Installation of Tryton POS Client pySide6 ==================================== This version is only compatible with Tryton 6.0+, it is assumed that the user has previous basic knowledge about Tryton installation and configuration, especially the official modules related to accounting and sales. is not the purpose of this guide to deal with basic configuration issues. To be able to install Tryton POS Client pySide6 the following packages are required packages installed on the system: On Debian, Ubuntu and Derivatives, it is recommended to use: $ apt install package. * Python 3.10 or later ( * python-setuptools * python3-pySide6 * python3-dateutil * python3-pip * libusb-1.0-0 * libusb-1.0-0-dev * libcups2-dev * gcc * python-dev * python3-dev * python3-pil * neo ( The following packages must be installed using PIP pip3 install pyusb pip3 install pillow pip3 install qrcode pip3 install paramiko pip3 install pycups pip3 install requests pip3 install simplejson pip3 install escpos pip3 install packaging For Windows add: pip install pywin32 pip install win32printing Note that some packages must be installed with pip for python3. Note: the POS Client has been partially tested on Windows for the moment, so there is no guarantee that it will so there is no guarantee that it will work 100% on this OS. It is recommended to install Tryton 6.0 by creating a virtual environment with virtualenv. The following modules must be installed in the Tryton database database and must be configured to 100% (more on configuration later). will be explained later). The modules should be installed roughly in the order in which they are listed from top to bottom, starting with listed from top to bottom, starting with Official, and then the Presik modules. Presik. Official Modules ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * trytond_account ( * trytond_account_invoice ( * trytond_stock ( * trytond_sale ( * trytond_sale_price_list ( * trytond_sale_invoice_grouping ( * trytond_account_statement ( * trytond_sale_discount ( Hint, install in the virtual environment using: $ pip3 install trytond_module Enter the directory and install (inside the virtual environment) previously created): $ python3 install Unofficial Modules (Presik) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * trytonpsk_sale_shop ( * trytonpsk_sale_pos ( * trytonpsk_product_onebarcode ( * trytonpsk_sale_salesman ( * trytonpsk_sale_pos_frontend ( * trytonpsk_sale_co ( Enter the directory and install (inside the previously created virtual environment) previously created): Hint, download the packages from bitbucket using in the terminal: $ git clone package Then install: $ python3 install Note: Verify all the above modules are in the correct version, if any of them has a different version the POS will not work. DATABASE CREATION AND SALES CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is assumed that you have previous knowledge about Tryton, so we will summarize the steps as follows will summarise the steps: - Create a database - Install the official modules in the database: * Administration > Modules > Modules - Install the Presik modules: * Administration > Modules > Modules - Create the Company, Fiscal Year, Chart of Accounts, Payment Methods, etc. Configuration of the Sales Module (especially sale_shop, sale_pos) - Create an Account Statement Ledger: Accounting > Configuration > Account Statements > Account Statement Books. In the Sales module > Configuration: - Create a "Shop" (Shop) - Create a "Sales Terminal" and assign at least one Ledger to it. Ex: Cash In Third Parties: - Create the "Third Party" that will be used in the POS and assign it to the default shops. - Create at least one "Employee" (who will be used as a salesperson when the sale requires it). requires it) In the Administration module: - Create a POS user, in: "Administration > Users > Preferences". Assign him the shop, and the sales terminal created earlier, Also verify that this user has "Access Permissions" for the Sales module. Sales module. Also in the tab "Access Permissions" check the fields: User POS Frontend [X] User Delete POS Sales [X]. This last one is optional if applicable. POS CLIENT INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- POS Client Requirements: * libjpeg8 * libjpeg62-dev * libfreetype6 * libfreetype6-dev Download the POS Client, using the hg clone command: This will give you the latest development version. Download the NEO microframework, developed by presik: Install it inside the main presik_pos folder, the directories should look like this: |__psk_pos |__app |__doc |__commons Put the downloaded folder somewhere in your /home/user/application directory. Create the directory ".tryton" in the user's HOME directory, example if my user's name is "pedro", the path should look like this: /home/pedro/.tryton Copy the file "config_pos.ini" from the downloaded package to the created ".tryton" directory. created ".tryton" directory At the end of the process it should look like this: /home/myuser/.tryton/config_pos.ini The config_pos.ini file defines the configuration information for the the configuration information of the sales terminal, and the connection parameters. If the file is wrong or with any error it is likely that the client will NOT work or will generate errors. POS Configuration File -------------------------------- The following explains the main fields in this configuration file. configuration file: # mode valid http or https mode=http The mode must be based by api service. server=192.168.X.XX The server to which the terminal is to connect. port=8000 The connection port database=DEMO40 The name of the database created user=admin The default user for the sales terminal, this user must have permissions to enter the terminal. The default user for the terminal is admin. The following format is used to configure the printer: printer_sale_name=interface,printer_routine There are three valid interfaces: usb, cups, network and ssh (in this case install openssh-server). Examples printer_sale_name=usb,/dev/usb/lp0 printer_sale_name=cups,EPSON-TM-T20 printer_sale_name=network, #optional linux network, if service socat available printer_sale_name=ssh,user@password@ipofthepictorquiporemote@port@/dev/usb/lpX Device ID: device_id=BOX-10 The Id number of the box to be connected as it was created in Tryton, under Sales Terminals, to find it you must use the tools button, and click on the option "View Registration...", in the Shop form. Make a sale from Tryton without POS ----------------------------------- So at this point without the need for the POS Client you should be able to able through the Tryton 6.0 client, to make sales: >> Sales > POS Sales In case you are not able to make sales through this module you probably won't be able to do them through the you probably won't be able to make sales through the POS Client either. Remember that to start making sales you must first open the "Account Statements" through the Wizard. Wizard in the Sales Module: >> Sales > Account Statements > "Open Account Statements". And at the end of the cashier's day/shift you should go to the same route and "Close Account Statements", in order for Tryton to post the payments and to mark the the payments and mark the invoices as paid. Running the Presik POS Client ------------------------------ Before executing the client it is very important to verify that Tryton is perfectly configured and allows to make sales by the created user. Before running the client you must make sure that the server is running. running. To run the client go to the directory "presik_pos" directory and run: $ python3 pospro Basic POS Client Handling ----------------------------- The POS client works with product codes, so products that do not have a code cannot be products that do not have a product code cannot be entered. To test the system you must create a saleable product type "Item", with code. saleable, with a code. Press the F1 key to see the main keyboard shortcuts. * Enter products: To enter a product, type the product code, and press the [+] key. * End sale: Press the [enter] key twice, which will prompt the system for the value to be paid. value to be paid. In the top bar in the information field. * Enter payment: Enter the value in banknotes, customer's payment coins, and press the [+] key, to confirm the payment. * Print Invoice: If the printer is properly configured, the printing of the invoice is automatic, If there is no printer, the system will allow you to continue to the next sale, if you want to reprint the invoice use the [F7] key. Any bugs or errors can be reported on bitbucket. For further or additional support, you can contact me: