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(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.farm_theme_map = {
attach: function(context, settings) {
// Specify the ID of the map wrapper.
var id = 'block-farm-map-farm-map';
// Load the collapsed state from localStorage (default to expanded).
var collapsed = localStorage.getItem('farmThemeMapCollapsed') || false;
// Activate the Bootstrap collapse component on the wrapper element.
$('#' + id, context).addClass('collapse');
$('#' + id, context).collapse({
toggle: !collapsed,
// Generate a link for expanding/collapsing the map.
var link = '<div class="clearfix"><a href="#' + id + '" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="' + (collapsed ? 'false' : 'true') + '" aria-controls="' + id + '" style="float: right; margin: 0.5em 1em 0 0;"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-globe"></span> Toggle map</a></div>';
$('#' + id, context).after(link);
// When the map is expanded/collapsed, toggle the link text and update
// the OpenLayers map.
$('#' + id).on('', function () {
Drupal.behaviors.farm_theme_map.toggleCollapsed(id, false);
$('#' + id).on('', function () {
Drupal.behaviors.farm_theme_map.toggleCollapsed(id, true);
// Toggle the map collapsed state.
toggleCollapsed: function(id, collapsed) {
// If the map is being expanded, update the OpenLayers map size.
if (!collapsed) {
var mapId = $('#' + id + ' .farm-map').attr('id');
var index =;
if (index !== -1) {[index].map.updateSize();
// Save the state to localStorage.
if (collapsed) {
localStorage.setItem('farmThemeMapCollapsed', '1');
} else {