Migrations and codegens

This commit is contained in:
Amit Jakubowicz 2019-05-18 08:59:13 +02:00
parent 927bf134cd
commit 435cfe9d02
2 changed files with 248 additions and 0 deletions

@types/graphql.d.ts vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
// tslint:disable
// graphql typescript definitions
declare namespace GQL {
interface IGraphQLResponseRoot {
data?: IQuery | IMutation;
errors?: Array<IGraphQLResponseError>;
interface IGraphQLResponseError {
/** Required for all errors */
message: string;
locations?: Array<IGraphQLResponseErrorLocation>;
/** 7.2.2 says 'GraphQL servers may provide additional entries to error' */
[propName: string]: any;
interface IGraphQLResponseErrorLocation {
line: number;
column: number;
interface IQuery {
__typename: 'Query';
me: IUser | null;
events: Array<ICalendarEvent | null> | null;
occurrences: Array<IEventOccurrence | null> | null;
interface IEventsOnQueryArguments {
filter: IEventsQueryFilter;
interface IOccurrencesOnQueryArguments {
filter: IOccurrencesQueryFilter;
interface IUser {
__typename: 'User';
name: string;
username: string;
email: string;
id: string;
interface IEventsQueryFilter {
owner?: string | null;
limit?: number | null;
from?: any | null;
to?: any | null;
categories?: Array<any | null> | null;
interface ICalendarEvent {
__typename: 'CalendarEvent';
id: string;
owner: IUser;
info: Array<IEventInformation | null>;
time: IEventTime;
status: any;
contact: Array<IEventContactPerson>;
location: ILocation;
occurrences: Array<IEventOccurrence | null> | null;
interface IEventInformation {
__typename: 'EventInformation';
language: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
interface IEventTime {
__typename: 'EventTime';
timeZone: any | null;
start: any | null;
end: any | null;
recurrence: string | null;
exceptions: string | null;
interface IEventContactPerson {
__typename: 'EventContactPerson';
name: string;
languages: Array<any> | null;
contact: IContact | null;
interface IContact {
__typename: 'Contact';
email: string | null;
phone: string | null;
interface ILocation {
__typename: 'Location';
address: string | null;
name: string | null;
coordinate: IGeoCoordinate | null;
interface IGeoCoordinate {
__typename: 'GeoCoordinate';
lat: number | null;
lng: number | null;
interface IEventOccurrence {
__typename: 'EventOccurrence';
id: string;
event: ICalendarEvent;
start: string;
utcStart: string;
end: string;
utcEnd: string;
timeZone: string;
interface IOccurrencesQueryFilter {
from?: any | null;
to?: any | null;
timeZone?: any | null;
categories?: Array<any | null> | null;
limit?: number | null;
interface IMutation {
__typename: 'Mutation';
signup: Array<IError | null> | null;
signin: IUserSession;
requestInvite: boolean;
createEvent: ICalendarEvent | null;
interface ISignupOnMutationArguments {
input?: ISignupInput | null;
interface ISigninOnMutationArguments {
input?: ISigninInput | null;
interface IRequestInviteOnMutationArguments {
input?: IRequestInviteInput | null;
interface ICreateEventOnMutationArguments {
input: ICreateEventInput;
interface ISignupInput {
email: string;
username: string;
name: string;
interface IError {
__typename: 'Error';
path: string;
message: string;
interface ISigninInput {
hash: string;
interface IUserSession {
__typename: 'UserSession';
hash: string;
user: IUser;
ctime: any;
isValid: boolean;
interface IRequestInviteInput {
email: string;
interface ICreateEventInput {
time?: IEventTimeInput | null;
info?: Array<IEventInformationInput | null> | null;
location?: IEventLocationInput | null;
meta?: IEventMetaInput | null;
status: string;
contact: Array<IEventContactPersonInput>;
interface IEventTimeInput {
timeZone: any;
start: any;
end: any;
recurrence?: string | null;
interface IEventInformationInput {
language: string;
title: string;
description?: string | null;
interface IEventLocationInput {
address?: string | null;
name?: string | null;
coordinate?: IGeoCoordinateInput | null;
interface IGeoCoordinateInput {
lat?: number | null;
lng?: number | null;
interface IEventMetaInput {
tags?: Array<string | null> | null;
interface IEventContactPersonInput {
name: string;
languages?: Array<any> | null;
contact?: IEventContactInput | null;
interface IEventContactInput {
email?: string | null;
phone?: string | null;
// tslint:enable

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// import {MigrationInterface, QueryRunner} from "typeorm"
// import {EventOccurrence} from "../src/Calendar/Event.entity"
// export class bla1556696716003 implements MigrationInterface {
// // public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<any> {
// // const ox = await EventOccurrence.find({take: 1})
// // console.log('ox', ox.length, ox)
// // ox.forEach(async occ => {
// // occ.during = `[${occ.utcStart.toISOString()},${occ.utcEnd.toISOString()}]`
// // console.log('will save during', occ.during)
// // await occ.save()
// // })
// // }
// //
// // public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<any> {
// // await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "event_occurrence" DROP COLUMN "during"`)
// // }
// }