Add default

This commit is contained in:
Oscar 2021-12-27 18:02:47 -05:00
parent e7600279be
commit 2d34fcd225
3 changed files with 7 additions and 393 deletions

View File

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class Folio(ModelSQL, ModelView):
invoice_line = fields.Many2One('account.invoice.line', 'Invoice Line') invoice_line = fields.Many2One('account.invoice.line', 'Invoice Line')
to_invoice = fields.Boolean('To Invoice', states={ to_invoice = fields.Boolean('To Invoice', states={
'invisible': Bool(Eval('invoice_line')), 'invisible': Bool(Eval('invoice_line')),
}, depends=['invoice_line']) }, depends=['invoice_line'], help='Mark this checkbox if you want to invoice this item')
invoice = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('account.invoice', 'Invoice', invoice = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('account.invoice', 'Invoice',
depends=['invoice_line']), 'get_invoice') depends=['invoice_line']), 'get_invoice')
invoice_state = fields.Function(fields.Selection( invoice_state = fields.Function(fields.Selection(
@ -635,397 +635,6 @@ class FolioGuest(ModelSQL, ModelView):
super(FolioGuest, cls).create(new_values) super(FolioGuest, cls).create(new_values)
class HotelCharge(Workflow, ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Hotel Charge'
__name__ = 'hotel.charge'
folio = fields.Many2One('', 'Booking Line', required=True)
service_date = fields.Date('Service Date', select=True, required=True)
product = fields.Many2One('product.product', 'Product',
domain=[('salable', '=', True)], required=True)
quantity = fields.Integer('Quantity', required=True)
invoice_to = fields.Many2One('', 'Invoice To', required=True)
unit_price = fields.Numeric('Unit Price', required=True, digits=(16, 2))
unit_price_w_tax = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Unit Price',
digits=(16, 2)), 'get_unit_price_w_tax')
order = fields.Char('Order', select=True)
description = fields.Char('Description', select=True)
state = fields.Selection(INVOICE_STATES, 'State', readonly=True)
state_string = state.translated('state')
invoice_line = fields.Many2One('account.invoice.line', 'Invoice Line',
amount = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Amount',
digits=(16, 2)), 'get_amount')
taxed_amount = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Amount with Tax',
digits=(16, 2)), 'get_taxed_amount')
to_invoice = fields.Boolean('To Invoice', states={
'invisible': Bool(Eval('invoice_line')),
}, depends=['invoice_line'])
def __setup__(cls):
super(HotelCharge, cls).__setup__()
'transfer': {
'invisible': True,
# 'bill': {
# 'invisible': Eval('invoice_state') is not None,
# },
def default_quantity():
return 1
def default_to_invoice():
return True
def default_date_service():
today = Pool().get('').today()
return today
def get_amount(self, name=None):
if self.quantity and self.unit_price_w_tax:
return self.quantity * self.unit_price_w_tax
return 0
def get_unit_price_w_tax(self, name=None):
Tax = Pool().get('')
res = self.unit_price or 0
if self.unit_price:
values = Tax.compute(
self.unit_price, 1)
if values:
value = values[0]
res = value['base'] + value['amount']
return res
def get_taxed_amount(self, name=None):
if self.quantity and self.unit_price:
return self.quantity * self.unit_price
# def compute_amount_with_tax(line):
# tax_amount = _ZERO
# amount = _ZERO
# if line.taxes:
# tax_list = Tax.compute(line.taxes, line.unit_price or _ZERO,
# line.quantity or 0.0)
# tax_amount = sum([t['amount'] for t in tax_list], _ZERO)
# if line.unit_price:
# amount = line.unit_price * Decimal(line.quantity)
# return amount + tax_amount
def bill(cls, records):
def transfer(cls, records):
@fields.depends('unit_price', 'product')
def on_change_product(self):
if self.product:
self.unit_price = self.product.template.list_price
self.description = self.product.description
# @classmethod
# def validate(cls, records):
# super(Operation, cls).validate(records)
# for r in records:
# operations =[
# ('room', '=',,
# ('id', '!=',,
# ('state', '!=', 'cancelled'),
# ('kind', '=', 'occupancy'),
# ['AND', ['OR',
# [
# ('start_date', '>=', r.start_date),
# ('end_date', '<', r.start_date),
# ], [
# ('start_date', '>=', r.end_date),
# ('end_date', '<=', r.end_date),
# ]
# ]]])
# if operations:
# raise AccessError(gettext('hotel.msg_occupied_room',
# @classmethod
# def occupancy_rate(cls, start, end):
# pool = Pool()
# today_ = pool.get('').today()
# after_days = today_ + timedelta(days=3)
# before_days = today_ - timedelta(days=3)
# operations =[
# ('state', 'not in', ['closed', 'cancelled']),
# ('start_date', '>=', before_days),
# ('end_date', '<=', after_days),
# ])
# Room = pool.get('')
# Housekeeping = pool.get('hotel.housekeeping')
# housekeepings =[
# ('state', '=', 'maintenance')
# ])
# room_ids = []
# for hk in housekeepings:
# room_ids.append(
# rooms =[
# ('id', 'not in', room_ids)
# ])
# qty_booking = len(operations)
# qty_rooms = len(rooms)
# return qty_booking / qty_rooms
# def get_unit_price_w_tax(self, name=None):
# Tax = Pool().get('')
# res = self.unit_price
# if self.unit_price and self.accommodation and not self.taxes_exception:
# values = Tax.compute(
# self.accommodation.template.customer_taxes_used,
# self.unit_price or _ZERO, 1
# )
# if len(values) > 0:
# value = values[0]
# res = value['base'] + value['amount']
# return round(res, Operation.total_amount.digits[1])
# def get_pending_payment(self, name=None):
# res = _ZERO
# if self.total_amount:
# amount_paid = sum([v.amount_to_pay for v in self.vouchers])
# res = self.total_amount - amount_paid
# res = round(res, Operation.total_amount.digits[1])
# return res
# def get_total_amount(self, name=None):
# res = []
# if name == 'total_amount':
# if self.unit_price_w_tax and self.nights_quantity:
# res.append(self.room_amount)
# else:
# if self.unit_price_w_tax and self.nights_quantity:
# res.append(self.room_amount_today)
# res.extend([l.amount for l in self.lines if l.amount])
# if res:
# return round(sum(res), Operation.total_amount.digits[1])
# return _ZERO
# @staticmethod
# def default_kind():
# return 'occupancy'
# @classmethod
# @ModelView.button_action('hotel.wizard_operation_advance_voucher')
# def pay_advance(cls, records):
# pass
# @classmethod
# def validate_check_out_date(cls, records):
# Date = Pool().get('')
# today =
# for rec in records:
# if rec.end_date != today:
# return False
# def update_housekeeping(self, state):
# pool = Pool()
# Housekeeping = pool.get('hotel.housekeeping')
# Configuration = pool.get('hotel.configuration')
# config = Configuration.get_configuration()
# if not config.cleaning_check_in or not config.cleaning_check_out \
# or not config.cleaning_occupied:
# raise AccessError(gettext('hotel.msg_missing_cleaning_configuration'))
# if state == 'check_in':
# values = {
# 'availability': 'occupied',
# 'cleaning_type':
# }
# elif state == 'check_out':
# values = {
# 'availability': 'available',
# 'state': 'dirty',
# 'cleaning_type':
# }
# housekeepings =[
# ('room', '=',
# ])
# if not housekeepings:
# raise AccessError(gettext('hotel.msg_missing_configuration_housekeeping_rooms'))
# Housekeeping.write(housekeepings, values)
# @classmethod
# def _get_origin(cls):
# return ['hotel.operation.maintenance', 'hotel.folio']
# @classmethod
# def get_origin(cls):
# Model = Pool().get('ir.model')
# models = cls._get_origin()
# models =[
# ('model', 'in', models),
# ])
# return [(None, '')] + [(m.model, for m in models]
# @classmethod
# def get_calendar(cls, args={}):
# Room = Pool().get('')
# rooms = Room.search_read([], fields_names=['name', 'code'],
# order=[('code', 'ASC')]
# )
# resources = [{'id': str(r['id']), 'name': r['name']} for r in rooms]
# _date = args.get('date')
# if _date:
# _date = datetime.strptime(_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
# else:
# _date =
# start_date = _date - timedelta(days=15)
# end_date = _date + timedelta(days=45)
# operations = cls.search_read([
# ('start_date', '>=', start_date),
# ('start_date', '<=', end_date),
# ('kind', '=', 'occupancy'),
# ('state', 'in', ['draft', 'check_in', 'check_out', 'finished']),
# ], fields_names=['reference', 'kind', '', 'start_date',
# 'end_date', 'room', '', 'accommodation.rec_name',
# 'state', 'origin', '']
# )
# events = []
# for o in operations:
# _state = o['state']
# if o['kind'] == 'occupancy':
# bg_color = COLOR_BOOKING[_state]
# else:
# bg_color = COLOR_MNT[_state]
# events.append({
# 'id': o['id'],
# 'resourceId': str(o['room']),
# 'title': o[''] or ' ',
# 'reference': o['reference'],
# 'room': o[''],
# 'accommodation': o['accommodation.rec_name'],
# 'start': str(o['start_date']),
# 'end': str(o['end_date']),
# 'resizable': False,
# 'bgColor': bg_color
# })
# return [resources, events]
# @classmethod
# def validate(cls, operations):
# for op in operations:
# op.check_dates(
# op.start_date,
# op.end_date,
# op,
# )
# super(Operation, cls).validate(operations)
# @classmethod
# def get_available_rooms(cls, start_date, end_date, rooms_ids=[], oper=None):
# """
# Look for available rooms.
# given the date interval, return a list of room ids.
# a room is available if it has no operation that overlaps
# with the given date interval.
# the optional 'rooms' list is a list of room instance, is an
# additional filter, specifying the ids of the desirable rooms.
# the optional 'oper' is an operation object that has to be
# filtered out of the test. it is useful for validating an already
# existing operation.
# """
# if start_date >= end_date:
# raise AccessError(gettext('hotel.msg_invalid_date_range'))
# # define the domain of the operations that find a
# # room to be available
# dom = ['AND', ['OR',
# [
# ('start_date', '>=', start_date),
# ('start_date', '<', end_date),
# ('kind', '=', 'occupancy'),
# ], [
# ('end_date', '<=', end_date),
# ('end_date', '>', start_date),
# ('kind', '=', 'occupancy'),
# ], [
# ('start_date', '<=', start_date),
# ('end_date', '>=', end_date),
# ('kind', '=', 'occupancy'),
# ],
# ]]
# ## If oper was specified, do not compare the operations with it
# if oper is not None:
# dom.append(('id', '!=',
# if rooms_ids:
# dom.append(('room', 'in', rooms_ids))
# operations =
# rooms_not_available_ids = [ for operation in operations]
# rooms_available_ids = set(rooms_ids) - set(rooms_not_available_ids)
# return list(rooms_available_ids)
# @classmethod
# def check_dates(cls, start_date, end_date, room, operation=None):
# rooms_ids = []
# available_rooms = cls.get_available_rooms(
# start_date, end_date, rooms_ids, operation
# )
# if not in available_rooms:
# raise AccessError(gettext('hotel.overlap_operation_line',
# @classmethod
# def get_context_price(cls, sale, product):
# context = {}
# context['currency'] =
# context['customer'] =
# context['price_list'] = if sale.price_list else None
# context['uom'] =
# # Set taxes before unit_price to have taxes in context of sale price
# taxes = []
# pattern = {}
# for tax in product.customer_taxes_used:
# if and
# tax_ids =, pattern)
# if tax_ids:
# taxes.extend(tax_ids)
# continue
# taxes.append(
# if and
# tax_ids =, pattern)
# if tax_ids:
# taxes.extend(tax_ids)
# context['taxes'] = taxes
# return context
# @classmethod
# def get_taxes(cls, sale, product):
# ctx = cls.get_context_price(sale, product)
# return ctx['taxes']
class OperationMaintenance(Workflow, ModelSQL, ModelView): class OperationMaintenance(Workflow, ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Operation Maintenance' 'Operation Maintenance'
__name__ = 'hotel.operation.maintenance' __name__ = 'hotel.operation.maintenance'
@ -1174,6 +783,10 @@ class FolioCharge(Workflow, ModelSQL, ModelView):
def default_quantity(): def default_quantity():
return 1 return 1
def default_to_invoice():
return True
@staticmethod @staticmethod
def default_date_service(): def default_date_service():
today = Pool().get('').today() today = Pool().get('').today()

View File

@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ class ServiceLine(Workflow, ModelSQL, ModelView):
'invoice_to':, 'invoice_to':,
'unit_price': self.product.template.list_price, 'unit_price': self.product.template.list_price,
'product':, 'product':,
'to_invoice': True,
'state': '', 'state': '',
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
[tryton] [tryton]
version=6.0.6 version=6.0.7
depends: depends:
party party
company company