2023-03-18 12:26:42 -05:00

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# This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
# this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
from functools import wraps
from trytond.i18n import gettext
from trytond.model.exceptions import AccessError
from trytond.pool import PoolMeta, Pool
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
def process_opportunity(func):
def wrapper(cls, sales):
pool = Pool()
Opportunity = pool.get('crm.opportunity')
with Transaction().set_context(_check_access=False):
opportunities = Opportunity.browse(
set(s.origin for s in cls.browse(sales)
if isinstance(s.origin, Opportunity)))
func(cls, sales)
with Transaction().set_context(_check_access=False):
return wrapper
class Sale(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = ''
def _get_origin(cls):
return super(Sale, cls)._get_origin() + ['crm.opportunity']
def write(cls, *args):
pool = Pool()
Opportunity = pool.get('crm.opportunity')
actions = iter(args)
for sales, values in zip(actions, actions):
if 'origin' in values:
for sale in sales:
if sale.origin and isinstance(sale.origin, Opportunity):
raise AccessError(gettext(
def delete(cls, sales):
super(Sale, cls).delete(sales)
def cancel(cls, sales):
super(Sale, cls).cancel(sales)
def quote(cls, sales):
super(Sale, cls).quote(sales)
def confirm(cls, sales):
super(Sale, cls).confirm(sales)
def proceed(cls, sales):
super(Sale, cls).proceed(sales)
def do(cls, sales):
super(Sale, cls).do(sales)