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Migrating from farmOS 1.x to 2.x

The upgrade path from farmOS 1.x to 2.x is performed via a database migration. farmOS 2.x includes a farmOS Migrate module that leverage's Drupal core's Migrate API to provide migrations for each asset type, log type, etc. These migrations are defined in YML configuration files included with the farmOS Migrate module.

Important considerations

  • Do not migrate into a farmOS 2.x instance that already has records. This is to ensure that the internal auto-incrementing IDs of records are maintained.
  • Execute the migrations in the exact order they are shown below. It is especially important that all assets are migrated before any areas, because areas are converted to assets during the migration, which can cause ID conflicts/collisions. See Issue #3203228
  • Uploaded photos/files must be copied to the destination filesystem before migrating. See Migrating files below.
  • See Limitations below.

Running the migration

Follow the steps below to migrate your farmOS 1.x data to farmOS 2.x:

  1. Install farmOS 2.x.

  2. Install the farmOS modules you intend to use (this will determine what data is migrated).

  3. Add farmOS 1.x database connection info to settings.php:

     $databases['migrate']['default'] = [
       'database' => 'my_farmos_1x_db',
       'username' => 'my-db-username',
       'password' => 'my-db-password',
       'prefix' => '',
       'host' => 'localhost',
       'port' => '3306',
       'namespace' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Driver\\mysql',
       'driver' => 'mysql',
  4. Copy user-uploaded files to the new directory (see Migrating files below).

  5. Install the farmOS Migrate (farm_migrate) module.

  6. Run the farmOS 1.x Migrations via Drush (in this order):

     drush migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_config
     drush migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_role
     drush migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_user
     drush migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_file
     drush migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_taxonomy
     drush migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_asset
     drush migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_area
     drush migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_sensor_data
     drush migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_quantity
     drush migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_log
     drush migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_plan
  7. Confirm that all the above migrations were successful before running the final migration, which focuses only on populating the "Parents" field of assets. This migration cannot be rolled back (see Issue #3189740):

     drush migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_reference

To view the status of all farmOS 1.x migrations:

drush migrate:status --tag="farmOS 1.x"

After all migrations are complete, perform a thorough examination of data to confirm that nothing is missing or incorrect. The original 1.x database will not be touched during the migration, so if issues are discovered it can continue to be used as the canonical farmOS database until further testing and debugging can be performed. See Troubleshooting below for known issues.

Please open bug reports in the farmOS issue queue if new issues are discovered.

Migrating files

farmOS allows files to be uploaded/attached to records. In order to migrate these files, they need to be copied into new site's files/private directories.

The farmOS migration code will look for files in the following locations:

  • Public files: public://migrate
  • Private files: private://migrate

The public:// and private:// prefixes map to the "Public file system path" and "Private file system path" configured in farmOS 1.x and 2.x at: /admin/config/media/file-system. This may vary for each installation.

For example, if you have farmOS 1.x installed in /var/www/farmOS_1.x and farmOS 2.x in /var/www/farmOS_2.x, and both are configured to use sites/default/files for public files, and sites/default/private for private files, then copy the files as follows:

cp -rp /var/www/farmOS_1.x/sites/default/files /var/www/farmOS_2.x/sites/default/files/migrate

cp -rp /var/www/farmOS_1.x/sites/default/private/files /var/www/farmOS_2.x/sites/default/private/files/migrate

The farmOS migration code will automatically move files from files/migrate/* to files/*. Only the files that it finds in the {file_managed} table will be moved, leaving behind various temporary files in the migrate directory that are no longer needed after the migration. This migrate directory can be deleted after the migration, once it has been confirmed that everything was migrated successfully.


The farmOS migration code is designed to migrate a default farmOS 1.x database to 2.x. If any customizations have been made on top of the defaults, they will not be migrated.

This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Custom asset, entity, taxonomies, and log types
  • Custom fields
  • Custom roles

If you maintain a contrib/custom module for farmOS 1.x, it is your responsibility to update the modules for 2.x and provide migration logic.


If an error occurs during migration, the status of the broken migration may be stuck as "Importing". In order to rerun the migration, first reset the status and then roll back the migration. Replace [migration_id] with ID of the migration that is stuck.

drush migrate:reset-status [migration_id]
drush migrate:rollback [migration_id]

Movement logs

farmOS 2.x changes the way asset movements are described via logs. There is a single "Location reference" and "Geometry" field on logs now, as opposed to the separate "Move to" and "Movement geometry" fields that existed in 1.x. The migration will use the movement area references and geometry if they are present, and will automatically mark the log as a movement.

However, if the log has additional area references and geometry data, then the migration logic will detect the conflict and one of the following errors will be thrown:

Log 123 has both area references and movement area references.

Log 123 has both a geometry and a movement geometry.

If these errors are encountered, the migration will halt and can not be completed until either:

  1. the logs in the old database are cleaned up, or
  2. the migration script is explicitly allowed to overwrite non-movement area references and geometry

Manual clean up involves reviewing the logs that cause errors in the old database, deleting the "Areas" and "Geometry" fields (or copying them into the "Move to" and "Movement geometry" fields), and retrying the migration. In some cases it may make sense to split the log into two separate logs, in order to retain information.

Alternatively, the migration script can be allowed to automatically overwrite the "Areas" and "Geometry" data from the log, and only keep the "Move to" and "Movement geometry" data. This can be configured by adding the following line to settings.php:

$settings['farm_migrate_allow_movement_overwrite'] = TRUE;

Beware that this may result in loss of data/context if the separate fields were being used intentionally. It is recommended that logs be reviewed manually to understand whether or not the data is needed.

After running the migration with this setting, warnings for each log will be stored, and can be viewed with:

drush migrate:messages [migration_id]


The farmOS 2.x migration creates all Quantity entities before it creates the Log entities that reference them. This means that it is possible to end up with orphaned quantities, if for instance you do not migrate all of your log types from farmOS 1.x. There is no built-in way to clean these up currently, so it is recommended that all log types be migrated.