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A fork of the original bashblog. Unbound by some of the restrictions, but not too much.

Fork as of this point from GitHub:


Download the code and copy into a public folder (for example, $HOME/public_html/blog) and run


This will show the available commands. If the file is not executable, type chmod +x and retry.

Before creating your first post, you may want to configure the blog settings (title, author, etc). Read the Configuration section below for more information

To create your first post, just run:

./ post

It will try to use CommonMark Markdown, if installed. To force HTML:

./ post -html

The script will handle the rest.

When you're done, access the public URL for that folder (e.g. and you should see the index file and a new page for that post!


There are two ways to configure the blog strings:

  • Edit and modify the variables in the global_variables() function
  • Create a .config file with your configuration values -- useful if you don't want to touch the script and be able to update it regularly with git

The software will load the values in the script first, then overwrite them with the values in the .config file. This means that you don't need to define all variables in the config file, only those which you need to override from the defaults.

The format of the .config file is just one variablename="value" per line, just like in the global_variables() function. Please remember: quote the values, do not declare a variable with the dollar sign, do not use spaces around the equal sign.

bashblog-unbound uses the $EDITOR environment value to open the text editor.