#include "logos/tux.h" //here you can define which logo wayfetch is going to use. See logos folder for available options // #define PACDIR "/var/lib/pacman/local" // here are all packages incase of pacman // SEPARATOR is the string defined that wayfetch will print for every factor #define SEPARATOR ":" // Example: "OS: Parabola x86_64" // #define SEPARATOR "=>" // Example: "OS => Parabola x86_64" // #define SEPARATOR "->" // Example: "OS -> Parabola x86_64" // #define SEPARATOR "=" // Example: "OS = Parabola x86_64" #define ELEMENTS 19 //this is how many elements are to be printed in the info //here comes the order of elements void order() { hname(); os("OS"SEPARATOR); host("Host"SEPARATOR); kernel("Kernel"SEPARATOR); spacing(); spacing(); get_up("Uptime"SEPARATOR); get_shell("Shell"SEPARATOR); get_term("Terminal"SEPARATOR); get_packages("Packages"SEPARATOR); get_wm("DE/WM"SEPARATOR); spacing(); spacing(); get_cpu("CPU"SEPARATOR); get_memory("Memory"SEPARATOR); spacing(); spacing(); get_colors(); get_colors2(); // customPrint("preprint", "message"); } //usually color is defined by the logo //#define COLOR // BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE